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Faysh khabur beta release

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i have to dissapoint some of u who wanted to expand fayshkhabur.

i tried to upload it several times but failed on 99,9% 2 times.

keep in mind i was uploading a 3gb file with a 100kb upload line.....

so i while i was waiting i tought, lets give it a shot and expanded the villages and city's myself.

as of now i made big steps forward altough i have to re-download the entire satmap [lost source file]

2 towns expanded, 1 city is born, made the map Alice compatible and all city's/villages are named.


right now im messing with different textures while i wait for the last 40.000 tiles of my sat map downloading 10.000 a day.

next beta is going to be big step forward and more fun to play..

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Yupie one of the most promising maps for me is going to expand :)

Thank you :)

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+1,looks promising, and I do hope it could have some terrain variation, you know the Fallujah is too flat.

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+1,looks promising, and I do hope it could have some terrain variation, you know the Fallujah is too flat.

Because Fallujah IS flat. There aren't really mountains in fallujah. If you're going to base a map off a real area, it makes sense to have the terrain contours match the real area as close as possible.

Anyway, I'm very excited to see you're updating this, do you think you could add ambient civilians in the next update?

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Thanks for this. Another location to stack zombies on.

Amen to that bro, Amen. :D

Looks really good, I'll be trying this out.


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I know its on six/hollic ect and i do have it but would anyone here be so kind to mirror the current release to another site? the current one its premium only. (screw paying $12 for one file)

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Added: more scenery.

Added: City's/location's Named.

Added: city "Gerbalat" (Syrie)

Added: Alice compatibility.

Added: more nature objects.

Changed: Satalite image colors tweaked.

CHanged: Back to OA aircraft shelters.

Finnished: city Fayshkhabur (more scenery might be placed).



fallujah is imo the most amazing map for ArmA2 if im not playing any official map's u can find me in fallujah.

infact it gave me many idea's how to expand fayshkhabur.

if u take a look at fallujah in google earth and u check the map ingame u can see that shezan did an amazing job,

the layout is very close to acurate.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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This is the important one.The main base runway and taxi.

Right now you have it set up so planes taxi in front of the aircraft shelters. I would like to suggest moving it to the other side. I don't know how difficult it is to change something like that but I think it would be better that way if it's at all possible for you to change.

Or maybe you can have both sides working runway/taxiways.

It's all AI related. AI can only taxi out of 2 of the shelters (3 if it's a small plane, A10 could not but Grippen could). So if you want AI to fly, then they can't start out in the shelters (mostly). And any mission that will want alot of jets, you can't put more than 5 or 6 in front of the shelters and have them not get stuck. And not everyone is a scripting genius, so people like me would rather line up everything I need for a mission and start with it rather than to magically spawn things there. Also having aircraft in postiton at the start of a mission will help the randomness of things. They will be prone to destruction and such. Could change the outcome of a mission. Especially MP.

The area in front of the shelters is not too big and will be limited to how many jets can be there. C130's or anything bigger than an A10 won't be able to taxi at all.

If you change it to the other side, you can have any size aircraft take off. Even B52's (and nobody better say "just start out in the air"). You can have more aircraft controlled by AI to get in the air. And that huge section allows room for all kinds of things.

You can leave the aircraft shelter side for Human pilots. After all we are really the only ones who need to protect our aircraft. Screw the AI. That way I can always have a jet safely parked waiting for me to use it no matter what happens.

Just having the working runway over there just adds more potential. Mission makers and me, can put up industrial shelters or even aircraft shelters in that big area. It gives us room to play with and add our own mission specific things there and still have the ability to taxi AI.

Anyway, that's my pitch. I personally think that moving it will greatly increase the playability and overall quality of the map. After all it's an ideal map for aircraft. So making it friendlier to AI is always needed.

Great map so far. I've been all around it and its great. Maybe making a couple spots in the river crossable would be good. I haven't found a spot that vehicles can cross other than the bridges. And maybe some areas could use some rocks or something to provide some kind of cover. But if you didn't change anything it is still awesome.

Oh, and thank you for having a bridge that can be driven on. All bi maps suck in that department. I had a tank drive underwater and not get destroyed in Chernarus, even though the bridge was clear a few feet away.

Excellent work

i have changed the secondary runway for the use of C130's/B52's etc they can take off from the big platform using the second runway now,

while smaller aircrafts can still take off from the hangers using the first runway.

im looking into the issue where they can only drive out of two of the four hangars.


oow boy u made me completely redo the entire airfield lol.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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good job,mate! Can't wait for the v0.4 version.

In the v0.3, there are lots of error message in the .rpt file, which's all conficting with BIS's addons.

Such as:

"Conflicting addon CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Ruin_Cowshed in 'ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ruins\farm_cowshed\', previous definition in 'fayshkhabur\ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ruins\farm_cowshed\'

Conflicting addon CAStructures_PMC_Misc in 'ca\structures_pmc\misc\', previous definition in 'fayshkhabur\ca\structures_pmc\misc\'


You must define the same thing with the BIS's. Hope you cound tweak them in the new version.

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dont know if i can iron that one out, that object isnt even on the map.

the only 2 objects from pmc i got are street lamps and bunkers.

some new screens from fayshkhabur









hope u like them,

next news update would be a beta release V04

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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I've taken the liberty to unpbo your "fayshkhabur.pbo" and find there is "CA" folder, I suggest you delete it, for it's totally unnecessary to copy a set of the BIS's config.bin into your island pack. And that is the reason of all the wrong conficting addons message in .rpt files.

By the way, I still found some config class missing message in the .rpt file, such as "ca\misc_e\misc_cargo4c_ep1.p3d: house, config class missing".Anyway,they are not your fault, they were caused by the undefined p3d classes in the BIS's config.bin. I'm still confused at BIS's developer lazy job.

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Lao Fei Mao....

u are a great cat :) u just made my .rpt 60kb shorter thank u, i have milk and cookies for u.

and a new beta version coming up in a few hours :)

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omg only halve of the stairs work..

nvm got it working, almost ready for upload.

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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I have problems downloading from current link , is there any other download locations`?

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Wow, yet another great mideast / central asian map. This one has got the lot - it's huge, you don't trip over a village every 200m; the geography is realistic, varied and interesting; the towns and villages offer plenty of scope for interesting engagements; and the low clutter gives excellent framerates. It's really interesting seeing how the various talented mapmakers arrive at such different and beautiful maps from the same regions.

Thanks =KCT=BlackMamba, you've created a brilliant map that I'm going to spend a lot of time on! I don't know how you can improve it, but I look forward to it anyway.

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I hope you could add some more trees, concrete roads in the two big towns. Thus could make the town more natural, but not like what a town generator created. (You may refer to "avgani" maps in ArmA1)

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