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Multi-Session Operations v4.0 released

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Hello guys I was wondering if you could help me with adding a script to your missions

I am trying to add the bon_ieds script

what i have done is downloaded the script and then placed the bon_ieds folder in the mission root

I then added the game logic to the map on editor and called it Server

I then added this line into the init.sqf for the mission

#ifndef execNow
#define execNow call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers

waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"};

diag_log format["MSO version: %1", "4.03"];

execNow "core\init.sqf";
execNow "ambience\init.sqf";
execNow "support\init.sqf";
execNow "enemy\init.sqf";

[color="Red"]execNow "bon_ieds\init.sqf";[/color]

execNow "init-custom.sqf";

"Completed" call mso_core_fnc_initStat;
execNow "core\scripts\intro.sqf";

but nothing happens and the ieds are not placed on the map

any help would be fantastic thank you :)

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I'm not familiar with bon_ied's scripts and they're not part of the regular MSO but I'll try to help. Without seeing any errors though we won't be able to tell what's going wrong. Does it work if you add it to a regular non MSO mission in the same way? Look in your server rpt file for any errors and post them up.

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I'm not familiar with bon_ied's scripts and they're not part of the regular MSO but I'll try to help. Without seeing any errors though we won't be able to tell what's going wrong. Does it work if you add it to a regular non MSO mission in the same way? Look in your server rpt file for any errors and post them up.

Hi Friznit2.

Thanks for offering to help

this is the error i get from the server .rpt

Error in expression <ATH = "bon_ieds\";

bon_number_ieds = tfor_ieds; 

bon_ied_container = [
 Error position: <tfor_ieds; 

bon_ied_container = [
 Error Undefined variable in expression: tfor_ieds

this is a link to the download for the bon_ieds script

maybe that will help you - help me :)

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

Also :)

the mission Im attepmting to edit :) has 3 teams on blufor with 3 members in each team

TL+2 soldiers

so its only a 9 man coop

I would like to lower the amount of forces the WICT adds below 55 as we are finding the missions too overpowering for us when the WICT is on and 3 or 4 tanks roll into a town.

How would I go about lowering the amount of enemy's WICT creates.



I would like to reduce the amount of ai the TLs can recruit ?

atm its 6 how would i go about lowering that ?

Sorry if im asking too much

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I would like to lower the amount of forces the WICT adds below 55 as we are finding the missions too overpowering for us when the WICT is on and 3 or 4 tanks roll into a town.

How would I go about lowering the amount of enemy's WICT creates.

--> its in enemy\modules\WICT_enemypop\WICT_data\startsettings.sqf (and refers to enemy\modules\WICT_enemypop\params.hpp).

EDIT: I would suggest changing the spawn-probability in setupE.sqf instead of lowering the AI-groups!! MSO spawns AI groups itself (like about 30 civi-groups and and also some rmm_enemypop when yu move around) and the "AI-Cap" then leaves space for only about 10-15 WICT-groups if the limit is set to 55, afterwards WICT no longer spawns enemies until AI group count is below the limit set up in Mission-parameters. I just tryed a limit of 30 and then WICT will spawn nothing anymore. Better change the WICT-spawning probability. You can also set it to 20% or less so effect will be that it takes fife times longer to get the same amount of enemies and is limited by AI cap (55, 80, etc.). Its described here "Setting up probabilities": http://wicta2.wikia.com/wiki/Configuring_bases


I would like to reduce the amount of ai the TLs can recruit ?

atm its 6 how would i go about lowering that ?

--> its in the support\modules\rmm_recruitment\dialog_*faction*.hpp files, easy to edit


Sorry if im asking too much

--> There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers:)


Edited by highhead

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I just sent Wollfy the latest version of the WICT module and so feel free to grab it! It has performance improvements on WICT with AI cap and slower spawnings and i also worked Jedras configs in (thx Jedra on this one, good work!).

See Changelog for details:


changelog of WICT_module from vanilla MSO 4.03 (Takistan, only files in WICT module touched):

13.01.2012, v.014

- Added Mission-Parameter for turning of BLUFOR-Spawning (on/off) in order to preserve performance (setupW.sqf/params.hpp)

- changed base markers to mil_circle for wict-bases in "show bases"-mode in main.sqf

- fixed wrong base-count in diag_log and debug-hints // tested

- added AI-count debug-hint in corescript.sqf // tested

- added maximum AI-Group Cap from missionparameters to gain performance in corescript.sqf // tested

- moved battlefront away from player to near strategic places in corescript.sqf // tested


14.01.2012, v.015

- "moved battlefront away from player" working for singleplayer (corescript) // tested, much more potential in this one.

- Added "ep_total = ep_total+1" to main.sqf again (i deleted it by mistake, but no big deal) // tested

- Added comments on changes in code

- changed spawning probability so less units are spawned (also added more snipers)


15.01.2012, v.020

- Improved Spawning-Distance (minimum of 800mtrs to average players position, in exeSpawnE.fsm) // tested


16.01.2012, v.024

- Added debug-fix of Spawning markers in debug mode (Spawning marker wasnt deleted in exeSpawnE.fsm, easyone) // tested

- Changed Maximum of WICT AI groups to 120 // tested

- Added Jedras IRAN-configs (thanks man) to WICT (IRAN needs to be added in enemy\init.sqf tough) // To be tested, but should work out (no Iran-Mod yet)

- Fixed Camp-building for IRAN in WICT (+ added a default situation "RU") in enemy\WICT_enemypop\main.sqf (thx Jedra again) // tested, https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27695 (tupolov fixed it too, we need to check when merging code)

- Changed "find battlefront"-code so it can check more locations and added "FlatArea" to battlefront-searchscript (in corescript.sqf) // tested

>>>>>> v.028 tested and working

PS: this is not official, its just the wictmodule changed

Edited by highhead

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Excellent highhead - I'll test this tomorrow.

Anyone noticed units freezing in the middle of waypoints? I think it may be something to do with the caching - i.e. when a unit is un-cached or un-suspended it doesn't continue it's waypoint. I seem to remember reading that caching can affect units with attached scripts - is this a symptom of this?

Seen it when I have arrived at a convoy startpoint and the units in the convoy are just standing there (and seem to be immune to damage). Also, after I have taken a few rounds to the head and have re-spawned at base, the guys who were patrolling the base are now just standing there.

I haven't raised a bug yet as I need to get some solid repro (which I will do tomorrow) I just wondered if anyone had come across this.

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Been toying around with MSO 4.x on my test server past weekend and just wanted to say - excellent work!

PS: For ppl who don't want a server running 24/7 but still want to run a server in persistent mode over several days/weeks/months just use suspend to RAM (S3) or hibernate to HDD then pick up where you left, works great and saves the environment ;)

Thank you!


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@highhead - been doing some testing today and your new WICT version seems to be OK. I haven't had the chance to do any stress testing with or without the Iranians on my dedi derver yet but will do over the next few days. I did however find an Iranian gun-boat in the middle of the desert, so I may have accidentally added it to one of the configs!!! It was quite cool, but ruined the realism somewhat, so I'll search it out and post the amended config ;-)

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I've added HH's updated WICT module to the MSO GIT repo. Should be included with the next release - hoping this week!

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I did however find an Iranian gun-boat in the middle of the desert, .... It was quite cool, but ruined the realism somewhat...

nooooooo.... this is realism! I'm expecting this sort of weird things from all those takistani shop owners!


just tell me which string i have to remove or send me respective new config ;)

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Could you upload the new WICT files to a different site if possible?

There might be a small issue with Megaupload...


Wow - I would imagine that a number of other upload sites will go the same way then!

---------- Post added at 01:47 ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 ----------

nooooooo.... this is realism! I'm expecting this sort of weird things from all those takistani shop owners!


just tell me which string i have to remove or send me respective new config ;)

It's not in my WICT config and not in my replacement config, so I am trying to find out where it's being dragged from. It may be something to do with the rmm_enemypop module (or whichever one controls sea patrols) or possibly crb_convoys. I had to do some real work today, so will continue investigating tomorrow. I have seen it twice now, so I am not going mad!!!!

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Its probably ambient sea patrols found a pier object and "needed" to put a boat somewhere. Previously an LHD would spawn in the middle of Zargabad because "the river wasn't big enough"!

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Its probably ambient sea patrols found a pier object and "needed" to put a boat somewhere. Previously an LHD would spawn in the middle of Zargabad because "the river wasn't big enough"!

Thanks I'll check that today then. I thought I had switched that off in the parameters, but I wouldn't swear to it ;-) At least it wasn't putting a Lancaster Bomber on the moon...

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Thx for information Attorney!

i can't find words for my hate on those pipa/sopa-dickheads so i'll stop right here...

get it here before this ones closed too:


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Can anyone help me out with this?

I've put some of the missions on our dedicated server, but when I select it, I see the server countdown and when it hits 0, it just stops and nothing happens.

I have set persistent=1 in the config and i'm not really sure what else to do. Any help would be very much apprciated, thanks! :D


Scratch that. Needs CBA running. Might want to point that out, everywhere i've looked says this has no requirments. Would seem it does!

Edited by Pika

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Updated the first post, apologies for the confusion Pika

You can use the A2Free version if you don't want to use CBA.

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Updated the first post, apologies for the confusion Pika

You can use the A2Free version if you don't want to use CBA.

Is no problem!

Thanks for the speedy reply, already got a group online and we're loving MSO.

Thanks for this! :D

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Thx for information Attorney!

i can't find words for my hate on those pipa/sopa-dickheads so i'll stop right here...

Cheers for uploading again. Much appreciated :)

Re: SOPA/PIPA. They are a bunch of smelly dog cocks and can fuck off with their Nazi internet cash grab.

On topic: Just out of interest, the missions have R3F Logistics added (which is totally cool) but not the R3F artillery. Was this a design choice for balancing purposes?

I'm not petitioning you to add it in (it's easy enough to change the paths and drop the file in), just wondering why you chose to omit it.

Thanks to the team for making MSO. It's really impressive.

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just wondering why you chose to omit it.

It wasn't a conscious decision - we just needed a logistics system at the time and R3F was the one. R3F Artillery wasn't requested or required, so we didn't port it over.

As you said, they are both based on the same code, so it should be easy enough to add in.

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Hi gents,

Quick question. I'm trying to integrate MSO with Zonekillers BattleZone (both of which are AWESOME!)

Anyway my problem is .... is there a way to STOP caching of vehicles/civs/animals etc that are NOT made by MSO?

Any information would be very helpful.

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Hi gents,

Quick question. I'm trying to integrate MSO with Zonekillers BattleZone (both of which are AWESOME!)

Anyway my problem is .... is there a way to STOP caching of vehicles/civs/animals etc that are NOT made by MSO?

Any information would be very helpful.

I can't see an easy way to do this other than disabling the caching module altogether. The nou-cache routine loops around allGroups so unless you built an array of groups to igniore and excluded them in the loops, I can't see how you could easily do it on a group by group basis.

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v4.1 (which I'll release RC very soon) - will have an option to disable caching.

group setVariable ["rmm_gtk_exclude", true];

On every group you don't want to have included as part of caching.

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