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Murdoch throws News of the World under a bus to protect the mangement.

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what those goddamn people do to get "more sales" :/

such "more sales" dirty tricks are disgusting, case is interesting cause shows "how immoral are greed businessmen to get more sales"

i hope they will get highest sentences they can get and be raped there :) i hope no goddamn advocate will make them free (because of their huge bank accounts, cause sadly in many cases big money , good lawyer means free no matter of deeds)

disgusting press , in my country one singer was saying that paparazzi wanted to invade place where she was having birth of her child (to take pictures and sell them)

it is disgusting what people do for money

pecunia non olet ? absolutely do olet

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They are pond life to me, Vilas. Scum doesn't do them justice. Money and power corrupt sadly.

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Hi all

The reasons that Vince Cable said he was going to go to War with News Corp has been made clear in An Article written by him for the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail it self is not a great advertisement for the media. I am Guessing Vince-Cable chose it because it is a Tabloid with a large readership and his only other choices were Murdoch's Sun or the Daily Mirror which is a big Labour party supporter. He could have gone down the Broadsheet route of course but frankly they do not have as big a readership and also I think Daily Mail readers and the Tabloid audience were the people he wanted to speak to.


It appears he believes that News Corp set its attack dogs on him after he referred their bid for Sky to Ofcom. It seems to be tale we are hearing a lot about News Corp. If they cannot get their own way, then their Modus Operandi seems to be to use their press arm to do a hatchet job on who ever they seek to influence. The simlarity to the actions of the mafia is obvious.

News Corp's use of media power politic is the key factor here:


Apparently the same process was being used by Murdoch's Fox News in the US in order increase New Corp's control of the Republican Party and US politics:


Links to firms that sold covert surveillance equipment and services used by the government are also now under investigation:


In Australia the Murdoch empires part in using the power of its Media ownership to control Broadband being rolled out in Australia have started to come under scrutiny. Australia has the worst broadband in the Western world with even some 3rd world nations having better broadband services, yet the Murdoch owned newspapers have been vociferous in challenging other broadband suppliers, while clamming up as soon as the Foxtel, which already has an almost total duopoly position in pay for on demand TV in Australia with Austar, attempted to secure a near monopoly of Australian broadband:


The recent events in the UK seems to have emboldened Australian Regulators to now call a competition commission investigation in the situation:


Additionaly Murdochs Legal team are falling apart with his longest term legal representatives running for the hills and Murdoch replacing them with a trial lawyer, seems Murdoch is expecting trouble.


When one looks at the breadth of the Murdoch empires position and recurrence of dubious and indeed criminal tactics and abuse of it media power, one is inevitably lead to the opinion that this is an empire that needs to be broken up.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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The reason Vince Cable has been going after Newscorp, is because he is a lefty.

The reason why Vince Cable isn't scared of Newscorp, unlike many other lefties, is that he is a member of the Liberal democrat Party and as such doesn't got that much news coverage anyway, he has little to lose.

Labour party members for example, while still hating Murdoch for breaking the Unions, and still hating Murdoch for being rich, and still hating Murdoch because one of his Newspapers (traitorously) switched allegiance from them....like having their faces on TV and their messages in the newspaper, because they think they have a serious shot at elections.

Liberals like Vince Cable are in the envious postion of being able to say and do what they like without serious repercussion... due to no one taking them very seriously in the first place.

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The reason Vince Cable has been going after Newscorp, is because he is a lefty.

The reason why Vince Cable isn't scared of Newscorp, unlike many other lefties, is that he is a member of the Liberal democrat Party and as such doesn't got that much news coverage anyway, he has little to lose.

Labour party members for example, while still hating Murdoch for breaking the Unions, and still hating Murdoch for being rich, and still hating Murdoch because one of his Newspapers (traitorously) switched allegiance from them....like having their faces on TV and their messages in the newspaper, because they think they have a serious shot at elections.

Liberals like Vince Cable are in the envious postion of being able to say and do what they like without serious repercussion... due to no one taking them very seriously in the first place.

The thing about maintaining rigid viewpoints is that any justification is good enough justification. Vince Cable is unafraid because he has little to lose, :D

Keep it up mate. I'm absolutely convinced nothing will ever get through.

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Hi all

Baff1 just does not get it.

Perhaps if I explain it this way:

  • Thou shalt not seek to create a monopoly, or cartel or seek to manipulate the market as this is against competition laws.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not hack phones, it is illegal.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not interfere in a criminal investigation, it is a serious crime.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not conceal evidence in a criminal investigation, it is a serious crime.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not lie in evidence to Parliament, it is "Contempt of parliament" for which you can be thrown in a commons cell indefinitely, or given an unlimited fine, or whatever punishment Parliament sees fit. (Why Murdoch suddenly came over all meek when he was summonsed by the Parliamentary police)
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not use media power to blackmail and threaten anyone, it is a crime.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not use media power to blackmail and threaten members of Parliament, it is corruption, and a serious crime.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not bribe members of the police force, it is corruption, and a serious crime.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not lie in evidence to Parliament a second time, it is contempt of parliament for which you can be thrown in a commons cell indefinitely, or given an unlimited fine, or whatever punishment Paliment sees fit.Has only been used once in the last few years and that was with the pie thrower, at the time he was told he had no rights what so ever, and locked up, so beware.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not hack family phones of soldiers who died in battle, it is a crime, and the act of a pervert.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not hack the phones of terrorist victims, it is a crime, and the act of a pervert.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not hack Murdered girls families phones, it is a crime, and the act of a pervert.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.
  • Thou shalt not hack Murdered girls phones, it is a crime, and the act of a pervert.
    Whoosh over Baff1's head.

And of course that is only a sample of the malfeasance that News Corp has been involved in but it seems Baff1 loves his Rupert all the same.

Shakes Head walker

Edited by walker

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Walker, you hardly have the high ground on intellectual discussions.

Either way, both of you don't know Vince Cable and cannot speak for his character. The guy is an old horse of the British political class, I suggest you look into his history before barking about his motives.

To add to the discussion, the Murdoch empire preaches ignorance, racism, sexism, 'Christian values' [read: reverting back to the Dark Ages] and a hatred of poor people (among other types of nonsense), it isn't far-fetched to say that these ideas that parties like the Torys and Republicans also adheer to are going to bring the party and the media corporation together. It doesn't have to be a conspiracy, although it was in the Murdoch-Cameron case.

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'Christian values' [read: reverting back to the Dark Ages]
Thats actually Catholic, not necessarily "Christian" ... all a bit different, but, a tad off of topic and all that.

BTW if you google "murdoc second whistle-blower dead" .. there is allot of info but nothing completely mainstream, wasn't sure if it had been noted here?

Edited by mrcash2009

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Hi all

Baff1 just does not get it.

Perhaps if I explain it this way:

[*]Thou shalt not seek to create a monopoly, or cartel or seek to manipulate the market as this is against competition laws.

Walker, the biggest cartels and monopolies on this planet are called "governments".

I get it. You don't.

Murdoch's was a threat to theirs. So they are attempting to dismantle it.

When you side with the bigger cartel against the smaller cartel, you aren't standing up against cartels. You've just picked your side.

You may wish to stand up and be the defender of politicians against private citizens, but that's not a role I want for myself.

Private investigators hack phones. Say it ain't so!

Are you really expecting me to get upset about something as frivolous as the dubious methods emploted by investigative journalists, I tell you mate those stings against FiFA and the Cricketboard and Vince Cable and politicians, it's all illegal.

So is speeding an smoking pot.

I think it's important to keep the seriousness of the crime in perspective, and I think it's also important to take the good with the bad.

The last thing we actually want is for investigative journalists to start having to obey the laws.

Because... the people who make the laws and the people who enforce them...they are the people we want investigated most.

Sometimes breaking the law is the right thing to do.

But, not all the time. So sometimes they will get it right and sometimes they will get it wrong.

I like to take the good with the bad.

I have found British newspapers to be a useful tool in holding our political masters to account. This is much more important to me than the evils of Milly Dowlers missing answerphone messages.

But truithfully, it isn't phone hacking you are intrested in or even concerned about. It's just hatred of Murdoch. The will to see him taken down.

You have religiously collated all the related news articles inthis thread and wholly failed to report any of the other newspapers under investigation for the same thing. Why? Becuase it's not the phone hacking that really offends you.


Poor people are Murdochs core market.

The News of the World and the Sun, are tabloids. "Poor people" are their audience.

The Murdoch empire does not preach hatred of poor people, it panders to them.

You may abhor the content of the tabloid press, as so many people do, but poor people, love it.

Unlike Vince Cable I expect, the Murdoch Empire has a pretty good idea what it is poor people like. That's one reason why Blair and Brown and Cameron all liked to hang out with News of the World editors.

---------- Post added at 09:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ----------

Might have been true before the last election. Less so after.

I sort of agree, except that I don't think there is any chance of Vince getting into office ever again.

I didn't see slews of Murdoch press all clamouring for his opinion.

And whatever influence he did have in office, he threw it away right at the beginning. Went into self destruct mode becuase he thought he could still say anything he liked and it did not matter one hoot.

I note he tows the party line to the letter these days.

He must like the extra money more than his lefty principles.

Edited by Baff1

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Hi all

News Corp's tentacles controlling the Conservative party have become obvious:

George Osbourne's and David Cameron's diaries were overwhelmingly dominated by meetings with News Corp directors and executives.


In the 15 months since coming to power these senior conservative cabinet meetings with News Corp were 3 times more than any other media organisation in fact than any other organisation period.

In America the Murdoch owned News Corp's control of the US Republican party is also under scrutiny with Pravda like FOX news even censoring what other media organisations can cover at the Republican Presidential debates.

In the UK Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to end News Corp's Malign influence on the Conservative Party


The major question is whether the US Republican Party is now so much under the thumb of Murdoch that they cannot free them selves of News Corps control.


In Australia Murdoch's Monopoly position in Media is being increasingly Questioned:


Clearly it is time to break up the Murdoch's business, even the board and shareholders of BSkyB think they are a drag on the company.



Edited by walker

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I think we need a little historical perspective on this:

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown also met with Murdoch and News Corp regularly. Tony Blair flew half way around the world to News Corp's 1995 Australia conference to secure backing for his election win in 1997. It was frowned upon by many in his own party. It was negotiated by by Alastair Campbel.

It's common knowledge that Murdoch switched support from (Con) Major to (Lab) Blair because Blair promised to de-regulate certain aspects of the UK media that would be beneficial to News Corp (Foreign Ownership). Major refused to do it.

Every Prime Minister since the late 1970's has been very cosy with the press and it stinks. You can't specifically heap blame on Cameron because he was only following common practice. Being cosy with News Corp was seen as an essential part of forming a successful government. The deal this time was probably over BskyB.

So there you go, politicians in general are corrupt and I for one am very shocked and outraged to find out about it lol.

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He doesn't generate the same level of animosity as David Cameron, Nick Clegg or George Osborne, so he might be around for a while yet. Particularly if next time round we get a Liberal-Labour coalition..

He does generate the exact same level of animosity though.

Not to lefties obviously.

British politics are partisan.

I honestly don't expect the next government to be another coalition. It will either be Labour or Conservative in my opinion.

The libs are out.

He didn't get sympathy when he wad stung by the Telegraph, he got public riddicule and they stripped him of the powers that went with his office because he had demonstrated he wasn't up to the responsability that went with them.

If he got sympathy he got it in some extreme left wing media that I do not access. Presumably all the far lefties out to hang Murdoch had sympathy for him. LMAO.

When you set yourself up to ride a high horse, people are only too pleased to laugh at you when you fall off and Vince's horse was so very high.

I concur that most politicians like money > priniciples. I think this is not restricted to polticians either. Most of us will take the money first and justify ourlseves afterwards.

Vince Cable and the Lib dems however, had never been caught at it before. They had always been able to play the morally pure card up until this point.

They made a big elcetoral issue about how they were different from the other politicians in this regard.

But they aren't and the word is out.

What got them the extra votes... won't get them the same extra votes again in the future.


The history of media involvement in the political system does not start in the 70's. There are some earlier examples that I also enjoyed.

Lord Beaverbrook has an intresting story.

Also Cecil King was supposedly involved in a coup to overthrow the Wilson government. A Very British Coup, is I think a satire of these events as told ion the Spycatcher book.

Edited by Baff1

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Hi all

The plane fact is that Murdoch's malign influence is hated by every political party and the vast majority of UK Citizens.

The activities that New Corp have engaged in for decades are an anethema to all right thinking people and make it obvious why the Murdoch empire must be broken up.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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I don't know how anyone can defend a cheating, corrupt scumbag that is Murdoch. I know it's not just him, but I feel the same about anyone else who is corrupt, and I don't care who it is.

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Well corruption is the cancer of our society. It is the means of every power structure to achieve their goals. Corruption and power are strictly aligned with each other. Power structures, first try to corrupt you. If they can't then they gonna try to kill you. If that failes then they are sending the armed forces.

Worst is that the mass media and news corporation manipulate people on their liking. It is the most powerful tool to influence the broad public opinion. News corporates abuses this power to their own interest and liking. I don't watch Tv for over ten years now. I keep myself informed though, throughout the net. I hate those media whores who are constantly lying to us. This is not journalism anymore. News corporates are part of the power structure because they have an important role in every country . . . to manipulate the public opinion.

The whole world we live in is fucked up and after ten years of my own researches I'm heavily pissed about the actual worldwide situation. Mankind is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We screwing each other over profit.

The most useless profession I've ever learned to know in my life is the politicians. They are the main problem and definitely not the solution. The most dangerous people are the bankers in Wall street. These people have no conscious whatsoever. I'm disgusted.

Sorry for this rant of mine.:mad:

p.s. Corruption should be considered the worst crime in the history of mankind.

Edited by nettrucker
added a few lines

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Hi all

The plane fact is that Murdoch's malign influence is hated by every political party and the vast majority of UK Citizens.

Sorry old son but I don't really think you speak for the vast majority of UK Citizens. Only the far left. Perhaps only even yourself.

I certainly recognise that Murdoch is highly unpopular amongst left wingers. But I have no evidence to make me think that outside of the world of politics or journalism and left wing self righteousness he is hated by anyone at all.

I speak to left wing crowds and they hate him, but when I speak to right wing crowds, they don't seem to know what all the fuss is about. The responses in this thread have re-inforced this opinion to me.

All I see is the lefty crowd complaining about him. Not the vast majority of UK Citizens at all. Just a certain factional element. (A significant one mind you).

If Murdoch's influnence is hated by every political party, then that for me means he has probably been doing something right.

---------- Post added at 12:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

I don't know how anyone can defend a cheating, corrupt scumbag that is Murdoch. I know it's not just him, but I feel the same about anyone else who is corrupt, and I don't care who it is.

I think Murdoch in this example is a victim of corruption.

I think the system is being manipulated to single him out and punish him for a crime there is simply zero evidence he has been involved in. Further to this I feel the nature and seriousness of this crime is being much overblown in order to cause more destruction to his media empire.

I'm going to be very intrested to see what happens to Piers Morgan.

He is up against the same allegations as Andy Coulson is. But as he is not the sidekick of the Prime Minister, I doubt there will be any massive witch hunt for him. There is no political opportunity to be gained in taking his scalp.

I notice that although Piers Morgan's name has come up, that Sly Bailey, the CEO of Trinity Mirror PLC has not had his name come up. Has not been summoned before parliament. Is not under investigation...Etc etc etc.

He is not being presumed guilty without trial by every lefty in the country.

I'd like to see Murdoch get justice, but justice requires him to be treated fairly. And he hasn't been.

For me this isn't about liking Murdoch, although I have no reason to dislike him personally, it is about liking and believing in justice as an ideal more important than party political opportunism.

When I see a witchhunt in progress I'd like to hope that I will always stick up for the victim. Be he gay, black or billionaire. Lefties too, if needs be.

Edited by Baff1

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I actively dislike Rupert Murdoch therefore I must be a leftie.

Please feel free to correct me if in fact you are a Conservative voter.

I like to be corrected when I have got things wrong.

Frankly I am pretty sure I have your political compass bang to rights.

I don't think you hate Rupert Murdoch therefore you must be a leftie, I think you are a leftie therefore you most likely hate Rupert Murdoch.

He is after all said and done a classic stereotypical left wing bugbear.

Lefties' who hate corporations and hedge funds and rich people. They amuse the hell out of me. I love to see them get all riled up about such nonsense.

I'd buy Murdoch a drink just for all that entertainment alone.

Yes, Piers Morgan could be interviewed. By why aren't you calling for the owner of his newspaper group at the time to be interviewed?

If it was Murodch you would be. When it is not Murdoch. You aren't.

So clearly it is not the crimes you are worried about at all. It is just Murdoch.

My feelings that this is an anti-Murdoch witchhunt will be assuaged when I see others accused of the samething receiving the same treatment and not otherwise. I do not expect to see this happening.

I expect this to all blow over and be forgotten until the next time those lefties smell blood.

I'm not doing anything to support Julian Assange. Unless you consider my posting on forums that I don't think he is going to get justice or that I think the charges against him are politically motivated as "support".

Edited by Baff1

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The gathering of evidence was done by the Guardian. By a rival newspaper.

I expect that more newspapers did not gather such evidence agianst their rivals because they were guilty of it too.

The accused co-operating with the police is not a requirement for a successful investigation. Policemen have handcuffs and truncheons.

The NOW passed on all files to the police. The police just didn't read them. Currently the burden is on NI because one of NI's rivals, and NI's enemies in parliament put them in the picture.

If Andy Coulson had not joined the Conservative press team, I think it's pretty fair to say that this would still just be a little story in the Guardian, still being ignored by the world.

Labour would not have raised the issue in parliament. You might note well that before Andy Coulson joined up with David Cameron, they didn't.

Edited by Baff1

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Hi all

It now seems the mother of murder victim Sarah Payne was yet another victim of News Corp phone hackers.


It also appears that News Corp are spinning this with a PR firm briefings that seem to indicate they had prepared statments before the news of the hacking came out:


Certainly the Judge who is investigating this will have to look into when this PR firm new this information as well as the police as it appears the PR firm too were involved in withholding evidense and interfering in a criminal investigation.

It seems News Corp gave her a phone so that they could hack it and write stories.

New Corp just use childs murders to sell papers.

It is obvious that News Corp and its board has no morality. Clearly the Murdochs and their empire are NOT Fit and Proper Persons to be running any media organisation.

They should be removed from the board of BSkyB immediately and their companies broken up.

They are not conducive to the public good.


Edited by walker

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Hi all


The News of the World Whistle Blower Sean Hoare, who outed the Murdoch's papers for hacking into phones, including Millie Dowler's and was revealing that other Murdoch papers were involved, has been found dead.


As always follow the link to the original text in full

The police service which took the Murdoch's assurances that there was no more hacking and who's police chief had to resign after it was found he took thousands of pounds worth of paid for spa holidays from News Corp and which employed one of the editors involved in the hacking inquiry did not find the death Suspicious?



---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

Hi all

Yet more senior police officers are being forced to resign!


Another Senior Police officer has been forced to resign.


As always follow the link to the original text in full

Man its just...

You could not make this stuff up!

There has never been a scandal like it.

If you wrote this as a book or film it would be laughed out of the publishers and producers as too unbelievable!

If they do make a film of it it will have to be a trilogy or series!

I wonder what odds I could get at the bookmakers for a general election for September or October?

Shell shocked walker

time for payback murdoch :)

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Hi all

As well as the revelation that Sarah Payne was betrayed by News Corp:

Hi all

It now seems the mother of murder victim Sarah Payne was yet another victim of News Corp phone hackers.


It also appears that News Corp are spinning this with a PR firm briefings that seem to indicate they had prepared statments before the news of the hacking came out:


Certainly the Judge who is investigating this will have to look into when this PR firm new this information as well as the police as it appears the PR firm too were involved in withholding evidense and interfering in a criminal investigation.

It seems News Corp gave her a phone so that they could hack it and write stories.

New Corp just use childs murders to sell papers.

It is obvious that News Corp and its board has no morality. Clearly the Murdochs and their empire are NOT Fit and Proper Persons to be running any media organisation.

They should be removed from the board of BSkyB immediately and their companies broken up.

They are not conducive to the public good.


The list of victims of the of News Corp Hacking now also includes the Madeleine McCann's family spokesman as well as the Families of other Child Murders, Terrorist Victims and the Families of dead Soldiers.


It seems nothing is sacrosanct to the evil men and women of News Corp.


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Hi all

News Corp has been caught interfering with evidence in criminal investigations.

Wapping staff tried to delete thousands of emails

Evidence given to MPs fuels claims of hacking cover-up. MP says police should have seized Wapping IT system

By Ian Burrell, Media Editor

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

News International has ordered the mass deletion of hundreds of thousands of emails from its computer system in the past 18 months, MPs learnt last night.


The news has prompted concerns that vital evidence may have been lost to police and other authorities investigating the phone-hacking scandal. The extent of the deletions was revealed in a letter sent to the Commons Home Affairs Committee by lawyers acting for a technology company, HCL, which manages data for News International (NI).

A shocked Keith Vaz, chairman of the committee, said: "I'm very surprised that so many emails and information appears to have been deleted since the start of this year. This will raise further questions which I'm sure we will want to probe further but it's surprising that such a large number of messages have been deleted. Several thousand emails is a lot of emails." He said staff from HCL may be called to give further evidence before the committee...


As always follow the link to the original article in full

This will be the wooden stake through the heart of the Murdoch empire. It is always the cover-up that catches you as happened with Watergate.

What amuses me is that these numpties are not even aware that these emails exist in the networks and Internet and on servers and can traced and found even after they are deleted. More importantly the numpties have told the police which emails to look at!

It looks like Murdoch's former lawyers are going to turn Queens Evidence on the matter after Murdoch himself effectively waived privilege by blaming them for withholding evidence from a criminal investigation.

Tuesday 02 August 2011

Phone hacking: royal law firm Harbottle & Lewis in negotiations with police over News International emails

The royal law firm at the centre of the phone hacking scandal is in negotiations with police about handing over a cache of confidential News International emails.

By Christopher Hope, Whitehall Editor

Harbottle & Lewis told MPs it was in the process of making a “full and complete disclosure†to the Metropolitan Police about phone hacking.

The firm, which in the past has acted for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, is under fire for failing to tell police or MPs about the scale of the problem.

Harbottle & Lewis, which is understood to be being investigated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, had previously insisted client confidentiality prevented it from making full disclosure to police...


As always follow the link to the original article in full

I wonder what the odds are on:

  1. The Sun being off the shelf for Christmas?
  2. News Corp going bust by Christmas?
  3. James Murdoch being charged before Christmas?

Shortening by the day I guess.

No longer able to be Surprised Walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

There are increasing witness accounts and accusations that it was Murdoch himself who ordered the destruction of email evidense pertinenent to Police enquiries including those of murder cases.

Murdoch told Indian outsourcers to wipe emails

Destroy everything

02 Aug 2011 08:51 by Nick Farrell in Rome

The Indian outsourcers who run Rupert Murdoch's internal email communications have told the world+dog that they were instructed to delete the outfit's internal emails on nine occasions between April 2010 and July 2011.

According to the Jellygraph, HCL technologies said it did not know of anything "abnormal, untoward or inconsistent" behind the requests to delete them. Labour MP Tom Watson that there had been an attempt to destroy data at the HCL storage facility in Chennai in apparent efforts to cover up the scale of the phone hacking scandal.

Keith Vaz, the chairman of the home affairs select committee, said the fact that so many emails have been deleted at the request of News International raises a number of further questions which we will continue to probe the company...


As always follow the link to the original article in full

HCL was asked by News International to delete emails nine times over 15 months.

By Tom Brewster, 2 Aug 2011 at 10:09

News International asked HCL Technologies to delete over 200,000 internal emails on nine separate occasions.

Between April 2010 and July 2011, the Indian firm was asked by Rupert Murdoch’s company, currently at the centre of a hacking scandal, to delete emails, according to reports.

Tom Watson MP, who was a key figure at the recent grilling of Rupert Murdoch and his son James, had claimed there was an attempt to get rid of data at an HCL facility in Chennai, India to cover up the extent of hacking...


As always follow the link to the original article in full

Were News Corp using FOX and The Sun to hack your computer?

Also now under investigation are alligations of computer hacking of victims by News Corp. An article in the UK's Computer World says that News Corp used Trojan programs to hack into victims computers.





The obvious questions are:

  • How were News Corp inserting the Trojan's on to victims computers?
  • Were News Corp using emails to insert the Trojan's on to victims computers?
  • Were News Corp using their Media Websites to insert the Trojan's on to victims computers?
  • How many Victims of News Corp's Trojans are there?
  • Who at News Corp was involved in this Trojan Horse project?
  • Were US computers also hacked?

This comes as investigations in the US have started to heat up with the US Justice Department and FBI instructing News Corp and its lawyers to stop deleting emails relevant to investigations in to News Corp's hacking of 9/11 victims family phones and possibly computers.

The instructions were sent to New Corps's New york Post


Other sources are saying a similar FBI and Justice Department instructions apply to News Corp's Fox News and its affiliates.

The Guardian investigative reporter who broke the story is now following the trail in the US.

Rupert's Worst Nightmare Come True? 'Guardian' reporter Nick Davies arrives in U.S.

By Lucia Moses

August 01 2011

Here's Rupert Murdoch's worst nightmare: Nick Davies, the tenacious investigative reporter for the Guardian who has broken much of the Hackinggate story, comes to the U.S. in search of News Corp. crimes and coverup.

Well, it's come true. Davies arrives in New York today. He'll be there until Friday, and then he's going to Los Angeles in pursuit of hacking-type practices that might have been carried out on U.S. soil by Murdoch’s U.S. reporters, by his U.K. reporters working in the U.S., or by private detectives hired by News Corp.

If such crimes were committed here, that could mean real trouble for News Corp.—the legal system here is more tenacious and the remedies more draconian than in the U.K. ...


As always follow the link to the original article in full


Edited by walker

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Hi all

Breaking News!

It now appears that News Corp were hacking the emails of a British Intelligence officer.


And that corruption at the Met by News Corp may have prevented investigation into the breach of security.


I really thought I could be no be surprised by News Corp's nefarious activities anymore Walker :mad:

MORE! Breaking News!

UK Police investigating computer hacking by News Corp and bribery and corruption at the Met have arrested News of the World managing editor Stuart Kuttner.


This Story is a millipede it has so many legs


Edited by walker

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