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Diving Animation too fast?

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So I watched that cynical brit video and I noticed something that could be improved. In the diving sequence the character moved his legs up and down too fast. I'mon vacation right now and actually tried this in the sea. It is possible to move your feet like that, and you will go as fast as seen during the presentation, but you will get exhausted pretty fast. And I'am a trained person.

And I'm not talking about the part where he speeded the game up.

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The only thing (imo) which should be changed regarding water is the running/walking speed when your lower half body is in water. You should definately be slower than on land.

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I was snorkeling in Croatia recently (ok, it might be a bit different than diving actually) and also have the impression that the movement of the legs is too fast.

I had even smaller flippers and didn't manage to move as fast as the player in the game, but maybe this is also related to leg strength and training.

But overall, just observing, it seems to be a bit too fast.

And, of course, ScratcH is also right, the movement, when getting out of the water, is too fast too.

But I'm sure BI will improve this - game is still in alpha stage.

So far, so good!

EDIT: I agree with Tonci though - such a fast movement of course is possible, but I would say that it would be the speed when I press the sprint button - resulting in getting slower after some seconds.

Edited by Undeceived

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Well greetings from croatia, I'm still here in Split ^^

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As speaking from a "real divers experience" I can tell you you never move that fast underwater. But to be honest, everything we saw was very WIP and otherwise it would simply take to much time to get from A to B ^^

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Well greetings from croatia, I'm still here in Split ^^

:D Nice! :)

We were in Istria and Krk, but (trying to not get offtopic) water is the same in all seas, isn't it? ;)

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:D Nice! :)

water is the same in all seas, isn't it? ;)

Technically, in some places, seawater is slightly saltier than in other ones. And, yes, they still need to tweak them anims. Also, restricting the movement to a walking pace when in water would be nice :yay:

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I was more interested in the fact how the diver managed to walk normally even with flippers on his feet. Cause in my 6 years of experience I was never able to walk normally in them flippers. But as said above it will all be tweaked, that's for sure.

No need to worry, what BIS won't fix the community will.

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:D Nice! :)

We were in Istria and Krk, but (trying to not get offtopic) water is the same in all seas, isn't it? ;)

Ah, so you visited the real-life Everon. ;)

Edited by Zipper5

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I thought that looked kinda funny myself he would have to have legs of a horse to swim underwater that quickly.

Also when he got out of the water the animation was weird when he appeared on the surface and drew his weapon.

@Zipper5 umm you're an official developer with BIS now?

First it was Dwarden now you is moderator kinda like the coffee boy? :p

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Ah, so you visited the real-life Everon. ;)

Exactly! :D But it's not comparable - I didn't see anything OFPish there. The only thing that is equal is the shape of the island, when you're 100 km over it. ;)

@Zipper5 umm you're an official developer with BIS now?


Ok, I don't care if it's offtopic - how that?? Tell me da story, man! :)

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Wow congrats Zipper!

And yes they need a take of slipers animation

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i disliked the transition from swimming to standing animation, when he left the water.

i think it would be better if you had to pull out your weapon yourself so that you can get in and out of the water quickly with weapon on back, and dont have to wait for the equip animation to finish.

i imagine hundreds of deaths when you accidently dive in too low water and the char stands up and does the animation while the whole beach is shooting at you :(

also i noticed that you still slide up and down randomly when standing up after leaving the water, overall this transition looks not very good and has potential to be annoying (control wise, just like the swimming/walking transition we have in arma 2).

edit: i know that its mostly old animations in the video, just hope that it wont stay that way.

Edited by PeterBitt

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As said, the only new animation is the walking civilian in that video. All other animations are WIP and atm these in the video are just placeholders from A2.

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When I'm diving it's all about the scenery, not speed...tho if needed my Turbo Fins gives plenty of speed with lil effort.

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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As has been said earlier in this thread, real diving is indeed much slower than depicted. Especially combat divers tend to practise very slow and deliberate strokes while infiltrating a target area, so as not to attract attention. However, I'm quite sure they are also capable of tremendous spurts of speed if needed :)

The thing I find most unrealistic as a RL diver, however, is the total horizontal control and the swimming style. The level swimming is probably a gameplay choise and should IMO remain as it is, as real levelling for divers involves a combination of suit control and regulated breathing, which may be a bit much even for dedicated Armarists. Maybe a tactile sensor vest of some sort could be devised to measure player breathing for divers and snipers in the game... :p

The swimming style commonly used by professionals underwater is a sideways "frog" style kick. With flippers, a diver using it can swim very efficiently and measure their speed better when close to underwater objects. It also creates much less turbulence than the vertical "scissors" kick. This is important when swimming close to soft seabottom, where turbulence may cause the bottom to billow up, blocking visibility. Heavy turbulence is also detectable as noise with hydrophonic listening devices, which is something combat divers would presumably wish to avoid at any cost.

Still, unrealistic looking WiP or not, I'm eagerly expecteing this new dimension to be opened for Armaverse. So far, looking absolutely great :cool:

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yeah, probably BIS should simulate the real amount of time it takes to swim several kilometers. Players would LOVE spending an hour swimming to an objective.

Also, wouldn't it be so REAL if we had to put flippers on and take them off and have an addaction for it and an animation of a diver hopping around on one foot while trying to take a fin off.

Also in the video, the diver took the dead OPFOR's clothes off and put them on himself in just a few tenths of a second. They should instead have an animation for removing all the clothes done via motion capture and force you to watch the animation for the REAL amount of time. I'd love to watch my character disrobe a dead man for several minutes.

Also, WHEN will they add proper urination and defecation simulation. I don't know about you but I have to pee several times a day. I think my avatar should have to also. Its also so dumb that you never have to take a drink of water, eat, or sleep in the game.

So fake. Even though the current information reflects a game that's still a YEAR away from release, I'm quite sure this will be the fakest fake that ever faked and will be of no entertainment value whatsoever.

Edited by scubaman3D

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I'd love to watch my character disrobe a dead man for several minutes.

Kinda disturbing :p (and yeah, I do get the point).

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I saw that vid and I did have a few frown moments at anims, but then as we know its still very early WIP days and all anims aren't showing anything close to final, so personally I will hold forum posting judgement on any anims for a while yet.

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I also noticed in this video

once the player comes out of the water hes able to sprint in knee high water which is not possible in real life.

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PhysX enables to change this. Always remember that what you saw is pre-Alpha and those details will be dealt with later ;)

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Wouldn't mind several speeds. So control becomes just like for vehicles; slow, normal, and fast, and animation reacts accordingly - I don't find lean and roll very feasible functions :) If attached to a diving vehicle, no flipper action at all. What about stance controls and vault? Since they have no meaning while diving, what could we use them for? Hand signals perhaps? Ascend, this level, and descend, sounds good for normal stances. Maybe stop/hold for vault? Is it even considered important enough to bother with?

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