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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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Currently it doestnt work anyway. How ever when arty DOES work again.

Does the Ruler need to be from the the spotter or the ACTUAL arty position?


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Ok so Since the recent BIS update to 1.68 MCC seems to be ignoring some of my rules in the mission generator. For example I tick mortars to none and she spawns in mortars. Another oddity is that when someone logs out their body turns ai and stays in game. Not sure if it is tied to MCC but thought you should know.

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In EDEN editor, MCC Mechanics module, when you click on "Cover system UI" the drop down list doesnt work. So its stuck to YES.



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36 minutes ago, zafjr said:

In EDEN editor, MCC Mechanics module, when you click on "Cover system UI" the drop down list doesnt work. So its stuck to YES.




Oh It is MCC that is causing this? I spent ages trying to figure out why the menus refused to drop down. For me it doesn't just happen with MCC module menus but all drop down menus.

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@rekkless  ....errrrr now that you mention it, Im not even sure if its MCC causing it :p. It just so happens it happened to me only for that one option in that specific MCC module.

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1 hour ago, zafjr said:

@rekkless  ....errrrr now that you mention it, Im not even sure if its MCC causing it :p. It just so happens it happened to me only for that one option in that specific MCC module.


Lucky you, for me it is every dingle drop down menu. It is something in the Vanilla code as I just ran the game with no mods at all got the same problem.

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@rekkless I've had the same issue with drop downs from everything, not just MCC. I have to drag the menu to a new location, then it works. It's annoying, but you can get around the problem.

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That is a 64Bit update issue that is being worked on.  BIS mentioned a hotfix coming up for issue with the latest update.


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On 2/27/2017 at 3:59 PM, -Sharp- said:

Hi Shay_gman


i would like to report a bug. If i put the HUD Modul in the editor, it is impossible to get in the 3rd person view. The 3rd Person Setting is set on "Everyone".

Yeah, I can't seem to get it to work either. Wouldn't be an Issue if my group didn't insist on us using the HUD lol

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Hey Shay_gman,


I have already made some very good editing and playing experiences with your MCC framework.  I do most of the time create "hybrid" missions that include a mix of manual unit placement, BIS task system combined with FHQ Task Tracker briefings and MCC zones with random spawns of various enemies. This I save into mission name space, then make a .pbo and after firing up the mission in SP or MP, load the MCC part from database.  Works great!


I have realized that anything happening in an MCC generated mission can be saved via standard BIS save if playing this mission in SP.  Once I have loaded the MCC part after mission start, all I have to do is use the BIS save - and everything is properly saved including the status of the MCC units. 


Now I wonder if MCC offers true MP persistence of a MP mission's events:


1) I know about the player stats saving feature - but do I need to have role selection enabled to use that save system?


2) Is it possible within MCC to also save task status and enemy health+position in MP dedicated server environment?  If so, how?


THX in advance for your time and your answers,



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Curious: Has Gaia been significantly updated over time?  Looking through some of the config files and functions, it looks like a lot of it is still the old 2014 version.  Am I correct in assuming that only the files that have not needed changing are the old versions, and that many others have been updated and improved?





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Is there a way to get the AI to use the capture zones module or mcc zones module in Eden editor? Was trying to have a bunch of germans defend towns and after we para drop in the squad leaders will move to take each objective.

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MCC aficionados, I am trying to automate the building of a scenario which consists of 10 or 20 (or user defined amount) of CAS class attack missions for an air asset. What I would like the scenario to do is randomly generate missions that would be a randomly placed tank, armored vehicle, convoy or HVT (TARGET) anywhere on Altis which must be destroyed. When the TARGET is destroyed another will be generated from the randomized list (even if the TARGET type is repeated, as long as it is in another location).

I am sure all this can be scripted or built but I am interested in modules being placed while in either Eden or the MCC editor and saved as a stand alone with the end result being what I described above.

Can MCC do this type of automated scenario? If so can you direct me to a similar mission/build that I use as reference?


Thank you in advance

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On 2.4.2017 at 10:08 PM, devileyedelvis said:

Yeah, I can't seem to get it to work either. Wouldn't be an Issue if my group didn't insist on us using the HUD lol

I'll fix it ASAP.


On 6.4.2017 at 6:37 PM, tourist said:

Hey Shay_gman,


I have already made some very good editing and playing experiences with your MCC framework.  I do most of the time create "hybrid" missions that include a mix of manual unit placement, BIS task system combined with FHQ Task Tracker briefings and MCC zones with random spawns of various enemies. This I save into mission name space, then make a .pbo and after firing up the mission in SP or MP, load the MCC part from database.  Works great!


I have realized that anything happening in an MCC generated mission can be saved via standard BIS save if playing this mission in SP.  Once I have loaded the MCC part after mission start, all I have to do is use the BIS save - and everything is properly saved including the status of the MCC units. 


Now I wonder if MCC offers true MP persistence of a MP mission's events:


1) I know about the player stats saving feature - but do I need to have role selection enabled to use that save system?


2) Is it possible within MCC to also save task status and enemy health+position in MP dedicated server environment?  If so, how?


THX in advance for your time and your answers,




1. You don't need to enable roles to use the player's persistence. 

2. MCC saves the global data only if a MCC's campaign is running. You can save the missions, units, vehicles exc by using the default MCC save to profile. 


On 6.4.2017 at 7:39 PM, doc. caliban said:

Curious: Has Gaia been significantly updated over time?  Looking through some of the config files and functions, it looks like a lot of it is still the old 2014 version.  Am I correct in assuming that only the files that have not needed changing are the old versions, and that many others have been updated and improved?






GAIA is pretty much as it was before. Only minor things have changed as Spirit pretty much quiet ArmA for now. 


21 hours ago, Unleashthepain said:

Is there a way to get the AI to use the capture zones module or mcc zones module in Eden editor? Was trying to have a bunch of germans defend towns and after we para drop in the squad leaders will move to take each objective.


You can just move the zone to a new location and the AI will move too. 


2 hours ago, hajimoto said:

MCC aficionados, I am trying to automate the building of a scenario which consists of 10 or 20 (or user defined amount) of CAS class attack missions for an air asset. What I would like the scenario to do is randomly generate missions that would be a randomly placed tank, armored vehicle, convoy or HVT (TARGET) anywhere on Altis which must be destroyed. When the TARGET is destroyed another will be generated from the randomized list (even if the TARGET type is repeated, as long as it is in another location).

I am sure all this can be scripted or built but I am interested in modules being placed while in either Eden or the MCC editor and saved as a stand alone with the end result being what I described above.

Can MCC do this type of automated scenario? If so can you direct me to a similar mission/build that I use as reference?


Thank you in advance

Basically you are asking for something like the campaign without the conquer element and to have one of the destroy/kill missions.

You can take a look at the campaign function and strip it out of the conquer parts and the DB parts https://github.com/shaygman/mcc_sandbox.Altis/blob/GAIA/mcc/missionWizard/fnc/fn_campaignInit.sqf

The campaign generates random missions you can edit the part in the campaign function line 208


_obj3 = if (random 80 < _difficulty) then {["Destroy Vehicle","Destroy AA","Destroy Artillery","Destroy Weapon Cahce","Destroy Fuel Depot","Secure HVT","Kill HVT","Aquire Intel","Disarm IED"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom} else {"None"}; 


to have only the destroy and kill missions(edited)

I can try and add the option to mark what kind of missions you want to have in campaign in the next release

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Thank you for your response. I have made the edits to the fn_campaignInit.sqf as you provided. As I outlined in my previous inquiry, my goal is to have a campaign of only CAS mission for an Air Asset and have the mission as a stand alone not requiring any MCC interaction after creation and save to SQM.


Also, I am sorry for being such a noob but I have placed a playable unit, MCC start module and the MCC Campaign module and when testing, the soldier spawns and it is playable but no campaign start. I know the mission will be dependent on MCC but I do not want MCC's control panels or tablet interfaces required in order for the Operation to run, I am not sure if this is possible.


Thank you shay_gman for your hard work on MCC4 and thank you to anyone that answers this follow-up.

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@shay_gman: thx for your fast response.  Sorry I'm quite thick when it comes to INIDBI database saving and loading, but I have similar problems like hajimoto with the campaign.  What I do is open one of my hybrid missions in 3DEN, place the MCC Campaign module with settings appropriate to my scenario and then make a PBO.  That is uploaded to the dedicated server. After starting the game in MP, I get just a message that I need to build some logistics installations - but no campaign missions. 


Then, just for testing, I once did load the MCC part of my "hybrid" missions from the MCC save/load menu and that worked as in "everything there like I have saved it in Editor": 


  • zones like I placed them
  • enemy placements and behaviours in all zones as I had set them up
  • mission settings regarding time/weather/enemy skills/other features
  • BUT the campaign module spawns armed civilians which I never had activated, neither in the campaign module nor in the MCC code that had been saved to mission namespace in Editor.   

I then completed the "Test Task" I had created with BIS task system. It was to get a truck from a garage; once any INDFOR player and the truck were in the trigger covering the garage, the task was set to 'succeeded'.  And after successfully completing it I  went through the saving like this:


1) Open MCC Menu


2) Click "save/load to database" button


3) Click "Activate Persistence" button


4) Choose the save name from list of MCC database saves on the left side


5) Click "save to database" 


After this, I disconnected, restarted the server and restarted my A3 game to join again.  I went through the usual joining, entered the 3D space and loaded the save name from MCC menu - but it was just presenting me with the starting setup as I had originally created it in 3DEN+MCC. Just the player's equipment reflected the changes/events that I had happened in the previous "Saved" play session - but player's position was not saved.  Also the BIS task was active again and not completed.  The truck, which had been driven away from the garage, was again in the garage. 


To make things more clear for a coding illiterate like me, could you please give me more details about the correct sequence of the steps involved in loading and saving in MP MCC environment?  All I see is that INDBI2 works as intended since it creates a file with correct mission name in the db folder in the server's @INDBI2 folder.  But the whole setup with zones, units, settings I have saved to this save name before when making the mission in 3DEN? It is saved elsewhere, I guess, but I don't see where.  It still can be loaded correctly, which is puzzling me. 


What I want is either a working MCC campaign featuring various WW2 addon units with the possibility of saving/loading the progress in MP dedicated server and/or the possibility to "use" the campaign module just as an "enabler" for saving my hybrid mission that gives only my "handmade" tasks. 


Let me know which files I should post here to give you more detailed information about my setup. 


Best Regards & BIG THX for your time



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hey man,


Just letting you know a few of us are having some conflict issue's with the Zeus Ares- Achilles expansion mod. Seems that when mcc is loaded it's stopping 3rd party addons/ factions being loaded in zeus.


Also its conflicting with the Ares mod attribute features as i've been told that mcc writes over attributes?  not sure if there's a way to fix this at all or maybe the two just aren't compatiable. 

Thanks for any help, greatly appreciated.

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Hello everyone, I am having an issue.

When I want to "break down" a supply crate in order to build the FOB, it shows this : No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.MCC_Matches'

The blue part can vary, it is randomly duct tape, or oil can, or anyone of the MCC items...


The problem is that after this message, the crate disappears! I no longer have the "sandbags pile" that is normally on the ground. Just nothing.

I use the r21 version, on a vanilla version of the game.


Any idea of why it does not work?


Thank you!



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On 10.4.2017 at 1:43 AM, hajimoto said:

Thank you for your response. I have made the edits to the fn_campaignInit.sqf as you provided. As I outlined in my previous inquiry, my goal is to have a campaign of only CAS mission for an Air Asset and have the mission as a stand alone not requiring any MCC interaction after creation and save to SQM.


Also, I am sorry for being such a noob but I have placed a playable unit, MCC start module and the MCC Campaign module and when testing, the soldier spawns and it is playable but no campaign start. I know the mission will be dependent on MCC but I do not want MCC's control panels or tablet interfaces required in order for the Operation to run, I am not sure if this is possible.


Thank you shay_gman for your hard work on MCC4 and thank you to anyone that answers this follow-up.


You can tell if the Campaign is working by looking at the map. The map should be covered with red squares that you later have to conquer. You still need to have MCC running on all clients and server you can disable access to it by droping the MCCs Access module. 


On 5.5.2017 at 2:33 PM, pockocmoc said:

Hello everyone, I am having an issue.

When I want to "break down" a supply crate in order to build the FOB, it shows this : No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.MCC_Matches'

The blue part can vary, it is randomly duct tape, or oil can, or anyone of the MCC items...


The problem is that after this message, the crate disappears! I no longer have the "sandbags pile" that is normally on the ground. Just nothing.

I use the r21 version, on a vanilla version of the game.


Any idea of why it does not work?


Thank you!



It seems that you are running the mission version but anyway you don't need to "break" the supply crate to build a FOB. Just place the crate next to the sand hip with a couple of friendly unit next to it and the crates will turn into sacks and then disappear and vola you'll get the FOB. 


On 10.4.2017 at 4:25 PM, tourist said:

@shay_gman: thx for your fast response.  Sorry I'm quite thick when it comes to INIDBI database saving and loading, but I have similar problems like hajimoto with the campaign.  What I do is open one of my hybrid missions in 3DEN, place the MCC Campaign module with settings appropriate to my scenario and then make a PBO.  That is uploaded to the dedicated server. After starting the game in MP, I get just a message that I need to build some logistics installations - but no campaign missions. 


Then, just for testing, I once did load the MCC part of my "hybrid" missions from the MCC save/load menu and that worked as in "everything there like I have saved it in Editor": 


  • zones like I placed them
  • enemy placements and behaviours in all zones as I had set them up
  • mission settings regarding time/weather/enemy skills/other features
  • BUT the campaign module spawns armed civilians which I never had activated, neither in the campaign module nor in the MCC code that had been saved to mission namespace in Editor.   

I then completed the "Test Task" I had created with BIS task system. It was to get a truck from a garage; once any INDFOR player and the truck were in the trigger covering the garage, the task was set to 'succeeded'.  And after successfully completing it I  went through the saving like this:


1) Open MCC Menu


2) Click "save/load to database" button


3) Click "Activate Persistence" button


4) Choose the save name from list of MCC database saves on the left side


5) Click "save to database" 


After this, I disconnected, restarted the server and restarted my A3 game to join again.  I went through the usual joining, entered the 3D space and loaded the save name from MCC menu - but it was just presenting me with the starting setup as I had originally created it in 3DEN+MCC. Just the player's equipment reflected the changes/events that I had happened in the previous "Saved" play session - but player's position was not saved.  Also the BIS task was active again and not completed.  The truck, which had been driven away from the garage, was again in the garage. 


To make things more clear for a coding illiterate like me, could you please give me more details about the correct sequence of the steps involved in loading and saving in MP MCC environment?  All I see is that INDBI2 works as intended since it creates a file with correct mission name in the db folder in the server's @INDBI2 folder.  But the whole setup with zones, units, settings I have saved to this save name before when making the mission in 3DEN? It is saved elsewhere, I guess, but I don't see where.  It still can be loaded correctly, which is puzzling me. 


What I want is either a working MCC campaign featuring various WW2 addon units with the possibility of saving/loading the progress in MP dedicated server and/or the possibility to "use" the campaign module just as an "enabler" for saving my hybrid mission that gives only my "handmade" tasks. 


Let me know which files I should post here to give you more detailed information about my setup. 


Best Regards & BIG THX for your time




IniDBI2 is required for saving persistent data - which means: player stats, location, weapons exc and the campaign progress.


Once you are playing MCC campaign and clicked "Activate Persistence" one of two will occur: 

1. You are running a campaign and no DB would be found for that island+mission name and MCC will start recording the campaign progress. 

2. A DB for this campaign would be found and loaded. You can clear DB by pressing the "Clear DB" button if you want to start a new campaign. 

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Hi, Thank you for your answer.

Excuse me for my bad english, but what is a "sand hip" :eh:?






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Hi, I ve got a very stange bug with vanilla+ace3+cba+mcc, all with their latest version: In the mission editor, I launch preview and everything is fine, ace interaction menu is ok. if I abort, back to eden, then launch again, I can call ace interaction menu, but i get stuck in it, and no way to make an action. If I close arma and relaunch, still stuck. Now if I delete ace3 folder, and install it again, I'm back at step 1, and interaction menu is ok until I go back to eden, then relaunch (and i get stuck again).

All is fine without MCC. I hope it can help.


Also when I launch zeus with Y in editor preview, MCC seems to hide my addons faction. it's ok in a multi game, and also if I launch zeus from MCC.

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