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Will you buy ARMAIII?

Will you buy ARMA III?  

623 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy ARMA III?

    • Of course and even all DLC's & Expansions for It!
    • Yes I will!
    • I don't know I want to see more informations about It first
    • No!

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Hmmm let me think about this for a moment. So BIS are currently developing a dramatically improved sequal of the world's most addictive military simulation and PhysX, a revamped animation system, customizable load-out and a huge new map of a real island modelled from real geographic data have already been confirmed.

No I don't think I'll buy it, sounds like it will be a complete and utter dissapointment.

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If the weapons and vehicles are heavily influenced by science fiction then I am not interested.

If the map is smaller then Takistan I am not interested.

If the map is huge, with varied terrain, and the weapons and vehicles are model 2012 or earlier then I am interested.



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I most certainly will. Looks promising. :)

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I will be buying it from Sprocket. Also any future expansions and DLCs, of course. :)

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following the success of this retarded poll, I propose the following poll

How many copies of A3 would you buy?

1. more than 3

2. two

3. one

4. none

5. minus 1

6. none of the above

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following the success of this retarded poll, I propose the following poll

How many copies of A3 would you buy?

1. more than 3

2. two

3. one

4. none

5. minus 1

6. none of the above

How about:

Will you vote in this poll?

1. Yes.

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How about:

Will you vote in this poll?

1. Yes.

i must say, i do like the options in your poll. I for one would certainly put my best foot forward and participate.

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i must say, i do like the options in your poll. I for one would certainly put my best foot forward and participate.

We can add some options :

2. Sure

3. Certainly

4. Most probably

5. No but i'm stupid

Edited by ProfTournesol

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If the change turns out to be like it was for OFP-->ARMA and ARMA-->ARMA2 then I probably won't buy it. Obviously it's too early to tell anything but I am once again expecting a big upgrade in graphics (and system requirements) and not enough improvement in key gameplay areas. Don't particularly care about vehicles, weapons and island size. If they could just fix the netcode and by fix I mean make it at least as smooth as it was in OFP, a 10 year old game...

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If they could just fix the netcode and by fix I mean make it at least as smooth as it was in OFP, a 10 year old game...

I have no such remembrance, used to play a shitload of CTF and coops back in the days and it was far from being smooth.

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I have no such remembrance, used to play a shitload of CTF and coops back in the days and it was far from being smooth.

Shush, nostalgy is a strong thing, and now it is supported by more powerfull computers to make old games run smoother than developers expected :icon_twisted:

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8 Codemasters developers voted No.

How do they afford to employ that many people?

Anyways, of course I'm buying it.

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Reading trough many comments, I find it funny that many people bash on the futuristic setting...

The setting will be just far enough in the future (2015-2030?) for BI to be creative and come up with there own creations/mashups. Myself I like a near-future setting, but don't worry there won't be any laser guns and plasma rifles...

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I believe that this will be my last speech in this topic.

I think it's worrying to see the direction taken by the members.

If you're not with us you are against us, stupid, ignorant.

It was not like this when I started following this formum (with another name) in 2001.

Freedom of expression is important in a forum, it's is ''raison d'être''.

Maybe I did wrong, but I think we should think about that:

If 8 fans are not convinced, potential buyers will be more difficult to convince them I am sure.



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I have no such remembrance, used to play a shitload of CTF and coops back in the days and it was far from being smooth.

My point is that it was still much better than it is now. Considering the scale of the game it is never going to be as smooth as some first person shooters but if they could at least make ARMA 3 as smooth as OFP it would already be a huge improvement. ARMA 2 has very visible warping even when playing in LAN, totally unacceptable.

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My point is that it was still much better than it is now. Considering the scale of the game it is never going to be as smooth as some first person shooters but if they could at least make ARMA 3 as smooth as OFP it would already be a huge improvement. ARMA 2 has very visible warping even when playing in LAN, totally unacceptable.

Um OFP was always slow, and indeed still is. And, according to the latest OA beta released yesterday, unit warping may have been almost completely removed.

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Um OFP was always slow, and indeed still is.

Again, it may be slow but it is still much better than ARMA 2. I've done tests and posted comparison videos that show what unit movement looks like in both games when there is no network lag and server is running at max fps. It's like OFP updates unit positions twice as often.

And, according to the latest OA beta released yesterday, unit warping may have been almost completely removed.

That's good to hear. If the netcode has really been improved that much I would gladly buy OA again, but that's getting a bit offtopic...

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I may consider buying it if it has interactive and realistic cockpits for all aircraft like Flight Simulator.

Otherwise... epic failure.

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That would be a massive fail. What's an infantry sim without its fully interactive cockpit ey? The mind boggles.

I'd settle for higher fidelity flight model and weapons systems first...

Edited by Daniel

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Too many demands trying to be met equals a bad game. For once I'm happy that BIS is trying to release something stable instead of making every possible customer happy.

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