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Tutorial: Installation & Configuration of ArmA3 Dedicated Server

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Sorry for not reading through the entire thread here but its too long...

I've finally got some time to get back into attempting to setup the steamcmd.exe for A3 dedicated server setup but am encountering an issue shown here...


You are about to update ArmA3

Dir: C:\Games\Arma3\16AA-1

Branch: 107410 -beta

Key "ENTER" yo procede

Press any key to continue . . .

Redirecting stderr to 'C:\Steam\logs\stderr.txt'

[ 0%] Checking for available updates...

[----] Verifying installation...

Steam_: BugslayerUtil.DLL not found

Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation

-- type 'quit' to exit --

Loading Steam3...OK.

Loading Steam2...OK.

Logging in user '<REMOVED>' to Steam Public...Success.

ERROR! Failed to install app '107410' (No subscription)


Your ArmA3 is now up to date

key "ENTER" to exit

Press any key to continue . . .


I also get the same if I try to d/l the development version


You are about to update ArmA3

Dir: C:\Games\Arma3\16AA-1

Branch: 107410 -beta development

Key "ENTER" yo procede

Press any key to continue . . .

Redirecting stderr to 'C:\Steam\logs\stderr.txt'

[ 0%] Checking for available updates...

[----] Verifying installation...

Steam_: BugslayerUtil.DLL not found

Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation

-- type 'quit' to exit --

Loading Steam3...OK.

Loading Steam2...OK.

Logging in user '<REMOVED>' to Steam Public...Success.

ERROR! Failed to install app '107410' (No subscription)


Your ArmA3 is now up to date

key "ENTER" to exit

Press any key to continue . . .


Why am I getting the 'ERROR! Failed to install app '107410' (No subscription)' message appearing?

Derp moment from myself.....

Using a newly created account which has no 'subscription' (paid or lite versions assigned to the new steam id/profile).

Switching to 'my' account for testing works..

*slaps forward and reminds one self not to attempt anything while exhusted and/or intoxicated - Well until the next time of course ;)*

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The only post you need to read in this tutorial is the first post.

It should contain everything you need to know:)

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Quick note on the Dev Beta release.

The Alpha version of the game auto creates the following files in the user folder

where ***** is the username, typically System or Administrator




The beta creates 3 new variants of these files which you will need to edit with the values from the Alpha variants




You will also find that most if not all of your missions are broken

Checkout the Development-branch-changelog

for classname changes etc

I'll update the initial post over the weekend to reflect installing the beta instead of the Alpha

Edited by Terox

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After following the instructions, rereading the instructions and checking my work I cannot get it to work properly. The server shows in the browser just fine and you can see the name, slots and ping but its status is "creating". Attempting to join the server just gets you looking at the main background image indefinitely. However, upon joining if I look at the server console it shows me as connecting but my client sees nothing.

The server is running the beta version and so is my client.


I'm having the same problem. I never tried creating a dedicated in the Alpha, so im not sure whether its a problem with the dev. branch beta right now. All i know is that I just cannot join my own dedicated running on the same machine as my client, no matter what configuration method i use. I tried TA2DST and i tried creating some config files manually. Whenever i try to join the server, all i get is the background image and nothing happens. Pressing escape will take me back to the MP Lobby and that is as far as i can get. Turning off the firewall doesn't help either.

The server window doesn't indicate that any client is joining while i'm stuck on the background image.

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I have a problem, when I run arma3server.exe , it shows this:

13:31:16 Dedicated host created.

13:31:17 Host identity created.

When I try to connect, it gets stuck at the loading screen(before it shows the squad assignment), and nothing appears on the server console.

The mission doesn't appear in the browser either, only the server name and the ping.

Edited by NMDANNY

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More info needed.

What is the set up

1)dedi server on remote box, client connecting from elsewhere

(If so need configs and command limne params)

2) dedi and client running on same box

Edited by Terox

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(NMDANNY) I had a similar issue. When running a dedi svr on a machine that has the steam client running. You need to ensure the dedi svr is launched before the steam client.

I found that the steam client blocks the steam ports so that the arma3server.exe cannot accept connections.

Hope that helps.


Edited by Tupolov

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Thank you Tupolov, running steam after starting the server fixed my problem.

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Yes, that solved the issue for me as well, thanks Tupolov.

Maybe someone should create a ticket for this?

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I need help with server setup, if someone has time to help me add me at Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/Darkonion

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I need help with server setup, if someone has time to help me add me at Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/Darkonion

Everything you need to know is posted on the first page of this tutorial.

There is a step by step guide. If you faulter on any step or have trouble understanding the instructions, please let me know and I will amend accordingly.

For those who are updating from ALPHA to BETA

All your missions will be broken and the server probably wont start with error messages like

arma3server.exe "Addon 'A3_Boat_F_Beta_Boat_armed_01' requires addon 'A3_Boat_F_Armed_01' "

A few Classnames have been changed

To fix this you need to

1) Remove all of the missions and place them in a backup folder

for each mission, you need to un-pbo them and

1) open up the mission.sqm

2) Remove the lines in your addons and addonsauto entries that the error messages refer to

3) Mass rename all classnames listed in This changelog Post by DNA

in all files and scripts from the unpacked mission (Some classname changes are not listed there, for example the helo's have been renamed

then load the mission in the editor, save it and re pbo

In addition, your server used to run



The beta uses



Just copy the contents of the older files into the new ones that will be created when you first launch the beta server (Or rename them accordingly)

I have updated the first post to reflect the changes that the beta release has caused and added a couple of sections, (see changelog first post)

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I have tried setting up a server using your guide and my server host guide. Both have resulted in the same error on launch of server.

File CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg, line 20: Config:'_' encountered instead of ','

I copy and pasted your config, edited title and that was it. I also looked for a _ on line 20 and it's a comment?

Kinda lost since I have searched for this problem and nothing has came up.

// server.cfg
// comments are written with "//" in front of them.


steamport        =8766;
steamqueryport        =27016;


hostname        = "FPS Underground ArmA3";        // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
//password         = "test";            // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
passwordAdmin         = "switcher";                // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
reportingIP         = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com";            // This is the default setting. Leave empty for private servers if you do not want your server listed publicly
logFile            = "A3Master.log";
verifySignatures     = 2;

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval

   ""__________     SYSTEM MESSAGES __________",
   "Welcome to My  Server",
   "IMPORTANT   Verify Signatures is enabled",
   "TS3 Server:     teamspeak.mydomain.com",
   "Web:            www.mywebsite.com",
   "TS3 Server:     teamspeak.zeus-community.net",    "",
   "__________     END OF MESSAGE __________"
motdInterval = 5;            // Time interval (in seconds) between each message

maxPlayers        = 40;        // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
voteMissionPlayers    = 1;        // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold        = 0.33;        // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
//voteMissionPlayers    = 0;

disableVoN        = 0;        // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality     = 8;        // Quality from 1 to 10
persistent        = 1;        // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.

// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions
         class Mission1

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""__________ SYSTEM MESSAGES __________",

should be

"__________ SYSTEM MESSAGES __________",

tidied up looks like

// server.cfg
// comments are written with "//" in front of them.


 steamport        	=8766;
 steamqueryport        =27016;


 hostname        	= "FPS Underground ArmA3";       // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
//password         	= "test";            		// Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
 passwordAdmin         = "switcher";                	// Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
 reportingIP         	= "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com";	// This is the default setting. Leave empty for private servers if you do not want your server listed publicly
 logFile            	= "A3Master.log";
 verifySignatures     	= 2;

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval

   	"__________     SYSTEM MESSAGES __________"	,
   	"Welcome to My  Server"				,
   	"IMPORTANT   Verify Signatures is enabled"	,
   	""						,
   	"TS3 Server:     teamspeak.mydomain.com"	,
   	"Web:            www.mywebsite.com"		,
   	"TS3 Server:     teamspeak.zeus-community.net"	,
   	"__________     END OF MESSAGE __________"
 motdInterval = 5;            				// Time interval (in seconds) between each message

maxPlayers        	= 40;        			// Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
voteMissionPlayers    	= 1;        			// Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold        	= 0.33;				// 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
//voteMissionPlayers    = 0;

disableVoN        	= 0;        			// If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality     	= 8;        			// Quality from 1 to 10
persistent        	= 1;       			 // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.

// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions
         class Mission1


You may want to change your admin password mate, you didn't edit it out

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""__________ SYSTEM MESSAGES __________",

should be

"__________ SYSTEM MESSAGES __________",

tidied up looks like

// server.cfg
// comments are written with "//" in front of them.


 steamport        	=8766;
 steamqueryport        =27016;


 hostname        	= "FPS Underground ArmA3";       // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
//password         	= "test";            		// Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
 passwordAdmin         = "switcher";                	// Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
 reportingIP         	= "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com";	// This is the default setting. Leave empty for private servers if you do not want your server listed publicly
 logFile            	= "A3Master.log";
 verifySignatures     	= 2;

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval

   	"__________     SYSTEM MESSAGES __________"	,
   	"Welcome to My  Server"				,
   	"IMPORTANT   Verify Signatures is enabled"	,
   	""						,
   	"TS3 Server:     teamspeak.mydomain.com"	,
   	"Web:            www.mywebsite.com"		,
   	"TS3 Server:     teamspeak.zeus-community.net"	,
   	"__________     END OF MESSAGE __________"
 motdInterval = 5;            				// Time interval (in seconds) between each message

maxPlayers        	= 40;        			// Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
voteMissionPlayers    	= 1;        			// Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold        	= 0.33;				// 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
//voteMissionPlayers    = 0;

disableVoN        	= 0;        			// If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality     	= 8;        			// Quality from 1 to 10
persistent        	= 1;       			 // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.

// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions
         class Mission1


You may want to change your admin password mate, you didn't edit it out

Admin password is just a test, it will be changed. I can't believe I didn't catch the double "" after staring at it for so long. Might want to edit your first post and make it a single to prevent people with same problems? Thanks.

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Cheers mate, done

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Hi Guys,

I need some help to tweak my server. I run 2 Arma 3 server on one VPS. Yes I know its a VPS but it should be handle this right?

Server Specs:

4 x 3ghz Processors

6gb RAM

ARMA Server 1: Runs a 50 slot TDM

ARMA Server 2: Runs 40 slot Invade & Annex mission.

When both are full my cpu sits around 95%

Is this typical CPU usage? I have been speaking to Vilayer Support and they have told me that this shouldn't be the case and ARAMA 3 should not been using this much of CPU,

and they assure me that other ARMA 3 servers they host does not use this much of CPU and it has to be the way I have setup my server.

Could it be that I have done this wrong? I followed Terox guide.

Also to run two servers, I used the method of copying the ARMA 3 folder as another name for the second server and it run its own CONFIG_Vanila.cfg file. This way I could run two different sets of Maps.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Hi Guys,

I need some help to tweak my server. I run 2 Arma 3 server on one VPS. Yes I know its a VPS but it should be handle this right?

Server Specs:

4 x 3ghz Processors

6gb RAM

ARMA Server 1: Runs a 50 slot TDM

ARMA Server 2: Runs 40 slot Invade & Annex mission.

When both are full my cpu sits around 95%

Is this typical CPU usage? I have been speaking to Vilayer Support and they have told me that this shouldn't be the case and ARAMA 3 should not been using this much of CPU,

and they assure me that other ARMA 3 servers they host does not use this much of CPU and it has to be the way I have setup my server.

Could it be that I have done this wrong? I followed Terox guide.

Also to run two servers, I used the method of copying the ARMA 3 folder as another name for the second server and it run its own CONFIG_Vanila.cfg file. This way I could run two different sets of Maps.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



1) You didnt mention which processor, just the speed

2) You maybe pushing it on the ram when both servers are running, dependant on what other apps you run, size of addon packs etc

3) Post your bandwidth settings

On the surface the CPU useage is very high, if its an old processor then this may explain it, but if it is a recent I7 or XEON, then there is something wrong

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Hi Trexton,

Thank you for the response. I'm not sure of the processor. Vilayer website actually doesn't say. I have put in a support ticket to find this out. RAM wise i dont see any issues. I have 6gb and when both servers are full I have not see it go

over 2.5gb.

I'm using the following bandwidth settings.















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Hello, maybe you can help me out. When beta came out I decided to do a dedicated server for my son and his friends to play on privately. After reading here that Tophe's works which I used to use all the time for Arma2 I went ahead and set it up. I have a thread for this issue started but no answers that clear up the problem. Here is an excerpt from that thread I think explains my issue.


Hey guys, I run a private dedicated server for myself and sons and their friends. In Arma 2 you used to be able to join a MP game then dig that out of the AppData folder and insert into MpMission folder for the server. Then that mission could be run and parameters could be changed. Is there something with Arma 3 that prevents this? I have been trying to get the commonly edited domination mission that is used by so many to work but the parameters are not necessarily changing. What I mean is that some parameters are and some are not. Changing the start time works but changing the parameters for parachuting or allowing player to change grass settings for instance does not. Is it the method of attaining the mission? Anyone know where the copy everyone is altering comes from, I have not seen it on armaholic? The kids love domination but would really like to get it to work properly with the setting everyone wants. Thanks in advance to responders.

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"Thanks for the response. I just started the server when Arma went beta. All of the missions I am grabbing all say beta and when you go on their server the parameters are changed from the default. Plus even more odd is the fact that I can take the same mission run it as a lan game and host it myself un-dedicated and the parameters change fine. But when my son joins the game, the parameters he sees are all the default ones that that mission has set. At first I thought it might be because I was running the dedicated on same system with two copies of Arma3 partitioned off. So I dug out the server tower in the closet and set it back up and the darn results are the same! I get on the server, login as admin, change the parameters how I want. Double check to make sure parameters are changed before pressing continue, then in game everything is default. If my son logs in as admin from his computer the exact same thing happens. He can change the parameters but it does not change when the game starts. I used to do this with arma2 for years so although I am no expert and I am kinda old lol I still am competent enough to get this done. So I am very very confused about this. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. "

As you can see my problem is with in game parameters not changing the actual game. I am at a complete loss. I am getting these missions ( xeno's domination style) by joining a server that is running it and then pulling the .pbo out of my AppData folder and inserting it into the servers MpMission folder. This used to work fine for arma2. Other particulars...server is windows xp but runs fine with low ping and little lag but had same problem when running a partitioned server on my own machine that has win7 as you have read above. So I am just completely baffled. Please help if you can, these kids are driving me up the wall now that I promised I would get this set up for them lol.

Edited by AceOfSpades

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Hello, maybe you can help me out.

The process remains the same. (Placing missions in the MpMissions folder for hosting purposes)

There have been some scripting commands removed which may be causing you issues. The issue you have isn't with hosting a server or dedicated server administration, it is to do with mission design and mission editing, specifically for the mission you are trying to host.

Best place to raise this issue is http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-BETA-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING

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The process remains the same. (Placing missions in the MpMissions folder for hosting purposes)

There have been some scripting commands removed which may be causing you issues. The issue you have isn't with hosting a server or dedicated server administration, it is to do with mission design and mission editing, specifically for the mission you are trying to host.

Best place to raise this issue is http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-BETA-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING

Thanks for confirming that the process is the same. Yea I have not tried any other mission except dom since that's the mission they want to play. Guess it makes sense especially since some of the parameters seems to work and others don't and which ones work and not seem to change depending on which edit of the mission I am using(not confirmed). Thank you for the reply.

And yea, that's where my original post is located so least I posted in the right place which I rarely do lol...thanks again.

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Hi Trexton,

Thank you for the response. I'm not sure of the processor. Vilayer website actually doesn't say. I have put in a support ticket to find this out. RAM wise i dont see any issues. I have 6gb and when both servers are full I have not see it go

over 2.5gb.

I'm using the following bandwidth settings.







Your Min and Max bandwidth look wrong.

If this is a 100Mbit connection you have theoretically 12.5Mbytes bandwidth available

That is 104857600 bits

Their website states its actually on a 1Gigabit connection so theoretically you have 1073741824 bits available

Realistically you wont get that, but should be getting something like 85-90%

So your max bandwidth could be something more inline with the following


966367641 (90% of 1 Gigabit connection)

94371840 (90% of 100 megabit connection)

25000000 (Your value)

And then you can bump your min bandwidth up too

The rest of the settings look fine

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Your Min and Max bandwidth look wrong.

If this is a 100Mbit connection you have theoretically 12.5Mbytes bandwidth available

That is 104857600 bits

Their website states its actually on a 1Gigabit connection so theoretically you have 1073741824 bits available

Realistically you wont get that, but should be getting something like 85-90%

So your max bandwidth could be something more inline with the following


966367641 (90% of 1 Gigabit connection)

94371840 (90% of 100 megabit connection)

25000000 (Your value)

And then you can bump your min bandwidth up too

The rest of the settings look fine

Hi Terox,

I heard back from Vilayer support and they confirmed the processor is "Xeon 1235 v2". Do you know if these processors are ok to run run 2 ARMA 3 servers?

Also I have taken your suggestion and made the following changes to the max/min bandwidth.

MinBandwidth=65000000 ;

MaxBandwidth=94371840 ;

I wasn't sure how much I can bump up the minBandwidth to. Is this enough or should I bump it up more?

Also I have been also asked to add the following cpu count and ex threads parameters to the start-up parameters by Vilayer for both my servers.

cpuCount=32 -exThreads=0

Do you think this is necessary. I know when Alpha first came out it was suggested to add these in but your tutorial didn't have this information so I didn't set these up.



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