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PS3 gamers?

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im the new guy that posted questions in General Discussion(I think thats where it was).

Any of you guys on PS3s? I know it may seem like a stupid question coming on a pc gaming forum(lol).

The only game I play on there is called MAG, maximum 256 players on one map in largest game mode, and even though its not even close to being as realistic as this game, MAG is exponentially more team based and tactical then any other shooter on consoles. I would call it an underground game. Has a following of about 1500 people that play everyday and once you get in this game, its very hard to get out. Its been out for 2 years so its not un common to see players with 2000-4000 hours of game play(I have 900). You could get this game dirt cheap at a game store or order down load it from the PSN store for 30 bucks. A mic is a must, as it is very team based.

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Don't play PS3, I own an Xbox, but I only wheel that thing out when it's time for some kinect games w/ friends.

This is no normal PC gaming forum. Console gamers are not favored here much, but we are always open to converts.

This game also qualifies as one that is exponentially more team based than most FPSs.



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I don't know if we are unfriendly to console gamers. I think what we are unfriendly toward is the tendency toward multiplatform development which sort of ends up making our expensive gaming rigs a waste of money. Console ports seem to be both 'dumbed down' and seem not to challenge our machines or our minds.

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game MAG ? man, you should try Arma :P

you will see what is good game when you will check out Arma instead of MAG (unless you love things more complicated than just shooter)

Arma is not shooter, Arma is much much much much more


Console gamers are not favored here much

tell me:

- how many addons, mods do you have on consoles ?

- how many mission editors do you have on consoles ?

- can you change mission on console ? can you choose stuff you play, can you make new island, can you make new car, can you make new mission, can you mix stuff for example Lego-warrior + dinosaur + US soldier from 1944 + rabbits ?

cause in OFP/Arma you can

bobtom, you joined 2010, have you ever played OFP ?

do you know :

- Lego mod

- animals mod

- dinosaurs mod

- 1864 war mod ?

- WW1 mod ?

consoles = limits

if you havent played OFP, instead of next console game, buy yourself old good OFP , download mods for OFP and see what you've been missing ;)

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Hey Bro,

Got me a PS3 last year to play some sports games like Madden:yay: and wanted to try some other games that might work on the couch, but now its basically a media server and DVD player :)

I dont know how you can fps on a console or should i say with a hand controller!... its just doesnt work for me! im like a fish outa water.

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game MAG ? man, you should try Arma :P

you will see what is good game when you will check out Arma instead of MAG (unless you love things more complicated than just shooter)

Arma is not shooter, Arma is much much much much more


tell me:

- how many addons, mods do you have on consoles ?

- how many mission editors do you have on consoles ?

- can you change mission on console ? can you choose stuff you play, can you make new island, can you make new car, can you make new mission, can you mix stuff for example Lego-warrior + dinosaur + US soldier from 1944 + rabbits ?

cause in OFP/Arma you can

bobtom, you joined 2010, have you ever played OFP ?

do you know :

- Lego mod

- animals mod

- dinosaurs mod

- 1864 war mod ?

- WW1 mod ?

consoles = limits

if you havent played OFP, instead of next console game, buy yourself old good OFP , download mods for OFP and see what you've been missing ;)

No mods or addons

No mission editors (I guess OFP: Elite had one)

Can't even change mission.

Which is why consoles suck, and that is why I play ArmA and not COD on consoles.

I've played OFP, loved it, I wish I could play a campaign like that again.

I was not implying it was a bad thing that consoles are not favored here, we play a game that cannot relate to consoles, as the game has almost no limits.


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Consoles =\= COD gamers.

Never played something nearly good as Uncharted, Metal Gear, Read Dead Redemption, God of War on the PC. And those are only few examples.

The best is to have as many plataforms as possible and play whatever you like ;)

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Consoles =\= COD gamers.

Never played something nearly good as Uncharted, Metal Gear, Read Dead Redemption, God of War on the PC. And those are only few examples.

The best is to have as many plataforms as possible and play whatever you like ;)

That is very true, I have heard excellent things about those games. Also the Bioshock games had some good storyline. Some developers are able to succeed by controlling what players play and some succeed by letting them play what they want, I guess.

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MAG players dont like COD, as it is too main stream and appeals to players who like mind less shooters. MAG is very team based pvp only game that dosnt have mods, but has alot of community generated content such as clan battles.

I do agree consoles are dumbed down, but I guess its too late to change things now for me. Im not spending any more money on video games except for Dust514 coming out for PS3 in the spring. If I down load this game, it will be for free.

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and what is the point of this thread concerning a console game in a pc exclusive forums? mag or not, you lad dont even own any of the bis titles...

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It isn't PC exclusive anymore. *Points to Firing Range Board*

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and what is the point of this thread concerning a console game in a pc exclusive forums? mag or not, you lad dont even own any of the bis titles...

Well this is off topic isnt it?

And I just started down loading ARMA 2 free version. I am looking forward to pvp. Are there people regularly playing?

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Hai ama opinionated arsehole n fort i wud state my opini.onion here even doe it isnt welkum. Fanx, bai.

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Well this is off topic isnt it?

And I just started down loading ARMA 2 free version. I am looking forward to pvp. Are there people regularly playing?

On Combined operations servers yes but the vanilla Arma servers have been pretty much destroyed by a steady stream of retards using the free version to TK, blow up assets...etc.

The majority of free players are fine but a game like Arma can be ruined with just a single person on a server doing stuff like that.

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Hai ama opinionated arsehole n fort i wud state my opini.onion here even doe it isnt welkum. Fanx, bai.

Well, how jolly nice of you then.

All platforms are fine. Different people like different things.

I have pc mainly for arma. Almost anything else I play with PS3. Easy and fun.

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On this forum we speak in English, not in l33tspeek, not even when you're being ironic. This would have been a warning had you not been flame-baiting at the same time.

+ 1 infraction for flame-baiting in pseudo English l33tspeak.

§13) Write in English

Please write only in English on the public forums. Avoid writing in any other language or any kind of slang or txt speak since the majority of the members most likely won't understand. In private messages you are of course welcome to write in any language you wish.

Edited by Max Power

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I played lots of Delta Force, then lots of Delta Force 2, then lots of OFP: Cold War Crysis on the PC. I was a happy guy. Then, when my PC exploded for the third time due to the excessively humid air from the coast, i had a brilliant idea:

Why don't i just buy a PS3 to play OFP: Dragon Rising?! Enough wasting money on PC upgrades and maintenance!

And i still hate myself for that.

I only found out about the existance of a game called ArmA when i searched YouTube for Dragon Rising, trying to understand why Codemasters treated me like a complete idiot. The mistake was mine, though. I bought a fucking PLAYSTATION 3.

*alleviation post

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I visit the local game store from time to time to buy a used copy of an older game. Currently I'm playing Virtua Tennis 4 and I love it. =)

Edit - Eeks, its Top Spin 4 ... never mind :D I'm not that into gaming anymore ;)

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I visit the local game store from time to time to buy a used copy of an older game. Currently I'm playing Virtua Tennis 4 and I love it. =)

Edit - Eeks, its Top Spin 4 ... never mind :D I'm not that into gaming anymore ;)

Whoa, original Top Spin flashback.

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Sorry friend's i don't having a great knowledge about this so i am unable to say anything to you if i ever had any knowledge about this topic i will surely come back sorry.

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Sorry friend's i don't having a great knowledge about this so i am unable to say anything to you if i ever had any knowledge about this topic i will surely come back sorry.


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