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ARMA 2: OA beta build 100544 (1.62 MP compatible build, post 1.62 release)

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Or just add this in units init line

this removeWeapon "Binocular"; this removeWeapon "Binocular_Vector"; this removeWeapon "ACE_Rangefinder_OD"

And no need for CBA.

Which is infinitely more complex and a drag. You need to implement that for each unit and mission separately.

Besides, it doesn't meet the requirements Tonci posted.

Or doing something similar in an addon config without XEH will just be as annoying, and causes compatibility issues with other mods

Sure if using ACE then it doesn't matter anyway.
There are a lot more mods using CBA, and even if not, nothing wrong with using CBA on its own. XEH is an excellent choice for these things.

Alternatively it can also be used from the mission description.ext, if you want to apply changes on a mission level instead.

But is there a way to execute this on AI only in a mission? I know how to do isPlayer check but how do I do this on AI only? Obviously Im trying to do it via scripting or addon, so I just load it and mentioned weapons gets removed only from AI but not players.
!isPlayer _unit
Im talking about non-playable AI units
!(_unit in playableUnits)

---------- Post added at 13:34 ---------- Previous post was at 13:15 ----------

Also, the alternatives posted e.g

forEach (allUnits - playableUnits)
Does not account for dynamically spawned units. Edited by Sickboy

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Im not saying CBA is bad, but there are scenarios when you will not be able to use it. There are a lot of public vanilla servers which do not allow its usage. Even if required by some of the addons they allow, they still refuse to allow CBA. Why? I don't know. They often claim its security and performance of the server, even though I don't understand the performance part, but I can security.

Thanks a lot for this solution. I thought of making a quick addon for this, but I don't know if its worth it. But if this issue wont get fixed soon we might find one useful. If its not a hustle for you make a quick one and link it? If not Ill do it. Its probably a lot easier for you ;)

Cheers and sorry for slight OT again.

Edit: Ive tried this


_unit = (_this select 0);

if !(_unit in playableUnits) then
_unit removeWeapon "Binocular"; _unit removeWeapon "Binocular_Vector"; _unit removeWeapon "ACE_Rangefinder_OD";

and its being called from init line like in example you posted above in form of a script. Its working but the problem is these "weapons" gets removed from all units, being it playable, non playable or player controlled. Am I missing something?

Making it in form of an addon.


class CfgPatches
class Remove_Binocs_AIfix
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.0;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_XEH"};

class Extended_Init_EventHandlers 
   class CAManBase
	init = "_this call compile preProcessFile ""Remove_Binocs_AIfix\FixIt.sqf""";

Edited by _MaSSive

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Sickboy, it seems like you will be able to help fix the issue after all.

Vanilla: AI uses Binos from time to time but it is not THAT bad

Vanilla+ACE: Some Units get the "ACE_Rangefinder_OD" instead of Binoculars. USMC Teamleader for example.

They seem to use the rangefinder to actually LASE targets (like they would do with a SOFLAM). If we take the Steamroller Mission from the chesty puller campaign,


(It´s the last Mission, use the campaign cheat to skip the others, start, switch to high command and send teams 3,4,5 into the town.)

your fellow AI Teamleaders stop every few meters, pull out the Rangefinder and lase enemy units (this means that they stay immobile for a minute or so).

Everything works quite well if I replace the Rangefinders with Binoculars. They will look through them from time to time, but it will only be a brief glimpse and they won´t repeat it after going only 3 meters.

The problem will be even more obvious if you use a mod that extends the AI spotting range like ASR_AI does.

I still have to check if this behaviour is influenced by Vanilla AI.

Do Vanilla AI units use Rangefinders to lase targets?

Do they make excessive use of those things if you give them Rangefinders instead of Binoculars?

Sadly I won´t have the time to make a proper repro before sunday. But maybe you guys can already have a look and maybe you can nail the error until then.

Good luck!

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Found another issue which is also present in latest beta build (100697): AI groups with vehicles need too much time to spread out after getting out of vehicles. This issue probably isn't that hard to see/repro - use default motorized/mechanized groups add some waypoints incl. "Unload" wp and watch how many time they need to spread out and move to next wp. As for binoculars, rangefinders - AI is using them even at places where their view is obstructed by objects or terrain. The Laser Designator Rangefinder in AI hands is still useless and dangerous to their own team/group. There are three solutions for this issue: a) put a blind eye on and pretend that its not important b) fix it with a (dirty) workaround c) make it right/work.

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Thanks for supporting ArmA II so long after the release. I think this is one of the main reasons why the forum is so active these days.

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note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 100296)

What does this mean? I can get the most recent version of the beta automatically through Steam? I already have the ArmA2: OA Beta shortcut in my Steam library (don't know how it got there) but I never see it updating.

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What does this mean? I can get the most recent version of the beta automatically through Steam? I already have the ArmA2: OA Beta shortcut in my Steam library (don't know how it got there) but I never see it updating.

You have to opt-in in beta channel to be able to use beta patches from steam even though default beta patch was already installed from your library.

To opt-in/opt-out you go to Library>Select A2 OA Beta>Properties>Beta>From drop down menu select -test->Confirm and you will be returned to Library screen, so next time you open beta shortcut on your desktop you will get latest steam beta patch automatically installed.

Default beta (296) is the one you have installed right now before you opt in.

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Okay thank you. A few of my ArmA buddies do not have the beta in their library. How can they opt-in for the beta in Steam?

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everyone who has OA shall be able get OA beta ... it's linked

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That's strange, maybe they can search the game library and add it manually to their games list in Steam.

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Why no thread about beta 100697?

I'm playing with that beta and its all good except landing with parachutes. Many times we end up bouncing around on the ground. The parachute anim is folding and just when its about to collapse it pops up fully again. Very annoying when enemies are shooting at you ;) Happens when we land on slopes and on trees.

This is a local hosted MP session with 1 friend.

I havent played in a while so I dont know if its 100697, or if it regressed in an earlier beta. I havent had this problem earlier this year.

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because 100697 is more experimental, I will try get some of the last remaining crashes fixed early next week and put it to normal beta tree ;)

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^ ^ Great! :)

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