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Libyan Revolution Helmet Cam

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I found these videos from a guy in Libya. Actually quite interesting and shows what's happening there.

Humphrey Cheung — Humphrey Cheung worked in tech journalism and IT for years. Then, this spring, he had enough. But instead of switching jobs, he strapped on a digital camera, armor, and flew to Libya. This is what a real rebellion looks like.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

These videos are part of a series, meaning that there will be many more clips to come.

From the brave man himself:

There are several more clips because this is a weeklong series. So much more footage to come.

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The entire turret of a BMP-1 lifted off the chassis and bolted to a pick-up truck. Ell-oh-ell.

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The entire turret of a BMP-1 lifted off the chassis and bolted to a pick-up truck. Ell-oh-ell.

Yeah, and if anyone doesn't believe him...here are some pictures:



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That is one heck of a kludge..and err...very..resourceful? I wonder how it handles the backblast.

EDIT: pretty well apparently.

Edited by NodUnit

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That is one heck of a kludge..and err...very..resourceful? I wonder how it handles the backblast.

EDIT: pretty well apparently.

Backblast? Don't be silly, that office chair is well-cushioned.

In all seriousness, I believe it is described as a 'low pressure gun.'

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I'll send those pics right over to the addon request thread.

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WHO THE HELL can be that rich, and HOW THE HELL he can get a Contour helmet camera out there?!

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WHO THE HELL can be that rich, and HOW THE HELL he can get a Contour helmet camera out there?!

A Gopro HD is less than $300 and the size of a pack of cigarettes, its not exactly a Cameron-Pace 3D rig hes bringing out there..

Edited by sparks50

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@Dysta i think you misunderstood something. The person who filmed this was not an lybian rebell, it was an journalist

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@Dysta i think you misunderstood something. The person who filmed this was not an lybian rebell, it was an journalist

OOh, I see. It's a good camera, it's just wasn't come with gyroscope (anti-spin), running with it will as much bobbing as ARMA 2 in Max.

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Contour helmets aren't that expensive either if you shop around. But it isn't, it's a GoPro.

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That is one heck of a kludge..and err...very..resourceful? I wonder how it handles the backblast.

EDIT: pretty well apparently.

bmp-1's gun is a low pressure variant of an spg-9. you would probably get more back blast from firing an rpg-29.

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Seems like the rebels are entering Tripoli. It's disputed whether or not Gaddafi has fled the city, however.

Source: BBC News / Al-Jazeera / Richard Engel (Twitter)

Sorry, I couldn't find a more appropriate thread for this, but it was either this or the conspiracy thread.

Edited by colossus

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I was just thinking last night that I hadn't heard much about this recently.

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Might look like Libya is on the brink of becoming the 3rd arab country to overthrow their goverment. Reports suggest Saif al-Islam, the son of Muammar Gaddafi, is arrested. Though this is disputed depending on the news channel. And Gaddafi's elite guard seems to have surrendered as well.

Source: CNN / BBC News / Al-Arabiya /

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Just been watching it unfold on the news:

The ICC have confirmed that Saif Gaddafi was arrested. There are reports of an aircraft flying to Malta.

BBC don't have much at the moment, their reporter in the main hotel has bottled it and refused to leave his room live on air.

The Sky reporter travelled in to Tripoli with the rebels and is now partying and filming live in Green Square.

I hope no more people get killed over a clown like Gaddafi. Got to say the Libyan people seem very decent and disciplined and I hope things don't go wrong over the next few critical weeks and months.

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Interesting reading for those who want to know more:

Al-Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq by Combating Terrorism Center at West Point (December 2007).

Take a look at fig. 6: Misratah and Benghazi citizens were 'the core' of anti-Ghaddafi rebellion. Are we getting Al Queda after Ghadaffi*? Hope not...

*To be honest, connections between the rebels and Al Queda are widely known, thing is that Libyan rebellion is even full of old Ghaddafi's officers, so we can say that amounts of terrorists won't be dangerous - rebels are just group of everyone who want to throw Ghaddafi, no matter if they're old regime officers, democrats or fundamentalists - just like in Egypt. But still, we should have been more cautious.

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Ghaddafi said that the rebels were 100% Al Qaeda and drug abusers, then he claimed that he would join Al Qaeda to take revenge on the west if he fell. Whatever.

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it's proven that the rebels are full of al qaeda terrorists.

and also there are no reports of civilians deliberately killed by gheddafi.

there are no evidences of mass rapes by gheddafi forces.

but there are evidence of civilians killed by nato forces.

another nice war for oil and geo-politic games. and another time the western media proved that they are just intellectual prostitutes.

source: amnesty international, human right watch and RT.






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Reports on the BBC website that a Scud's been launched, no hard evidence yet, could be rumour / miss information.

2112: The US official has told Reuters there is no information yet on what the suspected scud missile reportedly fired from Sirte may have been targeting.
2251: Pro-Gaddafi Al-Urubah TV appears to confirm an earlier report about a Scud missile being fired (see 2100, 2112 entries). "Libyan forces confront the Qatari-Emirati-Western alliance with Scud missiles," it says.
Edited by Daniel

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