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ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

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Wasn't there a mission with changing clothes in ARMA? If you didn't get a head shot it changed the outcome.

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You can change your hat, helmet and flag patch ingame with the mod Australians At War

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theres 2 many pages for me to read them all so im almost sure that some one will have posted a simmilar wish but just incase....

id like to see smaller zeroing increments on sniper rifles, so instead of 600, 700, 800, with a sniper rifle scope you could zero to 650, 700, 750,800, or even in increments of 25

yes it will take longer to get to the proper zero but if youve got a sniper rifle you should have time, this would also discourage people from grabing a sniper rifle when they only want to do close range work and just like the idear of having a sniper rifle, ive changed the zeoring on a number of addon sniper rifles and the differance is huge, i can set up in a nest and overwatch a whole area and either note referance points for range estimations or zero on the center of an area and then hold off over the target and when shooting long range (beond 1000) the more precise zero is a godsend, i dont think acurate zeroing is important on assault rifles or slose range sniper rifles but on dedicated hard core sniper rifles (especial my fav the l115) it would be a great addition, and a great way to ad a little somthing for the hardcore/dedicated snipers out there (like me)

the long range shooting/sniping and balistics is the whole reason i got into arma, and i think the devs have done an amazing job with it so far

keep up the good work!

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Guys we need Dinosaurs, every good game should have them in some way.

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Guys we need Dinosaurs, every good game should have them in some way.


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In case it hasn't been mentioned but the MP mode needs a mission preview function. Pretty much like the overview.html but for MP mode. Basicly its already working in A2, but not on dedicated servers. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/15090

It's a pain for players who don't know the missions on the server to browse and select an appropriate one.

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I would like to see a slightly faster or smoother 'zoom in' transition (holding right mouse button). I just think it'd make things a bit more streamlined, and that it's small things like this that hold Arma back from what could be really polished.

I know animations are being improved but a slower sprint, swim, jog and perhaps even walk would make things feel more real, and to me, more fun. Also, acceleration and deceleration are a must, so that you can't sprint and stop-dead; this is especially important for AI.

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Good day! Arma 3 in my opinion it is necessary:

Ability to throw grenades while running

Changing weapons during the run

Ability to lie on any surface, even if it is not suitable for this, the player begins to rise ARMA2 if the surface is not suitable for this (in a combat situation, I would not get up under fire if the surface is not suited for this)

The ability to shoot from vehicles sitting in place passengers on motorcycles, trucks and other vehicles

Requires a knife to each soldier, it lacks strong

Need reliable trajectory of anti-tank grenade, which did not correspond to reality in ARMA2, which makes the tanks are too vulnerable, the infantry must shake his knees at the sight of armored vehicles actually

And it is extremely necessary balance of arms in different directions, it is very lacking in ARMA 2!

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The ability to shoot from vehicles sitting in place passengers on motorcycles, trucks and other vehicles

Requires a knife to each soldier, it lacks strong

I definitely agree with the first part. Shooting as a passenger would be great. Everyone always points to the heliborne sniper, but how about an armadillo 7 ton with a squad of hard chargers in the back? That's quite a combination of firepower and maneuverability. Some production runs of MRAPs have firing ports in the window, and as far as I know most armored personnel carriers have firing ports for the passengers. That'd be a great feature.

The knife issue is one that's been addressed over and over and over again. If your goal is realism, why would you give everyone a knife anyway? Not everyone carries a knife. There is no knife that is issued to everyone in the US military. Maybe some other countries have one.

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The question is not wether knifes are just in current battle, its a matter of its implementation in Arma 3. Count the situations you would have used a knife to kill someone in the next five Multiplayer sessions and then compare this number with the amount of work and problems this would produce. Yes, knifes are used in battle also for more than just for killing but you dont need them in Arma 3.

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Implementation is kind of my point about there being no standard knife. I carried a 3" stainless steel folding knife. My squad leader had a machete. One of the other Marines in my squad carried something that looked like a cross between a meat cleaver, a pry bar, and a saw. Other guys had K-bar type knives. Some guys didn't have a knife. Some had several. Are you going to model in every blade under the sun?

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The question is not wether knifes are just in current battle, its a matter of its implementation in Arma 3. Count the situations you would have used a knife to kill someone in the next five Multiplayer sessions and then compare this number with the amount of work and problems this would produce. Yes, knifes are used in battle also for more than just for killing but you dont need them in Arma 3.

I should be able to kill the enemy and is close to me not only shot with a rifle, I should be able to strangle him, hit him with a rifle in his head, kicked him on the head with his knife to slaughter or sapper shovel or something like that, why should I spend their ammo and may create a noise?

Edited by tyler2

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there will be no knife cod style in arma3 for sure


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If you want to hit people in the head with a shovel, Arma is not the right game for you....

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I just want to be able to silently neutralize the enemy at close range, as if i will do in a real fight. And in creating the animation with a knife or a gun attack on the head there is no great difficulty, I think, but it is very useful in battle tactics

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

If you want to hit people in the head with a shovel, Arma is not the right game for you....

you understand me wrong, bad english)

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If you want to hit people in the head with a shovel, Arma is not the right game for you....

Mmm... you're quite new here but considering the modding perspective, it's needed in ArmA3. Implementation of striking without actually firing a weapon, as it existed in OFP (ie strokefist/strokegun simulations), should be possible configwise, even if it isn't implemented in Vanilla game.

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And very much like a normal implementation of grass at last! It was always a problem!

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Sure i would highly appreciate it aswell but i look at it the gameplay perpective. Arma has a gameplay style very different to what we see in most other shooters so there are not many situations you would actually use it and more problems in the category of AI.

But as i already said i would really appreciate it, also for the reason above. People said what they think, so now its all up to the team.

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Sure i would highly appreciate it aswell but i look at it the gameplay perpective. Arma has a gameplay style very different to what we see in most other shooters so there are not many situations you would actually use it and more problems in the category of AI.

But as i already said i would really appreciate it, also for the reason above. People said what they think, so now its all up to the team.

Probably you often play as a sniper in the game and underestimate the knife) I'm always attack, and very often go up to the enemy close, use a knife for me, it is often necessary

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