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How the new dimension water can be used [Ideas & Concepts]

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Some more aspects/ideas of how the sea and underwater world could be used:

"Proteus" autonomous submarine


UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

REMUS 100 aka MK 18 MOD 1 "Swordfish"


The REMUS 100 is an a compact, light-weight autonomous underwater vehicle. In real life it is mainly used for environmental measurement. In Arma 3 however it could be used for reconnaissance and more importantly Mine counter measure (MCM) operations which in fact is also the use of the US Navy. (here is my concept about mines btw :) )

The REMUS is deployable via small surface vessels such as this one.



So there could be, next to the normal Vessel, a MCM variant that can deploy the REMUS and therefore be an valuable tactical defense for mines.

How could this work? Well quite simple:

  • The REMUS UUV's get deployed in the water
  • The Player can give the REMUS waypoints on the map
  • They swarm out randomly or search in pre-defined areas
  • When the reach a mine in a certain distance ( rather low) a jammer activates and disables the mine (simple script is executed)
  • The mines are defenseless to this counter measure

The reconnaisance factor on the other hand is rather weak. The REMUS is only able to report vehicles or divers in a certain range and mark them on the map.

To put the idea back into the general context:

There are mines as countermeasure of combat divers and SDV's, and UUV's as countermeasure of mines

Example of usage in a mission:

A harbor has to be assaulted. However it is highly expected there are mines used to protect it, so an approach with SDV's and combat swimmers is too dangerous. The attacking force uses an MCMV and sends out REMUS to infiltrate the harbour and disable the mines. Once all mines are disabled the combat swimmers can advance and successfully carry out their mission.


- REMUS "Swordfish" as RSTA and MCM device.

- minimal changes to existing models (new variant of already existing vessel called MCMV Mine CounterMeasure Vessel )

- minimal effort in modelling

- basic functions

- completely new in gaming

- new and fresh tactical aspect

Here and here is everything you could want to know about UUV's.

NAVY Unmanned Undersea Vehicle UUV Master Plan

I hope these ideas might serve for some inspiration. Maybe also for modders (as this thread is not meant as just a "Arma 3 wishlist for the devs") :)

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Im sure mission makers and modders can find some creative and rather entertaining ways to make use of the under water dimension.

Maybe Battle Bus underwater???

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Im sure mission makers and modders can find some creative and rather entertaining ways to make use of the under water dimension.

Maybe Battle Bus underwater???

Battle Bus 2: Battle Boat :D

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haha yes +1 :D

ohh god, Arma 3 will be a good time :D

Edited by PurePassion

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I think we should all recreate that submarine section from MW3 in Arma3 and then post it onto MW3 forums to troll, showing them many different ways we can play it and they cant.

Who wants to organize a mod group dedicated to turning that badass prop we saw into a badass SUBMARINE!!!!!! Maybe then we can coax perliminary info from the dev team that could help the community design it faster! (not me cuz I have no modification skillz or experiance in organization:o)

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I think we should all recreate that submarine section from MW3 in Arma3 and then post it onto MW3 forums to troll, showing them many different ways we can play it and they cant.

Who wants to organize a mod group dedicated to turning that badass prop we saw into a badass SUBMARINE!!!!!! Maybe then we can coax perliminary info from the dev team that could help the community design it faster! (not me cuz I have no modification skillz or experiance in organization:o)

Unfortunately, if the sub really is just a static model, it will be missing most of the memory points and other things required for a vehicle to actually work in the game. So assuming BIS don't release it in MLOD form for the modders to use, it would be necessary to create a whole new sub model from scratch. ;)

(Or use an existing 3rd party model, with permission of course.)

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Well, it was stated in one video (one that started with ragdoll demonstration) that they intend to make it fully functional (despite it being just a prop now). Or at least, that's how I understood it.

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Well that is true but in fact they were talking about the swimmer delivery vehicle and

^^ Edited by PurePassion

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A submarine interior is just about the worst environment I can think of for controlling an Arma series avatar. :p

I'd say making 'contact' with the crew and having the correct hatches open to start or end a mission would be sufficient. Not to mention those sort of areas are heavily classified and would take a lot of artistic licence on BIS' part to recreate.

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Completely agree Daniel! :)

I think it would be totally sufficient to model an animated SDV dry deck shelter for the combat swimmers to embark and disembark, store the SDV and use the submarine as mean of transport.

Basically just a big round cylinder with an animated door on top of the submarine in which the SDV's are able to dive into. :)

Edited by PurePassion

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Nice pics! That's probably very similar to what the Astute class will use. I was purely referring to actually transferring on and off the sub.

Edited by Daniel

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Still, I think it would be nice to have at least partially modeled sub interior (briefing room for divers, for instance) and the ability to move the sub around. Some rooms might be classified, but BI is already taking a lot of artistic liberties in AIII.

It could also be fun if the player was allowed to man certain key stations on the bridge (commander, helm, weapons, sonar&radar, comms and anything else located on the bridge) and command the ship from there. Commanding a sub shouldn't be too different (in terms of controls, at least) than commanding a large surface ship.

Of course, it's unlikely they'll bother with these features in AIII, but hopefully, they'd be possible for modders to implement.

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Still, I think it would be nice to have at least partially modeled sub interior (briefing room for divers, for instance) and the ability to move the sub around. Some rooms might be classified, but BI is already taking a lot of artistic liberties in AIII.

It could also be fun if the player was allowed to man certain key stations on the bridge (commander, helm, weapons, sonar&radar, comms and anything else located on the bridge) and command the ship from there. Commanding a sub shouldn't be too different (in terms of controls, at least) than commanding a large surface ship.

Of course, it's unlikely they'll bother with these features in AIII, but hopefully, they'd be possible for modders to implement.

It would at least be nice to be able to reposition the submarine, or maybe even to fire Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles.

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I think that BI could try enabling that using scripting (sub should be able to move, even if it won't be controllable) and a fire support system for calling in Tomahawks. Of course, being able to do it personally from the sub would've been a great feature, but I don't know if BIS will have time for it.

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The current arma doesn't have: (not going in details,and i'm talking about vanilla game without mods)

-A realistic gameplay for infantry

-A real damage system for ground vehicles


-Realistic flying system for airvehicles

-And finally a real targetting system

Unless they wanna keep this semi-simulation aspect,i don't see why they should spend time on this "gameplay additions"

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Qazdar can you mention 1 game "out of the box" that has all the criterias you posted forfilled?

ofcource it will be semi-simulation. the game is aimed at the public. not some military or pmc :p. sacrifices has to be done

Edited by nuxil

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Qazdar. I'm reading in-between the lines... "THAY SHUD ADD PHSYZZDX". They already are you fucking douche. Contribute to a conversation, don't de-rail with it with your bullshit.

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@Rye, i'm not answering you unless you show some respect ...


Yes there is no game out there that fulfill that list but,arma (2) considers itself as a simulation ... so at least one of these should be satisfied ...

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We are talking about Arma 3 and the possibilities of the new dimension here :)

You can always say "fix the more important stuff" but this mentality would lead to a non-innovative game and the question of "more important" is very subjective in the first place.

Arma 3 was already said to have a sophisticated flightmodel, PhysX, improved damage model for vehicles etc.

I fail to see the purpose of enumerating aspects that, in your opinion, are not satisfying in Arma 2 but were in fact already confirmed to be improved in Arma 3, in order to use it as an argument to prevent from adding new gameplay aspects to Arma 3.

You say you don't want the team to focus on new gameplay additions because they should fix others things first. The problem is that those "other things" were already said to be improved so your argument doesn't apply at all :D

And since when is Arma not a "semi-simulator"?:hmmm:

think about it ;)

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We are talking about Arma 3 and the possibilities of the new dimension here :)

You can always say "fix the more important stuff" but this mentality would lead to a non-innovative game and the question of "more important" is very subjective in the first place.

Arma 3 was already said to have a sophisticated flightmodel, PhysX, improved damage model for vehicles etc.

I fail to see the purpose of enumerating aspects that, in your opinion, are not satisfying in Arma 2 but were in fact already confirmed to be improved in Arma 3, in order to use it as an argument to prevent from adding new gameplay aspects to Arma 3.

You say you don't want the team to focus on new gameplay additions because they should fix others things first. The problem is that those "other things" were already said to be improved so your argument doesn't apply at all :D

And since when is Arma not a "semi-simulator"?:hmmm:

think about it ;)

Well,my idea is :unless they do it well,they 'd better improve what has been done :D

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Combat diving for Navy Seal oil rig take overs. I'm sure someone in the community will make one. I know I will build a model. Glad I have 8 months to do it LOL!

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