krycek 349 Posted February 26, 2013 Has this been officially confirmed? When I bought Kane and Lynch 2 I had to go online before I could play in offline mode, if I shut down the game or my computer I needed to go online again before I could resume playing the game. When you set Steam to offline mode it stays that way until you set to online again,maybe K&L2 had buggy offline mode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuskov 1 Posted February 26, 2013 When you set Steam to offline mode it stays that way until you set to online again,maybe K&L2 had buggy offline mode. You have provided me a glimmer of hope! I'm praying that it isn't necessary to reconnect to the Steam network every time I want to play, I don't mind connecting to Steam every once in a while to download updates, that's no problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old_painless 183 Posted February 26, 2013 For me, it would be awkward to cut the internet connection. I find it much more relevant to understand if we can remove the Steam client from the set of startup programs, once A3 is activated and put in "offline" mode. I don't like having things that start up unnecessarily on my gaming rig. And from experience, the Steam client is delaying the startup of the PC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonygrunt 10 Posted February 26, 2013 For me, it would be awkward to cut the internet connection.I find it much more relevant to understand if we can remove the Steam client from the set of startup programs, once A3 is activated and put in "offline" mode. I don't like having things that start up unnecessarily on my gaming rig. And from experience, the Steam client is delaying the startup of the PC You don't put a steamworks game in offline mode, you put the steam client in offline mode. The steam client is required to run as long as you run the game as it implements the DRM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoog 18 Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) Has this been officially confirmed? When I bought Kane and Lynch 2 I had to go online before I could play in offline mode, if I shut down the game or my computer I needed to go online again before I could resume playing the game. While at home, before you go dirtbiking, make sure the game is up to date and launched at least once while you are online. After this you put Steam in offline mode and it will restart. From now on you can play Arma 3 in offline mode without an active internet connection. There are some talks going around that Steam requires you to go online again every 30 days, I haven't verified this. Anyhoo, Steam offline mode can be a bitch if you don't put it in offline mode correctly. Or if your game is in the middle of updating and you stopped the update etc. and went offline. In general offline mode works more or less, but there are some specific cases which create a problem (which IMO should finally be fixed by Valve :( ). But in general, you should have no issue while traveling interstate for dirtbiking if you make sure to put it in offline mode before you leave your home. EDIT: sorry mods for adding to the Steam discussion in the blog reveal thread :blush: Edited February 26, 2013 by zoog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted February 26, 2013 While at home, before you go dirtbiking, make sure the game is up to date and launched at least once while you are online. After this you put Steam in offline mode and it will restart. From now on you can play Arma 3 in offline mode without an active internet connection. There are some talks going around that Steam requires you to go online again every 30 days, I haven't verified this. Anyhoo, Steam offline mode can be a bitch if you don't put it in offline mode correctly. Or if your game is in the middle of updating and you stopped the update etc. and went offline. In general offline mode works more or less, but there are some specific cases which create a problem (which IMO should finally be fixed by Valve :( ). But in general, you should have no issue while traveling interstate for dirtbiking if you make sure to put it in offline mode before you leave your home.EDIT: sorry mods for adding to the Steam discussion in the blog reveal thread :blush: Well that's good to know. I'll put this onto my list, along with all of the other potential issues I went and found on the steam forums. :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuskov 1 Posted February 26, 2013 zoog thanks for expaining, I cannot emphasize enough how much I want to play ArmA3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoog 18 Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) Well that's good to know. I'll put this onto my list, along with all of the other potential issues I went and found on the steam forums. :rolleyes: Although I think as a developer it is possible to provide an SP offline .exe (not requiring Steam or Steam offline mode), even though the game has integrated Steamworks. I'm no expert, but that is something Ground Branch plans to provide. Based on the dev blog is does not seem very likely that BIS will do this, but it seems it would be possible . No idea what the side effects would be development wise (for example if your game has to be essentially two games, one offline and one online release). DRM wise is not really an issue I think, because BIS always removed their active DRM ~6 months after release any way. Let's hope questions like this get answered in a future blog update. Edited February 26, 2013 by zoog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gammadust 12 Posted February 26, 2013 "1. Start Steam online - make sure the Remember my password box on the login window is checked" this is prolly the reason why offline mode does not work many times as expected. One forgets this step (or is not properly informed) Anyway, the problem stands in those situations when internet provider or something fails unexpectedly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4082 Posted February 26, 2013 All this bullshit just to play a game, what a f**king hassle! i have steam, and i have skyrim on it, I also own RO on it and some other games, but no Arma games. I only go on steam nowadays as I have old and new friends on the chat, i personally, l could care less about steam features, im interested in the game not what steam has to offer me i'm buying the game for the game not for steam, if i wanted steam then I dont need the game, and i dont need both, and my choice is the game, so that means we need another option to buy the game. This is dumb, you guys would seriously forfeit your sales only to have one avenue to play the game!? that makes utterly no sense at all. Steam if you think about it is a digital download but its on a network with a bunch of policies, and other features, then you have a digital download itself independent of any network. I can see steam benefiting those that like it, or those that never used it and see the features or what have you and are interested, fine, im happy for you all, but then there are some that are simply not interested be it the headaches, be it a preference to have their game independent of any outside programs, or be it that theres issues with steam policies they dont like, or the whole setup that are just not cared for. To me having steam as an only option to play Arma3 I find wrong. We have been waiting for what 2-3+ years for this to come out, to have features we wished Arma2, and OA only had, now were going to be given an ultimatum to either buy it and play through steam or simply not buy Arma3 because theres no other option then steam???!!! FPDR I can see having other options as we currently have DVD, Digital, and of course steam, but couldn't we maybe just eliminate the DVD, and at least keep the digital download available or option open? To me it seems like alot more work to put the game on dvd, for digital from what i understand its from your computer to a vendor and we download it through them, but it seems to me that steam would actually be more work then a digital download, i mean to have to setup a code or something in the game's exe for it to run on steam right? IDK but again your doing something, and having something in order to do something else. Leave it open to have at least the digital option, along side steam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted February 26, 2013 "1. Start Steam online - make sure the Remember my password box on the login window is checked"this is prolly the reason why offline mode does not work many times as expected. One forgets this step (or is not properly informed) Anyway, the problem stands in those situations when internet provider or something fails unexpectedly. That poll in your sig - a whole of 365 people voted, I think I may have missed it. BTW, I think checking "Remember password for this account" is a very logical step if one wants to go offline. I remember it working perfectly back in 2005 with CS:S and it should works just as well in the year 2013. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viper[cww] 14 Posted February 26, 2013 Yes, you shouldn't, seeing as you've dug up a definition of what ArmA is. Thanks, we all knew that it is an FPS - for infantry at least. Ok, so third person, command view, first/third person flying, first/third person driving, paradropping is all FPS. It's obvious what type of a person you are, so it's pointless even debating with you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) ;2303992']Ok' date=' so third person, command view, first/third person flying, first/third person driving, paradropping is all FPS. It's obvious what type of a person you are, so it's pointless even debating with you.[/quote']Battlefield 3 has all that - your point translates to the notion, that BF 3 is a mil sim, albeit at a smaller scale? Edited February 26, 2013 by Iroquois Pliskin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viper[cww] 14 Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) Using your comparison in a game that is called and FPS does not translate over to another, please try again. Bohemia Interactive title this series as a military simulator and not an FPS, anything you say to argue this point is null and void. Again I point you to the description of FPS and also to the ArmA 2 wiki. EDIT: New plans for ArmA 3 have been added to the site. Supporter edition lolwut? Also please fix the prices BIS, £69.99 is not equal to €70 Edited February 26, 2013 by VIPER[CWW] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted February 26, 2013 ;2304008']this point is null and void. Yes, indeed, since it plays as an FPS in the integral and irreducible component of the game - Infantry. And good luck in not using the FPS part, when you fire the tank cannon or do pretty much anything that relates to "Shooting". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viper[cww] 14 Posted February 26, 2013 Quite frankly you are a toolbag, ignoring you as that'll clean up most of this thread of steam fanboi comments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted February 26, 2013 ;2304052']Quite frankly you are a toolbag' date=' ignoring you as that'll clean up most of this thread of steam fanboi comments.[/quote']Very constructive poAst. See you on Stratis, el Generale. :cc: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T.S.C.Plage 0 Posted February 26, 2013 Last time I checked it was a tactical shooter. Not an FPS and not a milsim. :icon_rolleyes: You're just randomly guessing here aren't you? No, feel free to prove me wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuel 25 Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) Last time I checked it was a tactical shooter. Not an FPS and not a milsim. :icon_rolleyes:No, feel free to prove me wrong. Feel free to prove yourself right with a valid source. Edited February 26, 2013 by cuel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hotzenplotz 138 Posted February 26, 2013 Hello, maybe I accept it,the conditions of steam. In the future comes a new conditions and I do not like. These are the games away then? Greez Hotze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted February 26, 2013 ;2304052']Quite frankly you are a toolbag' date=' ignoring you as that'll clean up most of this thread of steam fanboi comments.[/quote']Infraction +1 refrain from the personal insults please. New plans for ArmA 3 have been added to the site. Supporter edition lolwut? Also please fix the prices BIS' date=' £69.99 is not equal to $70[/quote'] Read again: Arma 3 Supporter Edition (69.99 EUR/59.99 GBP/91.99 USD) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viper[cww] 14 Posted February 26, 2013 Read the site Placebo, it states the price as £69.99 which is obviously wrong as stated here by a BI PR. Hi Ryan, we are still going to add the various currencies to the webpage, but the prices are: Arma 3 Alpha (24.99 EUR/19.99 GBP/32.99 USD), Arma 3 Digital Deluxe Edition (39.99 EUR/34.99 GBP/49.99 USD) & Arma 3 Supporter Edition (69.99 EUR/59.99 GBP/91.99 USD). Hope that makes it a bit more clear! As of now prices are shown as £24.99/£39.99/£69.99 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
derk yall 0 Posted February 26, 2013 VIPER[CWW]: Nope, that's the sign for the Euro on the A3 page. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barman42 1 Posted February 26, 2013 ;2304167']Read the site Placebo' date=' it states the price as £69.99 which is obviously wrong as stated here by a BI PR.As of now prices are shown as £24.99/£39.99/£69.99 I don't see what you're getting at. The prices you list as shown are exactly the same as the prices Korneel mentions. £69.99 is not incorrect for the price of the Supporter version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viper[cww] 14 Posted February 26, 2013 VIPER[CWW]: Nope, that's the sign for the Euro on the A3 page. Ha!! Right you are, 300% made that clear :P Site needs to be fixed for region I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites