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Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

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I care, because I am fan of realism, obiviously your not, quit trolling, this about features, not you disrespecting others.

Who's disrespecting whom now? All I can see is disrespect for BI's opinions... from you.

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I care, because I am fan of realism, ...

And, sadly for you, the devs are taking some creative license... do you really think they're going to just scrap everything and simply make "Arma2.5:Modern Warfare" with a better engine and the same old units all over again, just because a couple of peeps on the forums are getting all teary eyed over some fictional units?

Think again. ;)

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my point was about the overall existence, which you still dont seem to get...BRDM=REAL, BMP=REAL,MI-24=REAL, commanche=CANCELLED, MI-48=FAKE, W/E thats APC in the background is=FAKE, MATV=U.S. Army MRAP project, so how would Iran obtain them, and Iran exists of course we all know that, but they should have made real weapons and units that Iran has instead of wasting time creating fictional fantasy crap, plus theres already Iran Mod so whats the point of even bringing them, and if you use ACE mod the apache goes the U.S. Army like it should, and ACE brings AH-1W for the USMC, so fail to the noob normal game player that said that.

If by APC you mean the namer used by the IDF: Namer APC

Or did you mean something else?

Anyway, looking at the pics on irandefence.net the Iranians seem to copy/use a lot of similar designs to other countries, both in uniform and weapon choice.


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I think we cant help ACE1434....

to sum it up: you think BIS made some non-existing fantasy crap

we see existing units with a stunning amount of details

and you seem to forget that BIS never portraited an exact copy of the real world. ( SCAR is not the standart us-army rifle, is it?)

If you totally cant stand it, get yourself some skill and create or port the units you want or simply dont buy the game. Easy as that.

Were not here to convince you of something.

This argument is getting stuck and there is no reason to continue it.

ohh and the question about whos trolling is very a dangerous one ;)

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Or just "vote with your wallet": don't like it, don't buy it.

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Or just "vote with your wallet": don't like it, don't buy it.

What this fine man said .

Or just get drunk and buy it , that way both sides win

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or all you morons trolling me make a nice "fantasy" mod for ArmA, take that for skills lol, and its not about making the same units over and over again R-Tard, its about accuratley doing it, and in ArmA 2 the marines looked truly half ass, based on their previous work with OFP(ArmA cold war assault- new name) its gotten lazy, IDK if its the economy or whatever but this is rediculous, I expect more from BIS, yet they continue to disappoint the fans and subject the masses(which are morons who dont know about anything military related) "hint" just to get some extra cash in their pockets, pathetic if you ask me. they are trying to fit in with everyother games story now and going after what sells instead bringing new features, its just new visuals, or new campaign. thats old and already been done, what happened to my tank interiors, what happened to REAL Armies, seriously, I mean the russians from A2 were simply ports of the OPFOR from VBS2, thats a shame, but ofcourse they include the UH-Y, which barely is in service, but give russia an outdated T-90 from its experimental stages. why to sell, which is not what I THOUGHT arma series was about, but I guess they are going down the drain like every other developer, only care about what sells instead of whats right, PATHETIC

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sorry i am out, i wont participate any longer. pointless...


Edited by PurePassion

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or all you morons trolling me make a nice "fantasy" mod for ArmA, take that for skills lol, and its not about making the same units over and over again R-Tard, its about accuratley doing it, and in ArmA 2 the marines looked truly half ass, based on their previous work with OFP(ArmA cold war assault- new name) its gotten lazy, IDK if its the economy or whatever but this is rediculous, I expect more from BIS, yet they continue to disappoint the fans and subject the masses(which are morons who dont know about anything military related) "hint" just to get some extra cash in their pockets, pathetic if you ask me. they are trying to fit in with everyother games story now and going after what sells instead bringing new features, its just new visuals, or new campaign. thats old and already been done, what happened to my tank interiors, what happened to REAL Armies, seriously, I mean the russians from A2 were simply ports of the OPFOR from VBS2, thats a shame, but ofcourse they include the UH-Y, which barely is in service, but give russia an outdated T-90 from its experimental stages. why to sell, which is not what I THOUGHT arma series was about, but I guess they are going down the drain like every other developer, only care about what sells instead of whats right, PATHETIC

Sorry but what are you doing here if so negative, go to the beach have a cold one look at a girl... Do something other than stay if so negative...! Damn sounds like my wife... :confused:

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Sir, BIS can do what they like. Thank you and STFU.

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Don't you all know that just ignoring trolls kills them in no time? ;)


Calling people with other opinions than yours morons might make you look cool, but we don't tolerate this here.

Consider yourself warned.

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I'd like to install a quantum rift in my screen just so I could punch out morons that whine constantly. Try making your own games, then you can complain.

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Added DX 11 to the system requirements since it has been confirmed by Ivan B.

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...which is not what I THOUGHT arma series was about, but I guess they are going down the drain like every other developer, only care about what sells instead of whats right, PATHETIC

Last I checked, BIS was a company, participating in business competition in a capitalistic society, bent on making PROFIT (*gasp*), instead of being some sort of welfare service catering to rivet counters obsessions with properly bloused pants, correct serial numbers on gunsights and whatever else you see fit to complain about.

I am all for discussion, and constructive critique. But apparently, there´s not a lot of understanding about what "constructive" means. Instead, we get a lot of whining about pointless things, which add nothing to the discussion bar noise. There is no discussion of critical points of the game, which truly need adressing (Stupid Command interface, inconsistent AI performance, Inaccessible server interface, bad tutorials, excessively complicated controls, etc...), but instead a tremendous amount of noise about fringe topics which, to the normal gamer who is interested in this, don´t matter as much.

There is a reason why sims are not a successful genre: they usually focus too much on the rivet counting, ditching the game part (in some ways catastrophically, see IL2), sacrificing accessibillity and ease of entry.

Back to the point about BI being a company: Instead of whining and wasting a lot of time on a forum, do the only thing a company understands: VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET. If you disagree with the course taken, and the devs are unresponsive, don´t buy the game.

Stick with A2 or something. Or go to the competition (ha-ha-ha). Meanwhile, I´ll get this game, and I´m sure I´ll enjoy it even more than A2, even if the choice of equipment for the factions is ridculous, and the equipment not 1:1 real world spec.

God, why did I even answer to this. Also, next time at least -try- to be polite. Just because this is the internet doesn´t mean you need to treat everybody in such a fashion. Poison for the community, etc...

my 2 cents.

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and you seem to forget that BIS never portraited an exact copy of the real world. ( SCAR is not the standart us-army rifle, is it?)

so far as i know it was not the standard rifle yet at the time frame that bis putted the campaign in. but they are phasing it out on several squadrons, the Scar was basically ordered by SOCOM after several tests against other rifles like the M4, i think some where around 2007 im not entirely sure about it. But the Scar came out best.

Anyway the scar variants where mainly ordered for special forces use but it seems that they are also starting to issue the rifle to front line soldiers.

btw the Scar is Belgium made.

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Anyway the scar variants where mainly ordered for special forces use but it seems that they are also starting to issue the rifle to front line soldiers.

Yes, SCARs were ordered for SOCOM... I dunno what you mean by front line soldier, but up to date, Mk17 was used in field only by Rangers and SF in low numbers. Mk16 was also seen few times in hands of AFSOC operators.

So it's far from being standard rifle in SOCOM, let alone regular US Army...

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I agree that complaining or criticizing is pointless. There's lots of hours put into just modelling. If I'm going to put in the hours to please people like that, then your gonna have to pay me for my time. They don't share the experience in the creativity. These guys could easily chill, have some beers & create this shit at home & just host LAN parties all weekend. I believe there's heart in this game & not just cash. The cash is part of the rewards for the work. So if you don't appreciate the game, don't buy. My only complaint is that I have to wait for version 3.

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Good is true that the weapon will have the motor 3 CryEngine3? is that I saw an ad where they put the gun 3 will have that great of graphics engine as crysis 1 and 2?

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Good is true that the weapon will have the motor 3 CryEngine3? is that I saw an ad where they put the gun 3 will have that great of graphics engine as crysis 1 and 2?

Jesus Christ, NO.

The engine Arma 3 will be using is Real Virtuality 4, BIS' in-house engine. Not only would a CryEngine 3 license cost too much, it would be fairly useless as it can not perform certain features that make the Arma series what it is :yay:

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Good is true that the weapon will have the motor 3 CryEngine3? is that I saw an ad where they put the gun 3 will have that great of graphics engine as crysis 1 and 2?

No it's not CryEngine 3.

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;1969781']I dunno what you mean by front line soldier' date=' [/quote']

As far as I am aware special forces are using the scar MK16 and MK17 when the task given requiers the rifle, it was said previous in several articles that it was ordered by SOCOM after testing omongst other rifles for standard use for special forces, however they stoped ordering the rifle most likely because of budget cuts "i can not confirm that" i also don't know exactly if they picked up ordering it again like said or only use the ones they already had.

On the front line soldiers i meant that some fire elements of the regular Army are seen on the battle field using it for front line patrols, however i don't know if it was for testing or a special task given where it required the rifle to be needed but they are used by the regular Army. It dus not have to mean that it will be the standard Army rifle in the future, it might have been so it only happens on some occasions.

kind regards

Edited by KBourne

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Mk16 orders are canceled permanently, because for twice a price they're getting rifle not so much better than M4.

Mk17 are still being ordered with conversion kits to 5.56 (to replace Mk16 and/or M4 for less cost) together with Mk20.

when the task given requiers the rifle
There no such thing in regular army... SF on the other hand, they can use whatever they want, as long it's in stock.

And I dunno why a task would require specific rifle anyway? You get no extra "possibilities" with Mk16 compared to M4A1. Mk17s can be used more often - M14EBR and M110 are more of dedicated precision rifles, while Mk17 is 7.62 battle rifle. But...

... - most important thing - Mk16&Mk17 are not availible outside of SOCOM... So there's no way regular infantry could use them.


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... - most important thing - Mk16&Mk17 are not availible outside of SOCOM... So there's no way regular infantry could use them.


well I'm trying to look up the article but google is not giving me the damn link so far, they where in no way special forces, they where regular army i pretty sure of that. But like i said it might be a single time or whatever, its a couple of moths back that i saw it when i was looking for some info on the Scar variants.

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