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Delusional much? My kids know i work hard to buy their xmas presents-not some fictional fat twat with a beard!! :p:p
Take it as more of an expression of how little faith he has in the devs. :p

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id imagine anything core wise will be worked on after all campaign is released? would make sense wouldn't it

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id imagine anything core wise will be worked on after all campaign is released? would make sense wouldn't it

No it doesn´t make sense. If they do something like an overhauled medic system then they have to change all missions to work with that system (User Missions too). That is why I say that it gets less and less likely the more time passes.

So either some Dev tells us that they still plan to redo it before the campaign is finished, or someone mans up and admits that they are ok with what we have now.

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No it doesn´t make sense. If they do something like an overhauled medic system then they have to change all missions to work with that system. That is why I say that it gets less and less likely the more time passes

If they add a special module like they did in arma 2 - first aid module , then they dont need to change their missions

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Have used the OPFOR rifle and the two pistols. They are amazing, the pistol sights are pretty nice, the sound on the BLUEFOR pistol I was dissapointed with. but the Revolver and Marksmans Rifle was thoroughly loved! Good job Bis!

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So either some Dev tells us that they still plan to redo it before the campaign is finished, or someone mans up and admits that they are ok with what we have now.

Jay Crowe said that there are no plans whatsoever to change medic system in June. There has been no posts contradicting that since then so you may as well consider his statement as still being true. Especially now that they've said that medic animations from ArmA2 are just a cutscene.

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If they add a special module like they did in arma 2 - first aid module , then they dont need to change their missions

I think that they would want something like the medic system to be in engine, which would mean no module for it like ArmA2 right? At least that's what they said I think, and why they didn't include the ArmA 2 one in ArmA 3.

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It can be a module either way, but A2 one was dropped because it was a slow and unreliable script.

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I believe it was pettka or another dev who went into detail about why they dropped the Arma 2 module, but a module is pretty much the only route I can see for how to modify first aid/medical without affecting BI campaign missions... although that pretty much signals where first aid/medical and the SP campaign stand on the devs' (DnA's in particular) development priorities hierarchy.

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Take it as more of an expression of how little faith he has in the devs. :p

Yeah i know :cool: i just don't happen to have the best ways sometimes of pointing that out :)

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im sure someone could probably tweak and fiddle with the arma 2 module and just import??? see if that works?

just an idea :( after all look what KJU has done

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An interesting detail to me is that Martin Pezlar's Report In! interview has what is to my knowledge the first public screenshot of Visitor 4...?

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An interesting detail to me is that Martin Pezlar's Report In! interview has what is to my knowledge the first public screenshot of Visitor 4...?

Oh nice find - i hope we get visitor 4 , not just updated updated visitor 3 from A2 :D

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An interesting detail to me is that Martin Pezlar's Report In! interview has what is to my knowledge the first public screenshot of Visitor 4...?

Excellent find, visitor 4 would be amazing.

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That is "Visitor4", I'm just wondering if anyone else found screenshots of it before this one.

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At least post the link the the article :mad:

REPORT IN! MARTIN PEZLAR – ENVIRONMENT_ - http://www.arma3.com/news/report-in-martin-pezlar-environment

At the moment we’re still working on a new batch of improvements for the Altis map. This includes new detailed models, such as phone booths, benches, kiosks, etcetera, and even new locations, such as a ruined Ghost Hotel compound and the Stadium. These should be made available (for free) in the near future. For the rest, we’re also now starting to make plans for DLCs.
Edited by Smurf

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The problem with pre-placed furniture in past ARMA games was that it was always a "solid" part of the building. Apparently, it's not possible to place dynamic entities directly into a map (in Visitor).

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I just like the mention of plans for DLC's, what a month or so after launch? The way it's mentioned makes me think that Altis is incomplete, which I can kind of tell, but that they intend on releasing updates to it in the form of DLC's? I mean if parts of Altis looks like crap because of added in stuff from DLC's with the customary "low res" texture's which basically forces you to buy them, that's kind of low imo. He does say "For the rest" so It sounds like he means the rest of Altis DLC's.

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I just like the mention of plans for DLC's, what a month or so after launch? The way it's mentioned makes me think that Altis is incomplete, which I can kind of tell, but that they intend on releasing updates to it in the form of DLC's? I mean if parts of Altis looks like crap because of added in stuff from DLC's with the customary "low res" texture's which basically forces you to buy them, that's kind of low imo. He does say "For the rest" so It sounds like he means the rest of Altis DLC's.

Tripping on what?

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The way it's mentioned makes me think that Altis is incomplete, which I can kind of tell, but that they intend on releasing updates to it in the form of DLC's?

What article were you reading? First he says that they are working on improvements and additions to Altis and makes clear that these will be released for free. Then he mentions DLCs along with the possibility of "new locations", which I understand to mean "new maps". (As opposed to "new pieces of Altis", which would make pretty much zero sense for a DLC.)

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