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after a new search ...http://outerra.blogspot.com/

in this blog there is the name or surname TODO. (Core.pbo/all/TODO.paa)


logo retouve in the BIS games.

I think this new 3D engine is a new ARMA ...

Edited by ADOGMC

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Maybe a little far fetched, but I think BIS is implementing a new engine into the Armaverse.

If you look at the Screenshot from Take On Helicopters (http://takeonthegame.com/paraslide/images/slides/TakeOnH-2.jpg) I think that it looks like the Outerra old Screens(http://outerra.blogspot.com/).

Maybe they plan to release an Expansion or maybe a whole new ArmA3 where you can merge Take On Helicopters(and upcoming games) with the advanced physics into the Armaverse.

Maybe its that big... or I'm completely wrong.

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after a new search ...http://outerra.blogspot.com/

in this blog there is the name or surname TODO. (Core.pbo/all/TODO.paa)

logo retouve in the BIS games.

I think this new 3D engine is a new ARMA ...

can you post screenshot :D

:yay: its very interesting

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Man, all these people with a handful of posts under their belts with all these insightful ideas are making me hopeful. lol


When I saw this vid, INSTANTLY thought of a UD-4L Dropship screaming in from orbit.


I need to get back to work... :o

Edited by b00ce

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Maybe a little far fetched, but I think BIS is implementing a new engine into the Armaverse.

If you look at the Screenshot from Take On Helicopters (http://takeonthegame.com/paraslide/images/slides/TakeOnH-2.jpg) I think that it looks like the Outerra old Screens(http://outerra.blogspot.com/).

Maybe they plan to release an Expansion or maybe a whole new ArmA3 where you can merge Take On Helicopters(and upcoming games) with the advanced physics into the Armaverse.

Maybe its that big... or I'm completely wrong.

Honestly, that doesn't sound like such a ludicrous idea. Integrate Outerra and RV3 together. That'd be amazing! :yay:

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Maybe a little far fetched, but I think BIS is implementing a new engine into the Armaverse.

If you look at the Screenshot from Take On Helicopters (http://takeonthegame.com/paraslide/images/slides/TakeOnH-2.jpg) I think that it looks like the Outerra old Screens(http://outerra.blogspot.com/).

Maybe they plan to release an Expansion or maybe a whole new ArmA3 where you can merge Take On Helicopters(and upcoming games) with the advanced physics into the Armaverse.

Maybe its that big... or I'm completely wrong.

Are you sure the outtera engine has been able to creat clouds so far?

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Honestly, that doesn't sound like such a ludicrous idea. Integrate Outerra and RV3 together. That'd be amazing! :yay:

Or just Outerra. What would RV3 bring to the table that Outerra didn't? :confused:

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You all do realize all of this is extremely wishful thinking right?

---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 AM ----------

Or just Outerra. What would RV3 bring to the table that Outerra didn't? :confused:

Other things rather than just terrain generation.

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Or just Outerra. What would RV3 bring to the table that Outerra didn't? :confused:

The whole military model. Weapon ballistics, explosions, Dust particles, grass (I see no grass on Outerra), and I dunno, that kind of stuff...

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You all do realize all of this is extremely wishful thinking right?

Hell yes. But a man can dream, no? :D

---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

Other things rather than just terrain generation.

The whole military model. Weapon ballistics, explosions, Dust particles, grass (I see no grass on Outerra), and I dunno, that kind of stuff...

Outterra will have particles and grass in due time, it's not even close to being done. (Which is why I know ArmA isn't going to the engine any time soon.) The Outerra engine looks like it's heavily physics based, so bullets and the sort wouldn't be such a far fetched idea.

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True, haven't seen any on the screens so far...

Maybe they only use the terrain in their RV engine (if that's possible. I'm no gamedev guy).

Or they put some clouds from their RV engine into the new one, so they can gut some nice screens together... idk.

It's just a thought I had that I couldn't resist to not post it and see what you think about it.

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Take on Helicopters IS in the RV engine. BIS has said it before, in an interview.

Though, it would be nice to see some of the improvements from ToH implemented in OA or something. :p

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as I said above it may be a decoy.

But everything seems to coincide with the moment outerra.

yes there is no grass for the time or desire to show anything.

it's a blog, developing a 3D engine not the game.

Edited by ADOGMC

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As much as I would love to have ArmA, or some similar Mil sim, on Outerra. It's not happening for a long while, at the very least.

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Previous discussion on Outerra, spanning a few pages: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1912022#post1912022

It may provide some insight, and it may or may not point to an engine upgrade, such as new physics, procedural generation of terrain (possibly taken from Outerra; is that engine modular in any way?). Or it could be O-terra all together with Linda vegetation generation. :yay:

Or it's just ArmA III.


P.S. There's a suspicious screenshot with a building w/ interior unlike anything I've ever seen in ArmA, taken in the upcoming stand-alone game on RV engine - Iron Front - Liberation 1944. Here it is:

http://www.gamershell.com/static/screenshots/25558/553452_full.jpg (I bet it's fully destructible) & http://i3.3djuegos.com/juegos/7521/iron_front__liberation_1944/fotos/set/iron_front__liberation_1944-1600678.jpg (Check out the tracks right of the APC)

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Watching the preview I can't help but only see how perfect that engine would be for Arma 3. You can easily have the whole world in it and Bis showed us the map of Europe with the tag the world will change, that could mean that they are changing the game engine and it will include the whole europe :D With all new physics and destruciton and anims. That would be amazing.

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I think i found,

so, if we stay logic it will be not ARMA3, too fast, arma3 in 2 3 years maybe, because they will use outerra, there are many evidences about it but no certitude, a new engine? no nobody did it before, change the engine game without change game never a company did it, but they did litle with arrowhead, but if they ll use outerra change engine is stupid.

So what we have, addon ? dlc? dlc ? no, just before we buy two, and their communication is too big for a simply dlc. ADDON? maybe, ENGINE MAYBE? so.....

I think the new game about WORLD WAR 44 liberation 44, it the surprise, because, we could merge this game with Arma2 and OA, and in this game engine is better and map is SO BIG!!!

so we have all and we can stay logic. So i think it this, they allready did with OA so it's same, so it s logic.

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Don't spoil OUR expectations with YOUR offtopic!!!

Back on topic,

while i was sleeping i got an idea, what if this new BIS release will be named "The World Will Change". Like "Arma II: world will change" etc...

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Another thought on the Outerra theory:

Problem is, think how long it took to generate Chernarus, populate it with towns and clutter (not just vegetation), and tweak and fix everything for release. Now imagine having to do that with massive Outerra like terrain (that would be the reason to take advantage of said engine, otherwise there's no point to employ a 120sqkm map on such a powerful engine capable of much more for that specific purpose), even if it's mostly rural, the community will want their towns and cities, which will have to be detailed more than what you'd see in a flightsim. Imagine bugfixing and beta testing something that large even if much of it was procedurally generated. There's some big hurdles and production issues to consider.

Edited by Steakslim

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A Arma 3 with a new Engine, which includes new physics, new animations and new graphics would be fantastic. The Outterra Engine looks good, but I think, if Bohemia ist going to use it, they will have to change a few things because as example I see no gras in the preview vids. I think a combination of the Arma rv engine and Outterra sure would work.

Anyway we don't know what Bohemia is planning to show us in the next time. Maybe it is a new Expansion or a brilliant Arma 3.

If it is really Arma 3 someone must pinch me xD

By the way this is a brilliant idea from Bohemia with the "hacks". It makes the whole story really exciting. You are pleased about each new information shred.^^

Edited by Arma Tiberium

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P.S. There's a suspicious screenshot with a building w/ interior unlike anything I've ever seen in ArmA, taken in the upcoming stand-alone game on RV engine - Iron Front - Liberation 1944. Here it is:

http://www.gamershell.com/static/screenshots/25558/553452_full.jpg (I bet it's fully destructible) & http://i3.3djuegos.com/juegos/7521/iron_front__liberation_1944/fotos/set/iron_front__liberation_1944-1600678.jpg (Check out the tracks right of the APC)

These are simply cases of good asset generation; you could make either of those in arma 2 as they are now, it's just a matter of time and detail.

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What about hms astute having been taken over (mutiny/sabotage) and that places on the maps, the 'phases' are the targets?

That would certainly change the world.

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A new Arma3 is a bit too soon i think, not a lot of players might want to shift to it yet i guess, an Arma 2.5 that is backward compatible with Arma2,OA and the rest of DLCs seems better and might even be more profitable for BIS.

And Hell YA! A new physics engine!

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