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You mad f%!*@r !!!

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the lab and the author must already get insane offers from NWO leaders for vaccine and weapon makers for the manual ...

but in the end who knows how many of the deadly viruses since 50s are result of labs mishaps and leaks ...

before we got war and trade to encounter deadly viruses now we just make some more :)

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Humans are so stupid...
You have to envision something like wiping out half of the human world population as the only solution we have to survive as a whole... sooner or later.

So developing such viruses is very visionary in some way.

May sound hard but bears some truth.

And I have no doubt there are right now hundreds of individuals out there that would set them free if they get a hand on such viruses.

Just imagine what amount of money could be made with a

vaccine in that case....only question is if that money would be worth much in a world basically thrown back into a preindustrial state.

But im sure for quite a while now (I have that sentiment since 1987) that I will see something like this happen in my lifespan eventually marking the end of it.

Since 2008 in just wondering every new year that the world still exists.

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You have to envision something like wiping out half of the human world population as the only solution we have to survive as a whole... sooner or later.

Knew one of these posts was bound to show up :rolleyes:

Nature will eventually take care of us as she sees fit -for humans to plan half global murder is Draconian at best. Those that really believe this is necessary I ask that you and yours offer yourselves up to prove the courage of your conviction.

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§22) Use descriptive thread titles

If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first. Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed.

You seem quite excited, but you must obey the forum posting rules regardless of how disturbing the post content is. Your thread titles have been getting more and more vague. You know better than this.

+1 warning for non-descriptive thread titles.

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Knew one of these posts was bound to show up :rolleyes:

Nature will eventually take care of us as she sees fit -for humans to plan half global murder is Draconian at best. Those that really believe this is necessary I ask that you and yours offer yourselves up to prove the courage of your conviction.

It's an very old "idea" and I was just pointing out that the tools are at hand for just about 20 years...and that the number of madman with the wish to use such tool is growing worldwide. It's not that I wish it happen...damned.

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Ahhh, I apologize then. I've just met more then a few on these forums whom advocate such means as the solution to overpopulation. Of course all would agree -that is a MAJOR problem -it's just the lazyman's view to say "kill the half -long as it aint me",

Again, sorry I misjudged :o

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Reading those kind of news always remind me of

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"

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Ahhh the ol virus schtick....Is it that close to winter already? Who is it that makes tamiflu? I had better get some shares now before this years wild story is up and running.

Viruses have been engineered for years, the curious make up of the swine flu had many, including me, wondering if it was an escapee from a lab. This genie is already out of the bottle folks. Nature would come up with it eventually anyway - remember 1918?

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Hi all

My apologies to Max Power and the other moderaters for breaking the forum rules on topic titles.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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I think these lines from Jurassic Park fit in here:

Jeff Goldblum (Ian): Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

Sir Richard Attenborough (John Hammond): All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked.

Jeff Goldblum (Ian): Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.

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I think these lines from Jurassic Park fit in here:

Ah yes..keep coming back to that one so many times, the top quote deserves to go down with the other great quotes in history...doesn't apply to just scientists though.

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Hi all

A scientist made a weapon.

Bit of a non story.

Bored now. Leaving thread.


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I thought from the topic of the thread Walkers account was hacked and it was URL link to a link to a pc virus, which is why I didn't click it :bounce3:

We already have a virus doing the rounds helping to bump the numbers up of half the world, its been around since the 80's, monkeys made it "apparently" :(.

Anyway, the classic population reduction angle with "fast track" techniques, its nothing new at all really.

Ahhh the ol virus schtick....Is it that close to winter already? Who is it that makes tamiflu?
Hehe, that old chestnut, funny enough Tamiflu effects were on par with the virus itself (not the worst supposed part obviously), so taking it was a trojan in some ways. Tamipoo / Tamiturd. Edited by mrcash2009

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Hehe, that old chestnut, funny enough Tamiflu effects were on par with the virus itself (not the worst supposed part obviously), so taking it was a trojan in some ways. Tamipoo / Tamiturd.

Psst I've got some spare tamiflu.... wanna buy some? :D

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Id rather have the money spent out on the leaflet and ad (scare) campaign instead thanks :)

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Pinky and The Brain tried it years ago.

Seriously, I thought I'd only see this in the movies and doomsday novel plots.

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