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New animations: What does it mean for gameplay?

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I hope we will actually be able to aim while walking now, and the tactical pace will have a sway more similar to the sway we have on walk now.

That would be nice to see. I'm very curious to see what the tactical pace will look like in game.

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I think the walking sway should not be removed but made less violent while walking. That way it is still hard to do but not guess work like right now.

Although I don't know how fast tactical Pace is going to be I hope it creates more sway than the current walking does.

Edited by -Coulum-

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I think the walking sway should not be removed but made less violent while walking. That way it is still hard to do but not guess work like right now.

Although I don't know how fast tactical Pace is going to be I hope it creates more sway than the current walking does.

Let me give you some insight in what it may look like:


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I think your right Minoza, I think it will be very similar to the SMK combat jog but without the 'stiffness' for lack of a better word, hopefully it will look more natural.

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aiming down the sights when walking, even on the slowest speed in A2 is anything but steady. IRL you can move with sights up and still be pretty accurate, especially at short-medium distances. Best implementation was the sight animations we implemented in ACE1 (create by teacup), which allowed you to properly move with sights up and actually hit something, but without making you dead accurate or removing the sway for good.

I for one really hope smookie and the other lads will get this done properly this time around, and i am actually looking forward to it a lot more than the tactical pace tbh

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The video made it look like the SMK combat jog didn't allow smooth transitions to strafing and normal walking. Room for improvement by the guys with the source code.

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@ maturin: I find even a lot of the vanilla animations don't have very smooth transitions. SMK + SLX has made a huge difference in terms of movement, at least for me. Especially in the crouched walk animation, there's more looking down the sights and less headbutting them. I don't know if we'll see any more work on smk though with Smookie now working for BIS on animations for A3. Personally I'm pretty happy about that.:)

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You're right, most aren't smooth. Look at grenade throwing, especially the running/walking grenade throw animation - it's so dodgey. You can't even stop some animations mid-useage to do something else.

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I must say that this has excited me with the possibilities ArmA3 has to offer. These animations that I've seen so far are more advanced than my wildest dreams.

I hope they fix the fact that you can't move while changing weapons, throwing a grenade, etc. And drawing your pistol is far too slow. When I run out of ammo, I want to be able to pull out my pistol fast - that's what it's for. Currently, it's much slower to use the pistol than to reload for most weapons.

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all the soldiers have the same animation in the last Arma 3 video.

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all the soldiers have the same animation in the last Arma 3 video.

yeah I'm sure they'll change that. and if not... well it looks so fucking badass it doesn't even matter:)

But I do hope they make more variance as mentioned multiple times somewhere on these forums.

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Yes, the last video is great, but more variants in the animations would great

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Hi, i think that for be an improvement the new anims should be aside of more fluid... should also be auto-inked to certain actions, to mantle over objects just using the run key instead an specific key... to kick doors using too the run or forward key and things like that, they should also be less complex to use/do, things like roll when prone; the lean should be more natural, kinda progressive instead On/Off as it looks now. Add weight and natural speed would be a very welcome thing. Let's C ya

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Weight maybe slowing the speed of movement and maybe lowering the aim-ability but please do not make it where the player passes out. That gets annoying....

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Weight maybe slowing the speed of movement and maybe lowering the aim-ability but please do not make it where the player passes out. That gets annoying....

cough* ACE *cough... Yeah, I agree. That's too much realism... And, yes, there can be too much realism that detracts from the game aspect of ArmA.

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You never pass out in ACE, guys. You just fall down, as your screen goes black for a split second.

We should fall down more in this game. When you fall too far, slide down a slope, get hit by a car or a bullet.

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Random falling might be a good idea actually.

Depending on the terrain your travelling through and the speed your going at and your fatigue you may stumble and fall. Would make it worth it to stay on paths through forests if a very small but random amount of damage was dealt. Not really a must have feature though.

Plus you should definitely fall a fair bit of the times you get shot but not killed. Or at least some sort of hit animation should be played. One thing that made the ai and gameplay in a2 look even more robotic was when people are shot and don't even flinch.

cough* ACE *cough... Yeah, I agree. That's too much realism... And, yes, there can be too much realism that detracts from the game aspect of ArmA.

Passing out isn't that bad. It'll force you to plan ahead take appropriate gear and whatnot. creates more problem solving and challenge.

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Imagine passing out in some of the Takistani montains near of the top and then roll down to the bottom again. :yay:

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I think having proper animations to everything will further add to the immersion and experience since ArmA is after all a Mil Sim.

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Random falling might be a good idea actually.

Depending on the terrain your travelling through and the speed your going at and your fatigue you may stumble and fall. Would make it worth it to stay on paths through forests if a very small but random amount of damage was dealt. Not really a must have feature though.

Plus you should definitely fall a fair bit of the times you get shot but not killed. Or at least some sort of hit animation should be played. One thing that made the ai and gameplay in a2 look even more robotic was when people are shot and don't even flinch.

Passing out isn't that bad. It'll force you to plan ahead take appropriate gear and whatnot. creates more problem solving and challenge.

I just thinks that's too much for a game. I'm fine with falling. I'm not fine with ACE's blinking and vision blacking out effect. I'd rather my character slow down to a walk than to have my character sprinting at jogging speed and have his vision blacking out and falling over.

But I'd definitely rather have slowing down to a walk (and not just slowing down the animation like in ArmA2) than having falling down. In ArmA2 when you are sprinting and get tired, you still sprint but as slow as running. So it's just slowing down the animation. I'd like it to be that when you're tired your character switches to the running animation. As you continue to run and get more tired, you slow to a kind of slow jog, then to a staggered jog, and then you fall down. But I think you should fall down after like 10 mins if you are sprinting, no sooner.

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Nice idea. I think falling over when shot and other response s would be very good in increasing ai reaction and make them seem more believable. Players likewise should have more visible reactions to being hit, but thats be tricky to get right without excessively impacting player control.

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the anims is one of the most important things in ArmA, or one that needed more work. And now they are doing a good job with ArmA 3

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