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CWA 1.99 Bug reports

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Ok, i unpbo-ed both the CWA and OFP 1985.pbo and opened both version of the 01Flasphoint.Eden mission in the CWA editor.

And indeed, the CWA version is NOT the same as the OFP version.

See in picture (click to enlarge)

CWA version :


OFP version


The little yellow square with a "?" are the H (empty) object that help the AI to land an helo on specific location (roughly tough, as the helo AI like to fly dangerously).

In the CWA version , the 2nd helo little helper is very close to the forest, while in the OFP 1.96 version, the 2nd helo little helper is far from the forest when playing with CWA.

And this is exactly why the AI will crash in the forest the 2nd helo in that mission beginning.

So CWA has indeed a bugged version of that mission, and who know much more of the campaign missions are bugged in comparison to the OFP 1.96 versions.

No idea if CWA resistance.pbo is in the same case.

Until BIS provide a new version of CWA with the correct version of the campaigns, better replace the CWA 1985.pbo and resistance.pbo files by their OFP 1.96 version to avoid all those bugs that were not existing in OFP 1.96.

Edited by Sanctuary
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I haven't opened the resistance.pbo to check, but it has a different filesize from the 1.9.6 version. I backed up the CWA ones to be safe and replaced both 1985.pbo and resistance.pbo with the 1.9.6 versions and haven't seen an issue in either campaign through the early missions (aside from the things that were already weird like the soldiers running randomly around the obstacle course).

Also, and I couldn't replicate this in 1.9.6 but maybe it happens, I've been able to reproduce another bug in the 1.9.9 version of that mission. If you get out of the helicopter at the moment 'get out' appears in the command list, the helicopter will take off with your squad still onboard and the last few guys will fall to their deaths. It's kind of funny actually.

I wish I had all of the old OFP patches laying around, because I almost wonder if the campaign files included with CWA aren't from an old version or something.

Edited by Jason Moyer

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Good that radio commands are fixed! :)

Just played a little through the CWA-CWC campaign.

- mission "Flashpoint" - 8 out of 10 times the second UH60 is crashing into trees.

- mission "Undercover" in outro cutscenes there are missing characters you can only hear the voices speaking to each other

- mission "Interdiction" the sky is too bright you don't need NVG's IIRC it was pitch black


- voice/speech volume of characters is too low in cutscenes or during missions

- gunner AI in tanks are loosing assigned targets after few seconds

Just curious if all 16:9 screens show some "fat-flat" looking stuff. Lets see if I find a working 19'' screen for OFP nostalgica... must try new stuff can't resist! :D

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Go here and download OFP Aspect Ratio v1.3, NoRailgunner. Then just follow the instructions to get it setup. :)

That bug was always there in Undercover. I had to fix it for CWR2. :p

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well it's not that simple this related only to GUI

as voiceovers and campaign texts are standalone it means either old files must be used

or wait till we release czech version later ;)

Thx for answer and I hope it will be soon. :yay:

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Hello! First of all, BIS, thank you VERY MUCH for CWA release! Bravo! It's awesome! You showed that you care about your fans and I never doubted it. ;) And so I have one little request about one little (but very important and even critical for gameplay, at least for me and my friends) fix. I'll try to explain what's the problem.

When you get into vehicle (tank, heli or else that has weapons) as some sort of commander (pilot for heli, gunner-then-driver and commander for tanks and so on) and your teammate (human) gets in there as gunner then you encounter enemy and with Next Target button or right mouse button you point the target, your character says something like "TARGET Tank, 07" but gunner does not see the pointer which target he must attack (and sometimes where the heck that target is =)). I don't think it's a bug but it's quite troublesome for playing in team with other people (even with bot-commander). I'm sure that millions of ofp1 fans like me (and unlike =)) that even these days play ofp1/cwa will be very grateful and say another many thanks to BIS if you fix this (and so will I). :) For example, in VBS1 this problem is fixed and everything is ok. Commander points a target and says "ATTACK *same thing*" (and seemingly TARGET too, I don't remember now) and then gunner-player sees the pointer 'target [ ]' and/or 'engage [ ]' and knows which target he must now send to Hell. =)

Thanks in advance! Sorry if explanation is a bit fuzzy.

With the best regards, another big OFP CWA fan.

Edited by Dissonance

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I have Operation Flashpoint: GOTY, and it always worked fine with everything turned up as high as it would go. I download CWA, and whenever I try to start the campaign, I get the following message:

"Out of reserved memory (16384 KB).

Code change required (current limit 524288 KB).

Total free 433441 KB

Free blocks 723, Max free size 14703 KB"

Looking around, it seems I'm not alone, but none of the suggested methods of fixing it have worked. I've tried changing the visibility to 900, autodetecting all settings and adding -nomap to the shortcut.

Can anyone help me out?

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okay so i have the original no hotfixes, should i just grab the latest one or what?

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To put it simply. :)

Get the full installer,or just apply the hotfixes.

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It's an old bug which happens if there's a different item than binoculars for the first special item in the gear menu. Simply change the order of the special items to fix the problem - give them binoculars first, then NV goggles. But BIS have stated that they didn't intend to fix any of the old bugs, so that's irrelevant.

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Which units?I haven't noticed that problem in vanilla CWA.

Black Op and Spetz Natz.



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Simply change the order of the special items to fix the problem - give them binoculars first, then NV goggles.

Thanks Rellikki. Finally, it is properly. :yay:

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Dear Dwarden,

Please see my post here :


And here :


To see a full description of the cockpit views auto-centering (can't free-look). Please take a look at this, I kindly ask you to see if it is possible to restore the view behavior to allow free-look.

Thank you again

Comrade Freax0r

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Ok, i unpbo-ed both the CWA and OFP 1985.pbo and opened both version of the 01Flasphoint.Eden mission in the CWA editor.

And indeed, the CWA version is NOT the same as the OFP version.

If anyone picks this up on Steam, I'd be interested in knowing if it's using the broken 1.99 version of the 85 campaign.

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i get frequent crashes with ecp, im hoping someone releases a working ecp config, especially a ww4 ecp config for this new update. if so plz is there one?

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i found CWA SP Mission bug

in Sniper Team mission

i can't command my 2 black ops


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im using dma animations with ww4 ecp and cwa and everytime the characters go from standing to laying down their body sinks into the sand and then they're laying down. some type of animation bug. what fixes that. i believe someone mentioned that before on here.

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Bah it's not worth the trouble.Installing flashpoint 1.96.

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im using dma animations with ww4 ecp and cwa and everytime the characters go from standing to laying down their body sinks into the sand and then they're laying down. some type of animation bug. what fixes that. i believe someone mentioned that before on here.

It's not related to CWA, just my mistake as it's something i copy pasted in the config that was not ready.

This should fix the problem :


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I have found yet another bugged mission - "Ambush" (single mission #2). The evacuation chopper fails to move to its destination point. Instead it flies over to a tiny island and starts spinning around indefinitely, preventing the mission from ending.

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I can not get Arma X to run its a slide show, DL from Steam and tried everything it will not run on my machine.

I also get out of memory errors? I have plenty.

system specs in sig

Edited by Mastiff

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Problems when installing the MOD.

When I run the bat file, the display appears the message that "ERROR data.pbo not found".

I purchased this game on Steam. Im plyaing it on win7 32bit.

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