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Funny story of how Poland wants to 'poison' Australia

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Here is the culprit!

Actually we don't need any weapons to conquer the OZ !!!

Just read and laugh :D


National Alliance for Action on Alcohol co-chairman Professor Mike Daube said it was "amazingly irresponsible'' for stores to sell the liquor, which had the potential to cause serious damage to drinkers or even kill them.

Don't listen to this "professor". He says that you may not have the bollocks!

"I think the consequences could be catastrophic,'' Prof Daube said.

I think that's pretty much going ON already without drinking the spirytus. Just look how the Aboriginals are degrading themselves with free money they receive from the government.

"It really sounds like the sort of product that absolutely should not be on the shelves.''

I'm glad that Polish supermarkets withdrawn that Australian pisser called Fosters :D

Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre director Professor Jake Najman said the Polish spirit was a "recipe for disaster''

Ha! Another Australian specialist! Funny thing is his second name Najman sounds kinda Polish. Mr. Najman I accuse of of treason, you will be drowned and dissolved in a vat of spirytus!

I like this comment by Mr Singh

Rohit Singh Posted at 8:10 PM January 15, 2012

Sounds Awesome, Thank you Courier Mail, Im going to go down and buy a few for the Bucks Night.

Pheew... Thing is Australians don't know how drink this and they ruin the reputation of this fine spirit by doing some stupid jackass stunts. Thing is that spirytus is a pure spirit distilled several times to achieve the highest concentration of alcohol. We mainly use this as a base for other liquors, alcoholic drinks and sometimes medical purposes. It has 95% ABV or how Americans say - 190 proof.

Of course this spirit is safe to drink in it's natural state but it has to be prepared properly by mixing with other ingredients. Forget about adding water! Popular recipes include mixing spirit with some lemon juice and some sugar, or mixing with honey or caramel. Such seasoned spirit should wait for 24 hours before drinking. When it's done... you can drink straight up by shots. And it's so smooth that you don't need wash your throat with soft drinks!

Anyways whatever you drink do it responsibly and do some research on foreign alcohols before the tasting session ;)

I watched many vids on youtube where people from other countries drink it straight up from the warm bottle. They are doing it wrong, but somehow I admire their courage haha ;)

Edited by Sudayev

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Aussies are not the first!

Some guy told me that during communism times he could buy only Wodka Gastronomiczna - more-less the same thing like Spirytus Rektyfikowany, but this one had too much of toxic methyl alcohol, so it's purpose was for example cooking, when methyl alcohol would vanish in high temperature.

Do you think that he cared about it? Maybe for first week, but when it dawned on him that his city (with only one shop) won't see delivery of better alcohol, he had no other choice. Now he's alive and well ;)

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God, i remember the last time i drank "rectified spirit" as we used to call it. I guess i lost 10% of my neurones :803:

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95% ABV is what; about 190 proof in the US system (or ~166 proof using our old UK system)? That stuff must be pretty horrific to drink.

At an air show about 10-15 years ago I had a couple of small drams with some chaps from the Ukrainian Air Force, of some 180 proof 'stuff' that they'd flown in with them; sat around a little plastic table in the back of their IL-76. God knows what it was: I only know the bottle had "180 proof" written on it in English. The rest was in Cyrillic and they hardly spoke any English for me to ask of them.

Can't say I took them up on their offer to sell me a bottle on the sly for a very low price as the small amount I had was startlingly efficient in its effect; and my body and mind agreed 'no more!', should I wish to continue having a long and prosperous life. :D Considering the company and setting it was a pretty good experience though.

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ABV - This is standard gradation, alcohol by volume. Which means there is no less than 95% of pure alcohol per bottle. While the US proof system doubles the ABV amount. British proof is 1.70 or 1.75 x ABV as far as is remember. That Ukrainian stuff you drank could be a pure spirit or some sort of booze. Like I said in the end, the spirit is perfect to drink after infusion with burned sugar (caramel), honey or caster sugar with lemon juice. When infused properly there are no shakes or bitter face. I drink infused spirits on certain occasion and I never had a hangover after it. The more weird additives alcohol has the more side affects it can cause ;)

On the other hand Australian didn't get use for such strong alcohols. I have a family in Australia, there where born there. When they arrived to visit us in Poland during Christmas we were drinking together. Uncle, an university professor says " We mostly drink light alcohols light beers or wine, sometimes it's whisky. Strong spirits don't go to well with our tropical climate. First two shots of vodka were terrible for him. Bad shakes, face grimace, choking and so on :D A comedy! But he get used to it with every next shot and he said: Damn this thing is really good! It was so funny :D He took back two bottles of our "best medicine for malaria" with him to Australia.

Here's an interesting division of alcohol (production and consumption popularity) in Europe


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I watched many vids on youtube where people from other countries drink it straight up from the warm bottle. They are doing it wrong, but somehow I admire their courage haha ;)

Drinking warm spirit??? Oh shi... Only cold, together with lemon and something like fried meat or fish!

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Speaking from OZ I think the story has been mis-read people are drinking this neat, not mixed hence the problem :)

the linked video didn't look Australian either, the last part looked more Spanish but could be anywhere lol.

PS we don't drink fosters! thats just the shit we sell to you guys :)

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Bitch please, I use it to make a homemade eggnog ;)

Yep. It's better then using a vodka in this case ;)

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spiritus is killing ? hehe, i can drink spirit, not a problem (i just don't like drinking, but i can if i have to)

spirt is great to: ice creams (chocolate, citron, citrus icecreams)

you can add a little of spirt to chocolate cake, also it is great for cleaning things , good to clean metal from oils and some electronical devices, good to clean fridge, good to clean glass, good to clean heads of tape recorders :) specially when you have it cheaper thanx to ... some guys

spirt can be good for cleaning markers, pen spots from clothes etc.

the best is with citron-chocolate ice-cream :]

there is also one usage of spirit - put it together with pepper or better with juglans walnut , than it is best when you are feeling sick after meal,

drinking such wallnut-spirit will help stomach diseases better than any drugs to digestion when you are sick after not fresh meat or meal , it really helps, natural medicine :]

spirit also helps when you afraid that meat could not have been fresh, i prefer such wallnut-spirit than those drugs like "hepatil" (whatever name of medicament for stomach problems)

it can save from vomiting or diarrhea all day long :]

as far as i remember, fresh juglans walnut (not dry, fresh from tree) + spirit, let it melts for 2 weeks , and in case of being sick after meal you have natural cure (20-50 ml would be enough)



the same they don't eat our "rotten cucumbers" which we love + we do not eat Gorgonzola cause i feel to vomit seeing or touching Gorgonzola (or any green-cheese )

Edited by vilas

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i feel to vomit seeing or touching Gorgonzola (or any green-cheese )

Dude, seriously? What could be better than a lovely Stilton:


It's practially cheese-porn! :D

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light blue-silver cheese is not bad on pizza, but a little + cappari :) but gorgonzolla and green-cheese ... i'd rather take 50ml of this spirit and few rotten(sour) cucumbers with rotten(sour) cabbage plus fresh mushrooms with fresh onion (people used to eat it boiled, baked) ;P

we also have "black bread" which rest probably do not have :]

black bread is from the same grain which vodka and spirit is - rye

also i heard that in west we eat bananas which Indians give to animals only

there is one thing as bad as Gorgonzola, plastic colored perfumed meat from Spain (Spanish bacon as far as i remember, Parmanian or like this, the call it "long rotting meat" or like this, this bacon with color like cherry are, i bought it once, it was twice expensive comparing to our pink-grey bacon, but all was thrown back to trash, noone in home wanted to eat it, even homeless cats , i payed 8PLN for 75g comparing to 4 PLN for 100g our bacon, even homeless cat did not wanted it)

Edited by vilas

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Spirit is great stuff but some people are afraid of it. I´m a croat who lives in Germany and I really had to laugh when some friends of mine watched me in disbelief after I downed a whole glass of Absinth without any expression on my face. (I´m not a drinker)

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but what is funny, when you would look at statistics, people on west drink as much alco as on the west, but they prefer beer or wine,

when my friends were working in UK and IRL they were shocked about drinking and vomiting people on the streets there, they were thinking (by stereotype) than "only we drink" but things they've seen on islands shocked them,

maybe they drink lower-percentage drinks there and more expensive, but vomit more,

i don't know how it looks on west myself, but i can drink whole bottle of cheap wine (3 Euro wine) for occasion and it doesn't kill me, it is soon air out :] and i am not heavy big man (volume of blood + fat in organism to take alco) , but i have seen abroad guys falling down after half of bottle of wine (15% volume ?) the only thing that i want after bottle is fall asleep asap

Edited by vilas

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Well we are slavs, its in our blood :p

It sure is. All the time. :D

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vilas, I think it'd down to the way we drink in the UK.

Hardly anybody drinks alcohol regularly during the working week, and if they do it's only a very small, relatively dilute amount (a glass of wine or one or two bottles of beer) on a couple of days in the week. I don't think stomachs are prepared for when people suddenly drink 10-20 times that amount of alcohol on a single night (mixing beer, cider, wine spirits etc.), before waiting another seven days to do it again. It's a bit like trying to run a large distance every Friday when the for rest of the week, you do nowt but sit on your arse watching tele - your body wont thank you for it.

Personally, in my teens I used to go to the pub most days in the week and I'd cope pretty well if I did drink a more significant amount of alcohol at parties or had a reason to do so at the end of the week. Later on, when my drinking habits changed because of increased study and work commitments; I found I had a worse physical response to large amounts of alcohol, even though the total number of units of alcohol I'd drink in a week remained the same as before, and it'd take me the same number of drinks per session to feel the neurological effects of alcohol (so notionally I was still getting to the same level of drunkenness as before).

I think the amount of alcohol people consume in a given week across Europe is pretty consistent wherever you go - Brits just do it in one of the least sensible way nowadays. My father's generation had a much better drinking habits socially, even though the type, and total amount of alcohol they consumed was probably less healthy.

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but what is funny, when you would look at statistics, people on west drink as much alco as on the west, but they prefer beer or wine,

when my friends were working in UK and IRL they were shocked about drinking and vomiting people on the streets there, they were

was waiting for us to get a mention :P

screw vodka, poitín is where its at :D

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my friends were working in Limeric or like that, and they were saying that they had to jump on street "from one vomit-free pavement block, to another" looking to not get into vomit, they said that they were shocked, cause by stereotype Poles and Russians drink the most, but we never seen whole vomited streets or well-dressed people sleeping on the street in vomits, really , if we see such person than he is homeless :O

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my friends were working in Limeric or like that, and they were saying that they had to jump on street "from one vomit-free pavement block, to another" looking to not get into vomit, they said that they were shocked, cause by stereotype Poles and Russians drink the most, but we never seen whole vomited streets or well-dressed people sleeping on the street in vomits, really , if we see such person than he is homeless :O

Limerick is bad but its not thaaaat bad :D I'd agree we go crazy on nights out, but I've never had to hop from a vomit free path to the other

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I think that Australian officials should worry more about their Aboriginals and how they destroyed whole aboriginal communities by giving them free money for being Aboriginal. They literally drink away their whole lives, drink till they pass out in the streets. Of course they used to drink their much weaker brews before this social welfare and damn money benefits. It's so sad what happened to Aboriginals in Australia. 'Free' money handed to the people never did any good.

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The reaction to this stuff may seem over the top, but its mostly due to our crap media and because the financial cost of alcohol and especially the weekend binge drinking culture is quite topical here. The government has ads on TV and billboards about the negative influence drinking in front of your young kids has on them, drunk young people getting photos taken while having sex in the garden at a party, hit by cars, killing people in car crashes, throwing up in the toilets in front of your work mates, etc. It's all aimed at 18-25 year olds, who would be the only people that will buy rectified spirits (for novelty's sake). Our government loves to ban things that are stronger than the status quo, for example all our caffeine drinks are capped at near coffee strength per volume.

Spirits and beer are taxed (heavily) by alcohol content so it's no cheaper per alcohol content to buy than normal 35% alcohol whiskey (this is also why strong spirits are unpopular here). The real alcoholics here drink wine, since it is taxed differently and is cheaper per alcohol content.

Edited by ceeeb

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