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Multi-Session Operations v4.0 released

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v4.0 released!!!!

Over 20 sample missions including: Takistan, Chernarus, Zargabad, Utes, Qom Province, CLAfghan, Lingor, Tora Bora, Podagorsk and Cicada

A2Free, A2CO, ACE missions AVAILABLE!



Get the latest 4.0.3 Missions AND MSO Code Base here

Requires CBA - if not using A2Free


You need ELITENESS to depbo these missions

Note: We will be regularly patching/fixing the code and missions over the next few weeks (as feedback comes in) so please check back here for any newer versions.

What's New

- Performance optimisations across the board

- Improved ambient civilians, vehicles, animals, shepherds, dog packs, aircraft and ships/boats

- Added Ambient Electrical Grids (AEG by LoyalGuard)

- New Ambient Destroyed Towns/Villages

- 20 new missions including all your favourites maps

- Added support for TvT and CTI (Warfare) missions

- A2Free Support

- ACRE Support

- ACE Support

- Added Map support for CLAfghan, Tora Bora, Lingor, Podagorsk and others

- Improved mission parameters to configure/enable/disable modules

- Integrated with WICT (Thanks Highhead and ArmaIIHolic)

- Improved Terrorist Cells, including car bombs and reaction to vehicle inspection.

- Improved INTEL for towns

- 100's Minor Bug Fixes

Feedback, issues, bugs

Report any issues here.

What Is MSO?

Multi Session Operations is a modular mission framework. Essentially it is a collection of scripts that create a persistent, living scenario in which the player operates. Unlike regular missions that have pre-scripted objectives, MSO procedurally generates enemy forces that are unpredictable and (semi) random. Players have to think beyond the mere tactical level and build up the intelligence picture, carrying out recce patrols to identify enemy locations and conduct deliberate attacks to neutralise them. Everything is persistent, including equipment, ammo, vehicles and even player lives. MSO is designed specifically for Dedicated Server use.

Recommended Settings / Peformance

Due to the dynamic nature of MSO and its reliance on scripting to generate ambience and dynamic enemy, it can be resource intensive. The default settings are the recommended ones for most maps (although I would recommend All Factions for ambient air if used). If you have a large map with lots of locations (Chernarus) or a large number of players you will want to consider disabling or dialling down ambience or enemy.


- MSO development team: Wolffy.au, Tupolov, Ryan, friznit, highhead, zorrobyte, HateDread, kieran, Kolmain, and Rommel

- Ryan, Antipop, Rommel, Militant, Scarecrow and Australian Armed Forces (AAF)

- Friznit, Tupolov, DaveP and the UK based Volunteer Commando Battalion (VCB)

- Krause, Beta, Sandiford, JollyResq - United Operations (UO)

- Capt.Alderman and MilitaryGaming.org (MilGO)

- Kremator, SCAJolly, Katipo66, vengeance1, 16AA and AEF clans for testing

- Alef and Sickboy for CBA conversion for A2Free

- Xeno and Mikero for their Mission Builder Script

- Spyder for Object Network Update (ONU), LoyalGuard for ARMA Electrical Grids (AEG), ArmaIIholic and Highhead for World In Conflict (WICT), LurchiDerLurch for AC130 CAS

- Robalo, USMCWall, Muzzleflash, Wobbleyheadedbob, Hatedread, Zonekiller, VoW Widow, Swedge, Lonestar, SBSMac, Prymsuspec, zGuba, Fireball, Nou, Jaynus, Norrin for bits and pieces we got from you

- CWR2 team, IceBreakr, Shezan, Commander, Old Bear for making your mods and islands MSO friendly

- And of course the wonderful folk at BIS!

Edited by Tupolov

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Updated to 4.03

- Fixed WICT restart issue (important!)

- Fixed a number of missions where respawn was occuring at place of last disconnect.

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Tupolov would the above fixes prevent a server crash?

I have just finished a running test of 4.02, as with the beta although the performance seems better it still crashes the server after rougly 1hr30mins.

The test was mainly just staying around the base, called in a few CAS missions and just engaged enemy that came near the base.

Here is the .RPT


Currently running another test with 4.03, will update asap.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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I doubt that fix will help you. 4.0.1 - 4.0.3 are really just minor bug fixes so shouldn't impact stability. The WICT fix is purely to ensure WICT restarts if the server has no one connected for a while.

All our testing is on the 1.60 build. We have not tested on the latest Beta.

VCB have been running 4.0.0 code for 3 days without issue on 1.60.

Looking at your RPT, it doesn't look like the server was under much strain from an AI perspective. Says @ADDONS is at fault? Could be an addon you are running?

I would suggest just running with ACE, CBA, ACRE (and optionally ACEX, ASR) and not the @ADDONS to see if that fixes it.


Edited by Tupolov

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Yeah could be, very strange the only things in the @ADDONS are Sangin, Hot-Kazaar & Clafghan maps, McNools TierOne operators.

Anyway will run more tests and try to narrow it down.

Thankyou for the reply, i cant wait to get stuck into this properly....

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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Well ok that is weird. I've been testing with Sangin and CLAfghan as mods enabled on server and client. I did notice in your RPT a lot of:

Observer O 1-1-A:2 in cargo of O 1-1-A:2

Which I'm not seeing at all in my rpt's.

Are you using default mission parameters?

I've asked VOLCBAT to confirm if they see any issues with 4.0.3 after 1h 30mins.

Like I said though we have not tested on the latest Beta. Might be worth getting the dmp file to BIS?



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Not quite default, i turned off the air and sea patrols, disabled the town destroyed fire thing. Apart from that nothing else that i can think of...

Gonna keep testing over the weekend anway and see if i can compile something a bit more thorough.

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VCB server's been running for 3 hours now without issue other than a little desynch when a new player joins and downloads the mission - nothing out of the ordinary (we run ACE, ACRE, ASR_AI and a number of other addons).

We're using pretty much minimum settings on Chernarus (which has by far the most spawn locations - still gives us 30+ WICT bases and plenty of excitement). For this run we have ambient air and convoys off.

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Hmm ok another report.... Have tried 2 different setups with MODS.

The first i removed all my other missions and added the JSRS mod on the server (just to get rid of some errors on the previous .rpt i posted.

After about 40/50 mins of gameplay the server crashed.

As you can see in the .RPT below it says the crash mod was @JSRS this time not @ADDONS.

So i then removed JSRS & ADDONS and just ran the ACE folders, CBA & ASRAI.

I actually got a bit excited as we made it to 1hr55mins before it crashed this time, apparently it was the @ASR_AI that was the problem this time.

Anyway here is the .RPT with the two crashes.


Also friz mentioned above about getting dsync when people join, we seem to get quite alot of dysnc even when there is no activity with jip.

This is really the only mission where we've had repeated crashes, it just doesnt make sense, as you say others are running it fine. Soooooo frustrating. The only other real thing i can try is running it without the latest Beta patch and see if it makes a difference, that will have to wait till tommorow though.

After spending that last 1hr55mins building VCP's, then to see it red chain was disheartening.


Server Specs (Just incase)

Intel Xeon E31270 @ 3.40GHz

12GB Ram

64 Bit OS - Windows Server 2008

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VCB up for a good 6 hours now ranging from 5-10 players - chernarus with 61 AI groups, 157 active AI and another 60 odd cached. Similarly they turned off ambient air/sea.

You may want to change the TimeSync options - check every 2hours and sync if 20mins out rather than 5mins and 5mins.

good luck!

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Anyone having problems with enemies ignoring and not firing?

Tried TAK and CHE new missions with BASE mission code. I can get out of a heli and walk right up to enemy.

RPT Output:

[41459,1137.63,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=MSO4%2e02, worldName=Chernarus, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"]

[41459,1137.83,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]

[41786,1143.66,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]

[41786,1143.68,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "]

[41786,1143.68,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=7, BIS_functions=L 1-1-A:1, group=L 1-1-A, player=B 1-1-A:1 (User), _playerType=USMC_Soldier_Pilot", _playerGroup=B 1-1-A, _playerVehicle=B 1-1-A:1 (User), _playerVehicleType="UH1Y"]

"MSO version: 4.02"

"MSO-11.791 Nou Caching (SERVER) Starting"

"MSO-11.816 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 1 Groups 4/0 Active/Cached Units"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Server Start: Overcast=0.295405"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Server Start: Fog=0"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Server Start: Rain=0.704626"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: O=[0.295405,0.0957169,11.816,2216.05]"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: F=[0,0,11.816,452.659]"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: R=[0,0.9202,11.816,2629.1]"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Start: Overcast=0.295405"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Start: Fog=0"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Start: Rain=0"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: O=[0.295405,0.0957169,11.816,2216.05]"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: F=[0,0,11.816,452.659]"

"MSO-11.816 Weather Client Sync: R=[0,0.9202,11.816,2629.1]"

"MSO-15.063 Dog Packs # 28"

"MSO-16.015 Shepherds # 32"

"MSO-18.742 Town Manager - Starting"

"MSO-18.742 Town Manager - Locations: 46"

"MSO-24.953 Convoy: destinations(141) spawns(9) convoys(3)"

"MSO-24.953 Convoys # 3"

"MSO-25.328 TerrorCells: spawns(9) cells(5)"

"MSO-25.487 Enemy Population initLocations 660"

"MSO-27.234 Enemy Population # 10"

"MSO-28.486 Convoy: #3 [4968.92,12600.1] [6365.18,7637.45] [2.56902,1627.88] Motorized"

"MSO-29.057 Convoy: #2 [5027.13,12542.2] [11541.4,6574.32] [11984.7,13104.8] Motorized"

"MSO-29.154 Convoy: #1 [4949.38,12557.4] [3728.28,2311.81] [9662.6,13575.3] Motorized"

"MSO-45.309 Enemy Population # 20"

"MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 30"

"MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 40"

"MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 50"

"MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 60"

"MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 70"

"MSO-47.411 Enemy Population # 79"

"MSO-47.411 WICT Population initLocations 660"

"MSO-47.411 WICT Population # 10"

"MSO-47.411 WICT Population # 20"

"MSO-47.411 WICT Population # 30"

"MSO-48.928 WICT Population # 40"

"MSO-49.373 WICT Population # 43"

"Starting WICT Controller"

"Stopping WICT Controller"

"MSO-101.178 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 15 Groups 51/43 Active/Cached Units"

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\cekam.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\cekam.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\ru\waiting.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\ru\waiting.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\jsempripraven.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female03\cz\jsempripraven.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss'

Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbing\global\radio\female02\cz\cekam.wss'


"MSO-161.776 Air Traffic: #6, Vehicle: An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 Start: [-2200,8718.1,643.053] Landing: e7d98800# 137660: ss_hangar.p3d End: [-2200,16792.4,643.053]"

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RPT Output:

[41459,1137.63,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=MSO4%2e02, worldName=Chernarus, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"]

Wanderzz, is this your own mission? Log a ticket at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/issues/new so we don't fill up this thread sorting out your issue.

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For those playing on CLAfghan...

CLAfghan is a huge map, but with few locations. I would highly recommend setting enemy intensity at 66% on this map to increase the likelihood of contact.

WICT should also keep you busy though!

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Hi, I am new to MSO and was wondering if it's possible to add community made units? I have had a quick poke around in the code and can't see any obvious scripts that might do this and although the manual explains how to add new Islands, it doesn't mention units.

Also, is there anything I need to do server side to make this multi-session? Currently if I leave the mission, it ends and the next time I join it starts again from the beginning. I normally just rotate small co-op missions on my server and may not have set something up to make it multi-session. My server is windows dedicated and I am running ACE. I am running the latest beta of Arma2-CO (server and client side). Stability is good - I mooched around for a good 3 hours last night in CLAFGHAN and there were no server side crashes (although it was just little old me and a few AI to keep me company!).

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Also, is there anything I need to do server side to make this multi-session? Currently if I leave the mission, it ends and the next time I join it starts again from the beginning. I normally just rotate small co-op missions on my server and may not have set something up to make it multi-session. My server is windows dedicated and I am running ACE. I am running the latest beta of Arma2-CO (server and client side). Stability is good - I mooched around for a good 3 hours last night in CLAFGHAN and there were no server side crashes (although it was just little old me and a few AI to keep me company!).

In your server.cfg, make sure this parameter is set:

persistent = 1;

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In your server.cfg, make sure this parameter is set:

persistent = 1;

Excellent - thanks for that!

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Which caching system do you guys recommend using? Legacy, Nou's or Jaynus?

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To add custom enemy:

Edit Enemy/modules/init.sqf

You'll see how ace and cwr2 units have been added. The easiest thing to do is place your custom faction in MSO_FACTIONS=["Customfaction"] on line 11. Ensure you disable other factions in the mission parameter screen in game if they are not required.

For caching:

Default is Nou Caching. This is recommended. Certainly people are using CEP Caching, we would suggest trying both. Do not use jcache.



Edited by Tupolov

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Over 9 hours of solid MSO gameplay today with no major issues. Desynch and lag built up a bit when we had 12 people on and put in a combined arms armour attack against a WICT position that had somehow built up to 17 UAZ, 4 BMP and around 90 dismounts, but it was still perfectly playable.

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