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Giving back : promoting Arma3 on social media

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I have been using the social media channels ( facebook, twitter, google+ etc ) for a while and what catches my attention is that there is very few talk about Arma3 on these channels. i must admit, the arma3 facebookpage has quite some interactions from the community when there is news, but generally when you search for arma3 not much comes up.

Bohemia Interactive has been working for over 10 years on your favorite game, aint it time to do something back?

We all know that the PR for the armedassault series wasnt that strong, and with today's socialmedia, tools and gadgets it shouldnt be hard to get #arma3 more covered on the internet. untill Arma3 is released, we are the footsoldiers that can make the ArmA brand stronger than ever.

Therefore : Enlist in the #A3SA - ArmA3 Social Army

Your task :

Are you using any social platform? keep the following in mind.

- Promote/spam your social media channels with #arma information, links to articles, mods or videos : everything

- Follow your Brothers in arms, in order to get news around fast, and massively.

Your duty :

1. Always tag your twitter posts with the #arma3 and #a3sa hashtag ( also use it when posting pictures, video's )

2. Use mentions! instead of using 'BIS' use: @bohemiainteract

3. Use the 'like button' or any other social media platform equivalent on all arma3 articles.

How to enlist ?

Simply reply in this thread and fulfill your duty.

More idea's are always welcome...

Edited by jerryhopper

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Spam social media channels? :rolleyes:

That's most likely going to drive your friends to the point where they will light themselves on fire as soon as ArmA is mentioned :D

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Don't think spamming is a solution.

What is a solution is people with money to buy nice gaming PC's.

1. Start writing everyone a check for a grand.

2. Make videos that show off tacticool gameplay elements that COD/BF could only wish of having. Show awesome Halo jumps, coop play similar to RichieSpeeds videos (he's quite popular on Youtube)

3. PVP needs heavy focus and to be interesting enough to convince people to pick up the game, install mods, go through hassle to play it essentially.

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No one in my social media circle will care about Arma. I will however make some noise about Arma when I have something to actually show (community alpha!).

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  WhiskeyTango said:
No one in my social media circle will care about Arma. I will however make some noise about Arma when I have something to actually show (community alpha!).

Then you are hanging around the wrong type of people....TIC... lol

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The best way to advertise Arma is by circulating an intense co-op video that focuses on teamwork, tactics, and most importantly, a shitload of firepower. A slow paced video just isn't going to cut it, the goal is to make the audience say "that game looks fucking awesome!".

My suggestion would be for some guys to get together and make a gameplay video similar to this -


Obviously the video wouldn't be narrated and music is a definite no-no. It needs to be the raw sound of guys communicating with each other and gunfire, LOUD gunfire.

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  djfluffwug said:
Spam social media channels? :rolleyes:

That's most likely going to drive your friends to the point where they will light themselves on fire as soon as ArmA is mentioned :D

thats great, less time to spend with friends, more time for ArmA!

@kimozabbi There are many people who make video's,and if we all tag, tweet, or repost all of that arma will reach a broader audience.

Also, to recreate such a movie, you need several 'cameramen' as you do wanna show a 'live match' instead of some capturing some prearranged 'scene'

Spamming may be the wrong word, but if we all 'spread the word' we might help BIS bringing more attention to this game.

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  Flash Thunder said:
3. PVP needs heavy focus

You never know. :rolleyes:

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  Celery said:
You never know. :rolleyes:

Do you say that knowing something we don't or it's obvious PvP needs more of a focus?

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  Celery said:
You never know. :rolleyes:
  Sinnister said:
Do you say that knowing something we don't or it's obvious PvP needs more of a focus?

1.He was a PvP focused modder and now he is a BIS dev

2. BIS themselves said they are giving PvP some attention

Hint Hint... ;)

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I love how the great community members are turning into Beer lifting slaves to all of us never satisfied peeps here on the forums. :D

Remember every post on this subforum can be read backwards.



Edited by Flash Thunder

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  Flash Thunder said:
I love how the great community members are turning into Beer lifting slaves to all of us never satisfied peeps here on the forums. :D

Remember every post on this subforum can be read backwards.




It's a simulator BIS... Y U NO MAKE ALL THE THINGS?

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I am already spamming my facebook account with arma 3 videos when they come out.

And my youtube channed only got arma 2 vids(however only one of them is more fast paced :P

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Who needs friends/social contacts that spam/'spread the word' massively about a certain product? Does A3 really need such silly kind of promotion or is it better to make some great A3 ingame teasers/trailers that show the difference between dirty popcorn shooters and the glorious awesome Armaverse? ;)

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While at it don't forget to mention that all bugs from A2 are fixed ;). I occasionally spam certain game board with A3 pictures & links and a lot of people replying are pissed off from initial A2 bugs (they threw A2 in the beginning way and didn't even try OA or latest patches).

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Just gotta say, this is a great idea.

@NoRailgunner: This is probably most important pre-E3. After E3, the thing that will really promote ArmA3 would be videos of the new animations and multiplayer system. They need to highlight the improvements. But, that said, doesn't hurt for us to do a little spam, I mean, promotion.

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Why one should be bothered to convince someone else from a game that is not done yet? Naive fanboism or just in a desperate state of "Everyone has to know + like it!!" ? Let BIS choose how they want to present/promote their products instead of making it worse with annoying promo/picture/video spam and "like it" actions.

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There is more that you can do. If you are active in other Forums then simply open a Thread to describe Arma. I did this on www.startegie-zone.de a Forum dedicated to strategy games but also full of people who like Mil sims



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  NoRailgunner said:
Why one should be bothered to convince someone else from a game that is not done yet?

It's called word of mouth advertising. Nothing wrong with it in general.

However, I agree with most people in this thread that spamming social networks isn't the right way to go about it. Especially where Arma is concerned, I've found that it's much better to approach people individually.

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  NoRailgunner said:
Why one should be bothered to convince someone else from a game that is not done yet? Naive fanboism or just in a desperate state of "Everyone has to know + like it!!" ? Let BIS choose how they want to present/promote their products instead of making it worse with annoying promo/picture/video spam and "like it" actions.

Well, let me ask, what is the harm in forum members trying to actively promote ArmA3? I don't mean randomly mentioning ArmA3 anywhere and everywhere. I mean bringing up and discussing ArmA3 wherever and whenever it is relevant to do so (as in discussions about videogames, shooters, simulators, graphics, etc).

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Hard to do when the first posts in a topic about the game generally are "Hope this time isn't so rig demanding\bugged\hard to get into\clunky".

People like the whole concept and scope of the game but can´t overcome those barriers; And, in part, I can agree with them.

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Raising awareness about Arma 3 through social media channels is certainly not a bad thing but the best and most efficient thing one can do is, like Maddogx said, to approach people individually. We have the game, we have the machines and we know how to play it. Why not invite some friends over and show them the game in a controlled environment?

Sure, social media channels such as facebook or twitter reach more people and as already said, some more #arma3 activity would be good but the most effective solution, from my experience, is to directly show people the game and have them see you play it or actually try it with a helping hand :)

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How is this giving back? The only way to give back to BIS is to play they're games as they intended to.

Sure there's nothing bad with telling a few friends. But reqruiting players to promote your game on social media isn't only sad, its annoying. Like stated above, a single person can't promote something in they're own name, that is spamming, and spam is annoying.

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antoineflemming you mean "bringing up" aka spamming A3 pics/videos on forums/social media channels "wherever and whenever someone is talking about videogames, shooters, simulators, graphics, etc"? How is this not harming - maybe BIS got something different in mind with their A3 promo than this mass advertizing spam on all media channels done by other companies? As for 'word of mouth advertising' by forum users/fans - it would be for A3 most likely spreading rumors + speculations. Highly doubt that BIS is in a crisis or that there is a need for desperate spam/'spread the word' or "the task and duty" suggested by OP.

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  NoRailgunner said:
antoineflemming you mean "bringing up" aka spamming A3 pics/videos on forums/social media channels "wherever and whenever someone is talking about videogames, shooters, simulators, graphics, etc"? How is this not harming - maybe BIS got something different in mind with their A3 promo than this mass advertizing spam on all media channels done by other companies? As for 'word of mouth advertising' by forum users/fans - it would be for A3 most likely spreading rumors + speculations. Highly doubt that BIS is in a crisis or that there is a need for desperate spam/'spread the word' or "the task and duty" suggested by OP.

Well, I guess I see your point. I guess, ultimately, if BIS didn't see need to ask the community to promote their game, then there's no real urgency for forum members to actively promote ArmA3.

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