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Completely uninstall SU and reinstall it, then verify & repair your ACE.

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Completely uninstall SU and reinstall it, then verify & repair your ACE.

I've done that many times. Will probably have to go into the registry or something.

But I don't need SixUpdater since ACE is in hibernation. If 522 is actually the version number for 1.13 stable.

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Merry xmas thanks for all your hard and much enjoyed work.

On a side note anyone notice you lose your gear often getting into a heli as a gunner or pilot?

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It keeps people from going rambo in a helo and jumping out when they get too damaged and act like they're Delta Force or something.

I like it personally because it is keeping air assets at base because people don't like losing their .50 cal or dropping their M240/Jav combo to take on everyone in town after they bail out in mid air or something lol keeps pilots dedicated and adds for more action when one does get shot down. -Nod-

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While I initially disliked this feature, the newest version of ACE now stores your backpack in the aircraft ACE cargo slot (where available - not all addons have one). So if your pilots put all their gear into a backpack before jumping in, it can be found in the ACE cargo slot when you need to get it back (interaction menu when close to the vehicle).

As said above, the plus side is it reinforces the need to at least attempt to land safely somewhere, which is generally a good thing.

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As said above, the plus side is it reinforces the need to at least attempt to land safely somewhere, which is generally a good thing.

Except when you need to eject because your plane is on fire. Planes don't have engine failures, so if you have to land it anywhere that isn't an airstrip you're either out of fuel or doin' it wrong. :rolleyes:

Or you're trying to use the AC-130 script and the option disappears so you hit "Jump Out" instead... :cool:

Luckily I was in the back seat and my unit uses the script command to disable it. lol

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Please note that the JSRS 1.4 sound mod released today does break one workaround for a BIS problem that we've made and may cause issues.


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Killed EH script copied from OA into one JSRS pbo. The precompiled JSRS function uses a JSRS tag so our internal routine can't pick it up and disable it (it's expecting a BIS tag).


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Can you provide some hotfix (if the issue is really gamebreaking or something)?

Since at least for me ACE and JSRS are those mods I can't play ArmA without.

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Can you provide some hotfix?

No, Bob the builder, aka Sickboy, has birthday today. Give him some rest and hey, it's christmas :)

The problem is also that the killed script is running twice with JSRS (not only in ACE but also vanilla OA plus JSRS).


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Killed EH script copied from OA into one JSRS pbo. The precompiled JSRS function uses a JSRS tag so our internal routine can't pick it up and disable it (it's expecting a BIS tag).


And how would that look ingame?

We tested JSRS together with ACE and didn´t have any Problems :confused:

Happy Birthday Sickboy!

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I played ACE with JSRS and didnt have any problems. I didnt test though the latest ACE version.

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I'm having a problem in multiplayer whereby if I die whilst in any vehicle (regardless of whether I crash, get shot by someone else etc), I am unable to respawn into a different unit. I simply stay as the dead unit, with the screen focused on me in my vehicle. However if I die whilst on foot (i.e. not in a vehicle), I can respawn fine and the respawn dialogue box pops up to prompt me.

I have narrowed this down to something in the @ACE mod folder - it only happens when that mod is active. I can run @CBA and a ton of other mods (JSRS version 1.4, Blastcore, SLX etc) and respawning after dying in a vehicle works okay.

This could be a significant issue so if anyone can test to see if they can reproduce it would be a big help.

I am using Respawn = 5 in the Description.ext.

FYI I can confirm I'm using @ACE v522.

Note this issue only seems to happen whilst in a multiplayer game (even if you just create a LAN game and you are the only person to join it).

Ticket #27337 raised on ACE CIT (with test mission included).

Edited by Munger

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Hello guys,

Before I start I would like to make clear that I have already made a search on google and here as well for a fix, to no avail... I'm using ArmA 2 without OA.

I'm having trouble whilst aiming with certain weapons, especially those mounted on vehicles (trucks, tanks, etc.) and also waepons like the Metis, TOW and AGS-17 and others.

When I mount one of these waepons and click the right mouse button all I get is a zoom. I have to guide my fire through tracers to hit the target.

Anyone knows what's causing this?

Thanks in advance.


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That's how those weapons work in real life. Use whatever key you have bound to optics.

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I'm having trouble whilst aiming with certain weapons, especially those mounted on vehicles (trucks, tanks, etc.) and also waepons like the Metis, TOW and AGS-17 and others.

When I mount one of these waepons and click the right mouse button all I get is a zoom. I have to guide my fire through tracers to hit the target.

Yeah I used to get this until I remapped all of my keys, it isn't an ACE issue though. I can't remember what key fixed it

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Optics is the name of the keybind in the controls menu that you need.

Something bizarre is going on with artillery in this version. They are getting their ammo removed by scripts, chaotically and inconsistently. I have shells in the gun, but no ammo that works in the Targeting Computer. I have shells in the grad, but they have no explosion when they hit the ground nearby (just the sound of a rocket explosion). When I left the vehicle, that same script took away my AK magazines. Wtf is going on?

Edited by maturin

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Hello guys,

Before I start I would like to make clear that I have already made a search on google and here as well for a fix, to no avail... I'm using ArmA 2 without OA.

I'm having trouble whilst aiming with certain weapons, especially those mounted on vehicles (trucks, tanks, etc.) and also waepons like the Metis, TOW and AGS-17 and others.

When I mount one of these waepons and click the right mouse button all I get is a zoom. I have to guide my fire through tracers to hit the target.

Anyone knows what's causing this?

Thanks in advance.


That might be your first Problem.

Try using the 0 Key on the Numpad

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Brilliant, thanks Sickboy! And at Christmas as well! Then again, I've come to expect nothing less from you guys. Cheers, and happy holidays. :)

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