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ARMA 2 OA Beta Build 83569

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Cargo problem.

Using the code supplied by Celery it's easy to see the problem with the cargo.

To see the difference you only have to delete the crates.

The other thing you can do is raise the height of the cargo in the back of the truck to see that it will run smooth although having it float 1 meter in the air isn't going to look right.

Cargo attached to helicopters can also be a problem if you place it too close, it will cause the chopper to to try and fly away from the cargo resulting in it flying higher and higher. I think this has always been around though.

It looks like it an avoidance issue, the vehicle sees the object as an obstacle to avoid which it shouldn't if attached.

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It looks like it an avoidance issue, the vehicle sees the object as an obstacle to avoid which it shouldn't if attached.

So objects attached to a vehicle should be excluded from that collision-check? Doesn't sound like too much hassle to fix. :)

Still, I wonder why this problem seems to vanish over time (after ~1-2 minutes, driving looks fine again, can anyone confirm this?). Isn't that quite odd?

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So objects attached to a vehicle should be excluded from that collision-check? Doesn't sound like too much hassle to fix. :)

Still, I wonder why this problem seems to vanish over time (after ~1-2 minutes, driving looks fine again, can anyone confirm this?). Isn't that quite odd?

Some objects do seem to be immune as long as they are in the right position, you can put objects inside the Chinook using the attach and it's fine but use detatchvehicle and the chopper blows up.

Attchto still lags, if you attach a player to a vehicle the lag is still present in the players view.

I use this quite a bit when testing as it give you a quick way of following a vehicle and see how it's driving.

This doesn't happen in 1.59

Edited by F2k Sel

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You're a passive passenger of a truck. The truck will drive very badly while it has boxes attached to its back, but when you delete the boxes, it will drive normally (although still toppling over a couple of objects at the first intersection).

Great repro. I have run it, I confirm the issue, and I have no explanation so far - both collision avoidance and collision response (which I would assume as first candidates to cause the problem) are never hit. Stay tuned ...

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Suma, here is an old AttachTo example mission which shows the issue F2K Sel is talking about


Enter the chopper, tell your pilot to go somewhere (this shows the issue better), select 'move to the right (or left) door' action. Watch it lag

Edited by Suma
URL fixed

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Suma, here is an old AttachTo example mission which shows the issue F2K Sel is talking about


Enter the chopper, tell your pilot to go somewhere (this shows the issue better), select 'move to the right (or left) door' action. Watch it lag

I think this is the issue fixed in http://dev-heaven.net/issues/22863#note-13, as the situation is the same - camera on a soldier which is attached to the vehicle (I assume you should be able to verify within a few days).

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I bet you anything Suma now really gonna try miss your posts. Bold by me - we're talking plural! :D Keep it up though mate cause i applaud you for even being able to play with that many bugs! :p


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Great repro. I have run it, I confirm the issue, and I have no explanation so far - both collision avoidance and collision response (which I would assume as first candidates to cause the problem) are never hit. Stay tuned ...

Fixed now. There is one more collision testing specific for cars, which is forward-reverse sensor (something like a parking sensor) which triggers forward-reverse way of tight turning. This sensor was detecting the cranes. I have fixed it low-level in the collision detector, which at the same time fixed the issue of 3rd person camera failing because of cranes (and perhaps even more similar issues, if there were any).

Stay tuned for 83597

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Fixed now. There is one more collision testing specific for cars, which is forward-reverse sensor (something like a parking sensor) which triggers forward-reverse way of tight turning. This sensor was detecting the cranes. I have fixed it low-level in the collision detector, which at the same time fixed the issue of 3rd person camera failing because of cranes (and perhaps even more similar issues, if there were any).

Stay tuned for 83597

Great. :icon_hug:

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On JDog's Nimitz, has anyone seen strange action when you "Salute". I assume this uses the attach to command, but since the new beta, the catapult does not release right away. It lags and holds (freezes) then releases after about 5 seconds.

This did not happen with 83553. In saying that, the carrier has been updated in the last few days also. I noticed this late last night and I am at work now. I will do some more testing when I get home.

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[83390] Fixed: Most units had maximum skill, ignoring values set in the mission (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4483)

Reference the above change...

I set this in a dedicated server...just to test..



And the AI can still shoot for the hip at 100m and kill me... they actually seem deadiler... I am missing something ? Thanks..

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And the AI can still shoot for the hip at 100m and kill me... they actually seem deadiler... I am missing something ? Thanks..

What are you talking about?

The AI always shoots from the hip. There is no functional or visible difference between them using sights or not, and 100m is a pathetically easy shot. Of course they killed you.

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I think the point is in the precisionEnemy=0.02; part where the enemy should be barely able to shoot in your general direction.

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I have monkeyed around with precision values using init field commands, and don't see all that much difference anyways.

100m should always going to be a doable shot, unless you want complete and utter cannon fodder. What troubles me more is the fact that precision 1.0 units are still useless snipers who can't hit standing targets at 300m with an M107.

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I have monkeyed around with precision values using init field commands, and don't see all that much difference anyways.

100m should always going to be a doable shot, unless you want complete and utter cannon fodder. What troubles me more is the fact that precision 1.0 units are still useless snipers who can't hit standing targets at 300m with an M107.

you are right.

precision should have a determinable effect. with settings like 0.02 being like untrained insurgent type accuracy who use tons of bullets to hit target while 1.0 would be pretty damn good on controlled shots (hate to have it too terminator like though at high levels).

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I've been playing several missions with friendly skill at 0.95 and precision at 0.9 with skill sliders in the editor to the max and yet while I'm killing 20+ enemies - AIs in my own squad barely manage to score any kills at all.

Something is really wrong.

The game really feels like a one man show for me. Not to say it started with this beta, it's been like that for quite some time now.

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I've been playing several missions with friendly skill at 0.95 and precision at 0.9 with skill sliders in the editor to the max and yet while I'm killing 20+ enemies - AIs in my own squad barely manage to score any kills at all.

Something is really wrong.

The game really feels like a one man show for me. Not to say it started with this beta, it's been like that for quite some time now.

Do you mean that this is something that patches introduced at some point?

Because otherwise, I would suggest that you're just good at the game. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that their first months of battles were won by the AI without much input on their end. The transition from leafy Chernarus to wide-open Takistan also contributes.

Someone with some free time could easily reinstall the game to 1.0 and compare accuracy.

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Try to observe as 3rd party, maybe you can see the difference.

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I basically aim at AI and fire away killing the enemy (or take my time to adjust for the range while firing shot after shot), while friendly AIs often fire too wide. Especially MGs - if you've noticed they often fire above the target or just spray it.

I'm talking about enemy soldier just lying down (or even just standing - this is why I also recommend BIS to finally make AI crouch when not moving and not in cover), being static - you just aim and score a kill. For friendlies with those skill settings it takes some more shots. It doesn't matter if it's Chernarus or Takistani desert because me and friendlies have equal conditions.

I doubt it's me being "just good" at the game because I'm certainly no sharpshooter. I think it started to be noticeable not too long ago, probably with some 1.60 beta. I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong.

If you can see there are other people (incl. yourself) that notice this

Edited by metalcraze

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I basically aim at AI and fire away killing the enemy (or take my time to adjust for the range while firing shot after shot), while friendly AIs often fire too wide. Especially MGs - if you've noticed they often fire above the target or just spray it.

No argument there. Machinegunners have always been downright incompetent at controlling recoil.

Chernarus or Takistani desert because me and friendlies have equal conditions.

Actually, I believe that the AI have a significant advantage in Chernarussian forests and thickets. They don't get flustered in complex tactical situations, and dense forests don't fool their eyes. They either see you or they don't, and occasionally some inaccurate viewblock geometry helps them along. In Takistan, anyone with human intelligence can simply stick to the abundant hard cover and sweep a whole mountain slope with deadly fire.

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Actually, I believe that the AI have a significant advantage in Chernarussian forests and thickets. They don't get flustered in complex tactical situations, and dense forests don't fool their eyes. They either see you or they don't, and occasionally some inaccurate viewblock geometry helps them along. In Takistan, anyone with human intelligence can simply stick to the abundant hard cover and sweep a whole mountain slope with deadly fire.

I don't have trouble shooting enemies on Chernarus when I see them.

Note - this isn't an argument about AI or player seeing - it's an argument about what they do after they spotted an enemy.

If a target just stands there it's a one shot hit - nothing else. Even with MG. You can't miss unless the target is far and you use ironsights.

As for AI seeing - I think I've also noticed on a few occassions that AI stopped being aggressive when it comes to shooting through bushes. As in AI spotted me, started to suppress me, I simply crawl one meter to the left behind the bush (and that's on Takistan) and AI... stopped trying to kill me. Now I'm not 100% sure that they can't kill you through bushes now - but I've noticed this a few times.

If I didn't know better I'd think BIS is trying to appeal to the "AI kills me through concrete walls" crowd... :rolleyes:

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I've been playing several missions with friendly skill at 0.95 and precision at 0.9 with skill sliders in the editor to the max and yet while I'm killing 20+ enemies - AIs in my own squad barely manage to score any kills at all.

Something is really wrong.

The game really feels like a one man show for me. Not to say it started with this beta, it's been like that for quite some time now.

can You provide some sample mission for us and rest of people to test ?

e.g. post it as part of CIT ticket ?

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