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ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

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Would be kind of cool to have a smooth animation speed transition for walking. I'd expect it'd need an animation system overhaul though, unless the animation blending mentioned somewhere allows for it.

But, in principle I'm all for it. Smooth animation blending between slow (0) & fast (1) walk speeds, which then transition to slow (0) & fast (1) run speeds with mouse wheel, with default behaviour attached to the shift key?

As the mouse wheel is already utilised for UI needs, there would need to be some amount of UI development, and that conversation never goes well :D

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Would be kind of cool to have a smooth animation speed transition for walking. I'd expect it'd need an animation system overhaul though, unless the animation blending mentioned somewhere allows for it.

But, in principle I'm all for it. Smooth animation blending between slow (0) & fast (1) walk speeds, which then transition to slow (0) & fast (1) run speeds with mouse wheel, with default behaviour attached to the shift key?

As the mouse wheel is already utilised for UI needs, there would need to be some amount of UI development, and that conversation never goes well :D


Something that "other game" FPDR but it was Red River that did it nice....ly

when you would move around in crouched state it was fluid and you would lift your leg up when you shifted positions and when you got off your knee if was very convincing.

small little details in animations are always big polish points to me in a game, like when your in a truck riding in the back with a bunch of other soldiers have them moving around, fiddling with their equipment and fingers, looking over their shoulder.

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DMarkwick, any another key modifier (ALT, CTRL), but shift now is default modifier, select any key...

Please Confirm this feature, it's been boom-great!

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Same with the smooth transition from raising and lowering weapon with double cntrl. If it was smoother and you could still move/fire while doing it, it would be great!

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Same with the smooth transition from raising and lowering weapon with double cntrl. If it was smoother and you could still move/fire while doing it, it would be great!

You want fire the weapon while you lowering your weapon , it sounds little silly ,but ok :p

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No while raising. But hey, I might want to shoot my own toes? :)

EDIT: or when you click to shoot, you naturally bring the weapon back up to aim, while doing so or not e.g. click to bring it back up, keep clicking to keep firing while bringing it up.

Edited by Rye

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I have always loved ArmA for it's large battlefields compared to other games but I find it a bit boring when there are 5 players spread out over 400km.

So what I would like to see is a player limit increase. It would be amazing to have say, 300 people on one server battling it out.

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there is no such thing as a maximum/cap limit, server side or mission wise. The only cap is the bandwidth and the server specs (100+ players with no AI (or very little) is possible in A2/OA).

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I have always loved ArmA for it's large battlefields compared to other games but I find it a bit boring when there are 5 players spread out over 400km.

So what I would like to see is a player limit increase. It would be amazing to have say, 300 people on one server battling it out.

To achieve this the game has to be made more accessible. It has to be easier for people to learn. It has to be easier for people to get connected to a server (all the mods properly installed).

This has to do with popularity, not with any technical issue other than things that would build up the size of the community.

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Ahh must just be a lack of populated servers then compared to other games I guess :p

Other wishes I have:

Less clunky close quarter controls.

I find that in close quarters it is really hard to move around without hitting some objects and totally stopping and moving over obstacles etc.

It would be really great if that could be improves.

Falling Animations

Instead of just plonking onto the ground when you fall, it would be cool if when you fell from a large height that you would actually fall down with an animation and maybe even have a chance of dropping your weapon.

I find it is the little things that make the game more immersive.

Less Smooth Terrain

It feels like in OA the terrain has been artificially made instead of having a believable environment. The terrain feels way to smooth.

I know this is just a problem with terrain resolution vs performance but it would be cool to have less smooth ground while still keeping the ground from looking like pointy polygons :D

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Every army in the world trains its soldiers to charge, but you can't order a charge in ArmA. By charge I mean ordering the units to advance even though they are under fire. It can be necessary to take this risk sometimes, not only to attack a position but also to get out of a bad situation.

For example if pinned down in an open road instead of lying on the ground exposed it makes more sense to run across open ground to nearby cover.

However in arma2 the AI generally won't do this. Need a "charge" command to tell the AI to temporarily find some courage and rush forward, attacking if necessary.

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**My list will change over time, updates will be shown by date**

My Wishlist as of [08/27/11]

1) Bohemia Interactive hosted server's' where players can go to for the best Player vs. Player action. Most servers would not get enough attention to have a major amount of players versus players... hopefully this would be done for the sake of online gameplay.

2) Bohemia Interactive server and other servers to allow Client [ONLY] modifications and changes, optimized for players purposes. When playing online, it wouldn't effect other players... only locally and client side.

3) Downloading to servers, AKA. Missions, Islands, Weapons, other mods such as ACE... what ever, what not.

4) MAJOR Importance!! I feel since generally in reality, people would ALWAYS try to keep them selves concealed from enemies sight... is it possible for you guys to make AI a little less impatient when it comes to being exposed? It spoils the point of a fire fight because they don't mind standing up and advancing while getting shot at, or being spotted. I feel that in every BIS game, its been nearly impossible for an AI to care for its survival. That is a key factor in making ArmA 3 a very good game offline and online, it also would finally compete with Battlefield 2 Project Reality and ArmA 2 Project Reality.

Edited by DeclaredEvol

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climbing onto cars riding on them inteligent AI riding on cars climbing onto roof etc and holding on

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climbing onto cars riding on them inteligent AI riding on cars climbing onto roof etc and holding on

Huh? What you described sounds like Just Cause 2.

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-Better UI: Get rid of the text action menu, this has been done far far better already in many other games for more than 5 years. It takes away a lot of immersion and playability.

-Destructible environment "a la" Breach or BF3. I know this is complex but it would be huge.

-Firing and moving inside vehicles.

-Small details like resting weapons over low walls for accuracy, etc.

-Different loadouts affecting your capabilities differently. For example, having a full helmet reduces your hearing and increases your weight, but reduces head damage;

Otherwise, keep up the good work. The E3 trailers look very promising, especially in the physics department!

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loool wuut??

are you serious now? ^^

Serious that those actions should stay in that game.

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Well for my wishlist, get rid of those moments when you can clearly see your target, and tell your muzzle isn't close to a building but when you fire the bullet hits it anyway.

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Well for my wishlist, get rid of those moments when you can clearly see your target, and tell your muzzle isn't close to a building but when you fire the bullet hits it anyway.

That was happening to me yesterday during a TvT. The most annoying thing ever.

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I want my bullet to automatically jump over obstacles just like two other guys above me, yes.

Down with ballistics

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He's talking about clipping. ;) Learn to read.

As in 'invisible' walls you hit above or around an object as you fire over it. As in the bore line is clear of obstacles, but it is stopped by an object's collisions where there shouldn't be any.

Edited by Rye

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Yeah it's not about ballistics other than making me go ballistic.

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