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Arma 3 Alpha Steam DirectLink :P

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Thanks! The link works great. 5 Mbps download here. Why doesn't BIS just link from its store. BIStore is overwhelmed right now.

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BIS you screwed up not putting the Supporter Bundle in that Steam directlink. I really wanted to buy it but since I couldn't get the BIS store to work I went with the Deluxe instead of dealing with your store. Sorry

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BIS you screwed up not putting the Supporter Bundle in that Steam directlink. I really wanted to buy it but since I couldn't get the BIS store to work I went with the Deluxe instead of dealing with your store. Sorry

Have to agree here.

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Mine finished a while ago but all i get is a black screen on start up. Go to task manager and its not responding.

i had that problem then i closed fraps down tried again and it works

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Download is complete. I am at work and connected remotely home with team viewer LOLLL ...

It started!!!! Cannot wait to be back home :)

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So i got the purchase confirmation from BI Store, how am I supposed to grab a key now?

Under "My Games" ?

What a mess...

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Download is complete. I am at work and connected remotely home with team viewer LOLLL ...

It started!!!! Cannot wait to be back home :)

LOL - You're hardcore, I like your style. ;)

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Would have liked to have bought it off the BIS store but when I finally managed to select it for purchase, the connection timed out.

Downloading off Steam now so all is well that ends well.

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Man I'm getting the shaking:hyper: but I'll wait until tonight and hope I can actually buy it off BI store.I really want to put more paper in BI pocket instead of Fat Gabe so hurry up guys,fix your store.

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Same here was ready to toss down the 91$ but I can't get the BIS store to work so I just went to steam and got the Deluxe oh well saved my $

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Yep also wanted to buy from BiS store but could not.....:(

It's searchable through Steam now.

In on Day 1.


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man after 10 minutes already at 75% I'm glad BiS store didnt host the download I can still barely move page to page on here

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took me until now, to purchase the supporter edition from the store.

some hardcore F5'ing was required, and a beepload of patience.

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Bought direct from Steam. BIStore is is down. 15 minute download (Vancouver Canada)! I went for a dive in my Scuba gear. Some limitations ... no gear menu? Anyway, looks great! Looking forward to "Arma III Recon".

Edited by MissionCreep

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took me until now, to purchase the supporter edition from the store.

some hardcore F5'ing was required, and a beepload of patience.

More F5 patience than I had, I just went with the deluxe off steam, It keep showing price as $72 for Supporter edition in my cart so I figured it was broken.

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took me until now, to purchase the supporter edition from the store.

some hardcore F5'ing was required, and a beepload of patience.

I tried for an hour straight, was finally successful (at least I thought so) and then when clicking the download link from the order confirmation I got this dire message:

No purchase of this product found in your account. Please contact [email protected]

Fatal ERROR. Contact [email protected]

Their servers must be on fire right now. :)

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Has anybody downloaded/downloading off of steam? How big is the download? Mine comes in as 5.6 gigs but I swear I heard that the game was supposed to be just under 7 gigs (6.95 to be exact). Any body else get an odd number for the size of the basic alpha download?

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Has anybody downloaded/downloading off of steam? How big is the download? Mine comes in as 5.6 gigs but I swear I heard that the game was supposed to be just under 7 gigs (6.95 to be exact). Any body else get an odd number for the size of the basic alpha download?

It's around 5 gigs on Steam, download it, enjoy it - don't spam Bistore. :)

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Currently downloading from Steam, simple and straight forward so far, eager to get in game. Hurry up slow internet speed. :D

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thanks for that link, but if you search for "Arma 3 Alpha" your steam client should find it. I couldnt connect to bis store for love nor money it must be getting hammered big time right now.

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Ye BIS just lost quite a big amount of money because they didnt upgrade theyr webserver for this day :(

Even me - a steam HATER, just bought the cheapest version on steam (instead of 100% supporter edition if bistore would have worked) .. i feel bad.

On the other way i feel good because its ready in 10 minutes :D :D

Edited by KrAziKilla

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thanks for that link, but if you search for "Arma 3 Alpha" your steam client should find it. I couldnt connect to bis store for love nor money it must be getting hammered big time right now.

The link was because an hour ago you couldnt search for it...

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Back from work 2,5 hrs after release... Visiting steam URL as mentioned in thread ... Bought via Paypal... 2 Minutes... and all this is done... Starting Steam, downloading at full Bandwidth (16 MBit here)

Aaaah, it's just so relaxing. Reading forum, watching Armaholic... First content for A3, oh this is just sooo great. The gaming year begins now for me.

I think it's not good if Steam makes A3alpha findable, because all that clueless folks (+dayZ folks) don't realize it's an Alpha.

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Been trying since 1pm here to get the 'supporters edition'. I stayed awake from my night shift and still cant purchase it lol! Going to be a long night but prepared to wait..so guess i will pass out now as im fed up of trying :-P. steam is ok if you just want to jump in and play but i'd rather wait as it might save me some cash on dlc's etc in the future.

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thanks for that link, but if you search for "Arma 3 Alpha" your steam client should find it. I couldnt connect to bis store for love nor money it must be getting hammered big time right now.

At the time where I post it, it wasn't able to find ;)

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