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ArmA 2 site hacked

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The files themselves are active, unless they re-upload them with content. Currently they actually contain the html coding for the message they give. (went to IE and saved target as, and opened in an html editor)

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03SEP28: Discovery of penicillin

What does an advancement in medical science have to do with anything else?

I get the feeling BIS are going to use it as a plot device. They seem to be setting the stage with all these references.

For example, imagine there's a new virus breakout in a country that's under heavy sanctions, and they require vast medical assistance. That could spark conflict.

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I get the feeling BIS are going to use it as a plot device. They seem to be setting the stage with all these references.

Penicillin could be related to the Anthrax Virus, it is listed as a treatment and Anthrax was military made wasn't it?

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Something I'm knoticing int he new files, if we take out the 500.php on teh first ones we have:

blank, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 (no 8), 19

---------- Post added at 05:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

Nevermind 8500.php just showed up

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I was going to say they are missing "8500.php" but i refreshed and they added it :O

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Penicillin could be related to the Anthrax Virus, it is listed as a treatment and Anthrax was military made wasn't it?

It's a natural disease but has a history of biological warfare and bioterrorism. According to the Wikipedia, it was first used in a weaponised form by the Japanese in the 1930s, who tested it to deadly effect upon prisoners during the Second Sino-Japanese War.



Edited by Daniel

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Advanced medical Modules... yay! :yay:

lol - it just seems at odds with everything else in the list. Wonder if there's a clue in there or something.

Why wasn't there mention of 1905 - Einstein publishes theory of Special Relativity for instance?? Which would be more relevant to 09OCT41: Franklin Roosevelt approves the U.S. atomic program

EDIT: Just thinking out aloud.

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Surely the Second World War started (the Invasion of Poland anyway) on the 1st of September 1939, not the 1st of August 1939?

Also I wonder what relevance these dates have to the hacks - as the importance of them seems to vary, for example the Hague convention and the end of the Chinese Empire are mentioned, yet nothing about the Spanish Civil War (and there are probably more dates that aren't listed.)

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I wonder if there's a dev out there going "Ok, that's 5 bucks, they WERE paying enough attention that we added one file and less than 5 minutes later, there's a forum post about it."

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lol - it just seems at odds with everything else in the list. Wonder if there's a clue in there or something.

Why wasn't there mention of 1905 - Einstein publishes theory of Special Relativity for instance?? Which would be more relevant to 09OCT41: Franklin Roosevelt approves the U.S. atomic program

Probably because they had to pick some place to start and the countdown timer might be a bit better with the year they picked for the first one which started in 1907. Theoretically the most important one was: ???? DNA Mutation leads to human race or even "0: Big Bang Occurs". <- That would've been a long countdown.

In regards to the Spanish Civil War post. China and Iran have been a recurring thing in these posts or at least seem to be.

Edited by Jakerod

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Mmm yes, very true.

As Daniel mentioned - it's probably related to something later on we haven't found yet in the countdown (countup?). Or it's a red herring!

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Some php files you can generate just by trying to access it, f.e. I typed 13500.php and then the file was generated or shown

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16500, 17500 and 18500 added now. Somethings coming?

Yeah someone is still at the office ^^ as long as there is activity the tension builds ^^ :yay:one or so more got added

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"whateveryoutype500.php" lulz BI

I typed fred500.php

what is the point?

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How about a "wackyiraqi500.php" BIS? :D


I think the number "500" must mean something. They are pushing it just a weeee hard :D


Anything you type with "500" at the end seems to generate a new one.

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"whateveryoutype500.php" lulz BI

the hack is not finish

Index of /Programs

Parent Directory

































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if it doesn't end with 500 the page wont be added to the index.

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Here is a thought. Perhaps they want use to use this method to find the page they want us to get at. There must be something they want us to put in that has "500" at the end and there will be a real webpage there.

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the origionals are on wiki, minus the 8 one

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Alright so the keyword is 500, what do we have that relates to 500 and the other clues :s

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is realy good that ...

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I removed the 8500.php from wiki. I think I generated that when I tried to view it since it wasn't listed.

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Here is a thought. Perhaps they want use to use this method to find the page they want us to get at. There must be something they want us to put in that has "500" at the end and there will be a real webpage there.

Well if they weren't then I hope they can clean it up cause its already looking a mess.

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