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Are there any known issues using the current Steam version of ARMA:OA with this mission pack? I'm using Six Updater to install all necessary add ons, get a game freeze when pressing the "play" button after picking difficulty level. Two months ago, on a different computer, using a non steam version of ARMA:OA, and six updater, it worked just fine. Both ACE and non ACE versions crash. Is Isla Duala on Six updater incomplete for this mission pack (it says it needs "Utes")?


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The only freezes I've had with Sick's campaigns were when I tried to play without the proper islands (stupidly I forgot to download them)...for the rest I have had some crashes but I guess they were engine related rather than mod related.

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Do you have Arma 2co [a2+oa] or only OA, becose Utes is island from Arma 2.

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Oh, good call. I'm using ARMA/OA on Steam on this computer; (back home, I have ARMA II CO install from the disc, and six updater / sick's missions work). I wonder if Steam is not loading it all... Strange, I can make this all work with six updater and these missions when I used the stand alone discs, but when I try to make it work with my Steam install of the ARMA series, it doesn't work. But if I play the standard ARMA missions on the steam install, it's fine. Six Updater supposedly finds the ARMA / OA install fine, but, I'm not sure now..... Gonna have to play with this. Thanks for the input on that, hadn't realized it.

EDIT: It's not the mission pack (I've used it successfully before). It seems to be some sort of issue with Six Updater and its interaction with Steam's ARMA/OA. I'm just going to go out and buy another retail disc, and get away from this Steam version.

EDIT: Issue resolved using CD retail disc. Apparently Steam puts ARMAII in one directory, OA in another, and Six Updater has trouble making it all play nicely together.

Edited by russbo

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Im thinking its not working on your computer becose you have only OA from steam, not Arma 2 co. I dont remember if this campaign need CO, maybe some addons need both games, for example duala or units packs etc.

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Possible bug in first mission? I've got to the doctor and cleared out everyone I can find but she just sits there crouched and I can't interact with her at all

ACE version with latest version of ACE

---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------

Ok "bug" fixed for some reason the "come with us" command had a very odd range. I had to go prone and aim at her feet to get it to come up

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Did the ACE issues get resolved, re: weapon selection?? Wondering if I should play with ACE or not...

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If you use Ace stable version all should be ok: no problems with weapons selection in briefing, weapons will not change to default after you close gear menu. But if you use ace with updates you will probable got this bug.

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Can't destroyed the crashed AC-130 no matter what I do, ACE version

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When are the original campaigns going to be reissued?

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i have struggled for soooooooooo very long with this mod. not the installation, that was easy and went fine. so far not a single bug...bar one. and it has driven me absolutely insane. i got to the mission where i have to go to takistan and neutralize loy manara airport. however, i found a strange issue, after completing the side mission, and upon the next part starting...i realized i had no silenced weapons. it didnt cause a huge issue however it was mildy annoying...so i carried on, wiped out the mountain patrol and went to the over watch position to deal with the triple a at the airport. it was then i realized that i had no laser desigy. i scratched my head , searched every back pack and found batteries by no designator. tried rolling back ...and search the ammo boxes...nothing, no designator anywhere. i spent the next 3 days trying to figure it out doing many searches using different search parameters, and found nothing, as i was about to give up i came across these tiny off hand sentence in a random post about other bugs by sick1 "its on the atv if you didnt bring 1!". i swear i could have cried =/

sick1, if you come across this post, could you please , assuming you have time and are not busy working on new projects, double check the script on the ammo boxes and make sure they are fully loaded out to prevent this melon breaking issue popping up for other players in the future. i realize the mod is old, but it would be greatly appreciated.

(ps, i do not think this is an addon related issue as im running as close to vanilla as i can atm and so far, this si the only weird thing i have come across)

also, while im here, may i say how utterly fantastic your mod is. by far the best single player experience i have had so far, and i include BI's missions in that. the skins, voice acting , scripting , ai tweaking, and story driven missions are utterly a joy to play.

hope to god that i can play this in co-op with my fellow Sigclan members, perhaps even with ace... god damn that would be epic :yay:

thanks a million for the awesome hours of fun ive had so far with this mod. you sir are a legend and by god if BI dont support you guys, who put the effort in and clearly have the skill to produce such incredible work, in arma 3, ill pull my hair out an poop on their doorstep in protest! lol.

ill be hoping you throw more missions at us and will be keeping my eye out for them in arma 2 and 3. :D

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3. RH M4/M16 Pack Rearmed for OA by RobertHammer Optional


The link is broken... Where to find that addon?

I saw the problem... ;) sorry... :D

The campaign is just great, i had a lot of fun playing it... till this mission... :(

Well, i have the same problem like others with the mission "The new war", and with the wreck who just resist to explode... I tryed to extract the whole campaign with PboView and to edit the mission... I tryed to put health on zero... nothing. Then i tryed to put real C-130 with a low health... nothing. Then i tryed to remove the command from the init of the plane "allowDammage true"... still nothing...

Edited by bboy

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I didn't test it, but this is somethign you can do:

extract the whole campaign with PboView and to edit the mission.

name the wreck (ie: c130). then, near/on/in the wreck, put an ammo box and name it (ie: box1)

then, set a trigger with, on act: !alive box1 and consequence: c130 setdamage 1;

that way, when you put a satchel and fire it, it would destroy the ammo box "box1" ---> then the c130 should take 100% damage and be destroyed.

that way, the c130 will be destroyed, and it might validate the objective "destroy the wreck".

I haven't tested it, so it may not work... or it maybe will?

if someone can test it, it would be cool.

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If nothing helps just use "endmission" or "campaign" cheat ;)

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Sick1, just wanted to throw some feedback and congrats your way. I'm really loving this Campaign so far (still playing through, so it's partial for now)

+ The optional side-missions are a fantastic way of throwing some variety into the mix, and their shorter nature makes the gameplay more balanced and well-paced.

+ I love the mixture of FOB/Side-Missions and Campaign missions. Each primary mission so far has been meaty, detailed, and challenging.

+ Inclusion of the Air Support Console makes things more realistic and allows the player to wield incredible power.

+ Enemy constantly being on the move really compliments how sharp and challenging they are, requires player to be aware of their surroundings, adds realism.

+ Full voice acting helps give the characters more depth, Specter sounds grizzled, if not a little down-homey.

= You should consider adding AC-130 Spectre Gunship to the Air Support options (TF94 CAMP has this, for example), it would be rad to take down HVT Viper and his gang while having to avoid lighting up the hide site. (If this appears later in the CAMP, then please disregard).

= Story is a little vague, but I am aware of why I am where I am and what I'm supposed to do at all times, and it may all become clear as I play through more.

- It'd be nice to have access to backpacks on the FOB when building my loadout

- Freelook seems to get locked if you try to change your ROE via Radio Trigger while in a chopper, no clue why

- ROE via Radio Trigger in general is kind of unclear as to it's purpose besides changing Specter's tone of voice

- I didn't see a way of getting the Laser Designator in the A New War mission to call in some airstrikes, am I missing something?

More feedback to come, most of this is just praise anyway. Seriously tho, thanks for creating this campaign and sharing with us!

Edited by h34dup

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Does Sick1 still check these forums? His porfile says the last activity was in May :S

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I'm sure he'll come back and check on it one day or another.

Has anyone else been having trouble in A new war with the Air Support Console? LA is not working, nothing happens even with the target lazed for 5+ minutes. Do I need to have MMA activated while playing?

EDIT: now I'm playing it with MMA activated (along with CBA which now needs to have all three versions enabled in order to work) and still having issues. I can now view Remote Camera but the aircraft aren't firing. Is there a specific vector and alt they need to ingress at?

Edited by h34dup

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Has anyone else been having trouble in A new war with the Air Support Console? LA is not working, nothing happens even with the target lazed for 5+ minutes. Do I need to have MMA activated while playing?

I had the same problem. I eventually gave up and went in on foot and did it the hard way. ;)

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I had the same problem. I eventually gave up and went in on foot and did it the hard way. ;)

Aw man say it ain't so! I was really excited to have 20 LAs rain down on all those bad guys.

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I'm sure he'll come back and check on it one day or another.

Has anyone else been having trouble in A new war with the Air Support Console? LA is not working, nothing happens even with the target lazed for 5+ minutes. Do I need to have MMA activated while playing?

EDIT: now I'm playing it with MMA activated (along with CBA which now needs to have all three versions enabled in order to work) and still having issues. I can now view Remote Camera but the aircraft aren't firing. Is there a specific vector and alt they need to ingress at?



Is "A new war" the mission where you're designating targets at the airport in Takistan? That mission is bugged and you can't bring a laser designator on it afaik. Just do the endmission cheat and skip on to the next one.

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Is "A new war" the mission where you're designating targets at the airport in Takistan? That mission is bugged and you can't bring a laser designator on it afaik. Just do the endmission cheat and skip on to the next one.

Yeah that's the on. But nah, there are SOFLAMs in the cargo of the ATVs (like 5 of them)... but yeah looks like it's not working. Shame. Ah well, will have to restart while packing some Javelins.

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I didn't test it, but this is somethign you can do:

extract the whole campaign with PboView and to edit the mission.

name the wreck (ie: c130). then, near/on/in the wreck, put an ammo box and name it (ie: box1)

then, set a trigger with, on act: !alive box1 and consequence: c130 setdamage 1;

that way, when you put a satchel and fire it, it would destroy the ammo box "box1" ---> then the c130 should take 100% damage and be destroyed.

that way, the c130 will be destroyed, and it might validate the objective "destroy the wreck".

I haven't tested it, so it may not work... or it maybe will?

if someone can test it, it would be cool.

HA HA! Did it! I don't know how many times i restart this mission till i didn't done this... Well, near the wreck is the car... i renamed the car and i change wreck, i put a real C130, with the same name like in open mission c130j... just in case... ;) the rest i did it like you wrote Wiki... Thanks for the idea... :D So... see you later... im bussy to continue this beautifull campaign! ;):D See you later...

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Someone else resolve the problem? :)

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I didnt read through all the pages here , and search didn't turn up anything. This campaign will not start for me. I have all the required addons and downloaded the standard (non ACE) version. Any ideas, does it jsut take a real long time to load?

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Any error messages popping up? You need to be a little bit more precise in order that somebody can understand why this campaign doesn't start for you.

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