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Enhanced Skills Slider

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Updated the first post with details of the latest release (v1.5).

ASR_AI users, please read the note regarding compatibility with this mod in the first post - it's important and you'll be glad you read it!


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Updated the first post with details of the latest release (v1.5).

ASR_AI users, please read the note regarding compatibility with this mod in the first post - it's important and you'll be glad you read it!


Great!- many thanks, Jedra. Looking forward to a busy weekend :)



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Forgot to mention - I am going into hospital tomorrow for some exploritary surgery (as they try and find out how to glue my shoulders back together again after they fell off last year). Anyway they are giving me drugs (no, not the kind Sickboy has for breakfast) and said I might feel a bit shabby for a couple of days - if I don't reply to any issues for a couple of days, I am not in a huff, just probably feeling sorry for myself catching up with episodes of Big Bang Theory....

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hey, I love this mod but I am using with MCC sandbox and the sandbox option is overiding this one, I also use instant view distance and that option pops up fine in the action menu but not yours. any ideas. I know its possible to have multiple slots for the action menu. love this mod just hate that MCC SB overdoes it :(

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hey, I love this mod but I am using with MCC sandbox and the sandbox option is overiding this one, I also use instant view distance and that option pops up fine in the action menu but not yours. any ideas. I know its possible to have multiple slots for the action menu. love this mod just hate that MCC SB overdoes it :(

Hmm yes, I did notice this with MCC Sandbox- not sure why this is happening. All I am doing is an addaction, nothing special. I'll try and figure it out over the weekend if I can, if not, definitely next week.

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Thanks for the update Jedra and hope they fix whats wrong with your shoulders!


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Thanks all. I hope you are enjoying the mod. Before I head off to have my internals prodded and poked by England's finest butchers I will leave you with this...

You know when you have been playing Arma too much when, in her sleep, your 4 year old daughter suddenly shouts '2 - 3 - 4 - Get In That Chopper'!! Kept me amused all last night anyway! Could have been worse, she could have shouted 'Fak Dat Hertz'!

Have a good weekend!

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Could have been worse, she could have shouted 'Fak Dat Hertz'!

LOL, very true. Always makes me chuckle to hear a US soldier saying that in a very Eastern European accent. Gotta love BIS. :D

All the best for your operation Jedra.

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I've been away from A2/OA for a little while - Since patch 1.6 came out - Just getting back into it - With all the AI tweaks / increases since 1.60 patch.....I'm wondering which Mod to install -

Basically I play SP - I want the ability to increase my BLUFOR AI teammates overall AI (as well as tweak enemy AI, of course).

Can someone give me advice, which is easier to use for this - This Enhanced Skill Slider Mod or ASR_AI Skill settign Mod.

Thanks for the advice...

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Either of these will work for you, it's a matter of taste I guess. ASR_AI does more than enhance skills, there's other good stuff in there too. I use both - I have set up ASR_AI with some basic skill levels that I like, and I use my own ESS mod to twek the levels in game if the AI are being too accurate and making the experience too frustrating.

I would say that once Robalo adds a user interface to his ASR_AI mod, then my mod will become redundant as essentially it will have become a subset of what Robalo's mod does.

Try them and see I would say!

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Either of these will work for you, it's a matter of taste I guess. ASR_AI does more than enhance skills, there's other good stuff in there too. I use both - I have set up ASR_AI with some basic skill levels that I like, and I use my own ESS mod to twek the levels in game if the AI are being too accurate and making the experience too frustrating.

I would say that once Robalo adds a user interface to his ASR_AI mod, then my mod will become redundant as essentially it will have become a subset of what Robalo's mod does.

Try them and see I would say!

Welcome back - hope everything went OK.

Had only a little time to play over the weekend, but my impressions of the first first release are much enforced by the latest - excellent addon. At last, a fix for the laser AI accuracy since 1.60 :yay:



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Liking this addon quite a bit since getting it installed and running - Works great for tweaking specifics for OPFOR units.....

I have also learned or it appears that if you do give in your default skill level slider that comes with A2/OA (within the editor). If you do slide a unit all the way to full, all his subset skill levels do show up as 1.0 within this enhanced slider mod - I was under the impression that, that wasn't necessarily the case. That other factors also have influence. But it does let me know that if you give your BLUFOR units a full skill rating within the default editor all their subset skill ratings (such as aiming, courage, generalship, reloading, etc) are all at a 1.0 (full as well).

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Glad you are all enjoying the addon - I must say I find it very useful myself!

@meade95 - yes, changing the 'official' skill slider will affect the skill levels, but it is as a sledgehammer to a nut and doesn't give you the fine control needed. I am assuming the precision_enemy affected the precision skills once the overall skills were applied, but we don't have that anymore and I no longer have a client here with a pre-1.6 install - so I can't see what it does under the hood so to speak!

My idea was just to allow people some finer control as they seemed to want intelligent opponents who were not sharp shooters. hopefully ESS goes someway to restore a bit of balance to gameplay - my experiences seem to back this up!

Next? Well, I am going to see what Robalo does with ASR_AI - if he implements a GUI to his mod then it, to all intents and purposes, renders this one redundant. I am slowly cleaning up the code at the moment which will get released should there be any further functionality added. Let's wait and see!

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Just updated to version 1.6.

Small bugfixes and some internal code cleanup.

v 1.6
- Fixed a problem with preinitialisation that stopped this mod from loading with certain other mods.

ESS should now load when used alongside MCC Sandbox, Loki's Lost Key and a couple of others. I had used the same global in the Pre-Init as they had - doh!

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really enjoy this mod - Very helpful -

Dumb question but just to clearify, with the skill ratigns 0-1 (1 is always the best, correct). Was just curious when it comes to "aiming speed". If perhaps the lower the number meant the quicker (in real time). Likely not, but just wanted to understand for sure that 1.0 ratings are always the best....

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really enjoy this mod - Very helpful -

Dumb question but just to clearify, with the skill ratigns 0-1 (1 is always the best, correct). Was just curious when it comes to "aiming speed". If perhaps the lower the number meant the quicker (in real time). Likely not, but just wanted to understand for sure that 1.0 ratings are always the best....

1 is always the better skill - think of it as the unit's proficiency in that skill. So, a guy with an aiming speed of 1.0 you would not want to arrange a gunfight at noon with ;-)

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thanks again man, it working flawlessly alongside MCC X)

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New version up - small bugfix as there was a problem detecting a game on a LAN (hosted) server. Thanks to ACE1434 for pointing it out. I'll get there in the end ;-)

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If i am running it on a Dedi server would ALL clients need to run it as well as no other AI are spawned after the start of the mission !?


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