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Introducing Take On Helicopters by Bohemia Interactive

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Yes, we've configured the TKCP (hm, no) it in such a way as to enable mods; partly, our motivation for the TkO:COMPREV! (hm, clunky) is to enable developers in the community to test their content with the upcoming game before the official release.

Obviously, we can't guarantee that anything made for the Tak-C-Pre (hm, weird) will work straight off the bat for the final build of the game, but we reckon that it's a pretty good start.

Perhaps it's also worth subtly dropping in that we're currently trialling implementing IK in tomorrows build, which we're all positively tingling about. Huh, maybe that's just me, though, could have been a spicy TakOH.



Lol, go for "ToH." ;)

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Please advise I cant seem to get an answer in ARMA2 forum section.

Is there any plans to add the new level of flight detail to ARMA2+OA choppers and will we see a revamp in the planes all so?.

And will we see render to texture for ARMA2.

Please dont say we have to wait till ARMA3 I cant wait that long.

Sorry to go on and on but ARMA2 really is my second life (if I did not have kids and a wife it would be first).


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I think it's pretty obvious that major engine changes, such as the addition of a new flight model or render-to-texture, are only going to occur in new releases of the engine. Therefore, I believe you won't see them in Arma 2 and I'd imagine it's highly unlikely that the new flight model will be in Arma 3.

Also, you need to be more patient if you're looking to get answers from BIS specifically.

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I think it's pretty obvious that major engine changes, such as the addition of a new flight model or render-to-texture, are only going to occur in new releases of the engine. Therefore, I believe you won't see them in Arma 2 and I'd imagine it's highly unlikely that the new flight model will be in Arma 3.

Also, you need to be more patient if you're looking to get answers from BIS specifically.

Thanks for the reply and sorry I just got excited :(.

Damn really we wont see the new flight model even in ARMA3 :(.

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Thanks for the reply and sorry I just got excited :(.

Damn really we wont see the new flight model even in ARMA3 :(.

We don't need new flight model in ArmA 3 - that would cause only whiners about like "we want old flight model back plz naow!" etc

If you want that new flight model - wait for TOH ;)

Edited by RobertHammer

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or the usermade ports\addons ;)

Implementing this on BIS side would really not be the smartest move due to numerous reasons e.g. above me

But since we just had a straight port to ARMA 2 i doubt it will be too hard to get the stuff in arma 3 and benefit from the great looking and very detailed models.

And BIS also said that the see TOH as a sort of proving ground for different aspects of ARMA III.

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Sorry if this was ask before, will we have dynamic loads (physical correct)in ToH? What I mean is i.e. will the sling load swing around on the rope or will it be static? Hopefully it´s somewhat dynamic...

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;1970459']Sorry if this was ask before' date=' will we have dynamic loads (physical correct)in ToH? What I mean is i.e. will the sling load swing around on the rope or will it be static? Hopefully it´s somewhat dynamic...[/quote']

That's only answer what we have so far. We will have to wait a little more for detail.

I'm so happy that this one is going to have PhysiX too.

This was a bit of a misunderstanding in the presentation, because TKOH will not be using PhysX. Our flight model physics are definitely new and way more advanced however. We also simulate new rope physics for things like sling load operations, winching and fast-roping.

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That's only answer what we have so far. We will have to wait a little more for detail.

Thanks BoboCZ, I should have read it before...:)

Have you seen the twitter entry:

#TakeOn Fast Roping! We've been recording animations for our rope simulation, including falling off a rope! http://t.co/yBKa34M #actionshot!

"...including falling off a rope":eek::D

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From TKOH's Facebook:

Normal Mapping!

Check out our link to see the South Asia terrain, minus objects, both with and without our new terrain normal mapping technology applied.

The effect is most noticeable of the slopes of the mountains; however, it can also add a sense of depth to vegetation too...

Animated gif with normal mapping.

It looks really nice. I will need a new pc for the game to have all effect on. I wanted to wait a little longer for upgrade, but it would be waste of beauty :D.

I'm not sure but seems that Battlefield 3 use similar effect for mountains.


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I wonder which compromises they have to take to make such a building-rich map? http://takeonthegame.com/full/wp-content/gallery/social-media/Downtown.jpg?9d7bd4 > 100kb

I can`t imagine how this will work performancewise in ToH and how it will look close-up?

Edited by Foxhound
Please do not hotlink images over 100kb

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I kept wondering what felt "off" on that pic, and now I've finally realized it: the water color seems wrong. If the sky is cloudy and grey, the ocean should be greyish too, not ultramarine blue. :)

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Yep and to be more picky, the lighting on the city is too bright and there should not be sharp shadows. (Can't see a gap in the clouds)

Looking great anyway ;)

Edited by EDcase

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Again some questions came to my mind when viewing the social media pictures. You guys had some time with the R44 and record the sounds from it. And you will you use the experience and sounds you got from the R44 for the Light helicopter in game? Though, what about the medium and heavy choppers? Diffents between piston engines and turbine engines, flight behavior and so on...? Do you have direct access to these type of helis to?

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Again some questions came to my mind when viewing the social media pictures. You guys had some time with the R44 and record the sounds from it. And you will you use the experience and sounds you got from the R44 for the Light helicopter in game?

The R44 was simply an amazing opportunity to get up in the air. We'd be crazy not to capture the sounds when they're right there, but, no, they're not currently planned to be used in game.

We'll try to get something written up about the day, but right now, I'll just say it was a really useful experience generally for introducing the team to helicopters.

Five of our devs got to actually pilot the thing, being taught by our instructor how to hover in an open field about a mile away. other team members got to sit worrying in the back ;)

While not specific to the R44, it gives the testers, config guys, programmers and designers a real sense of what it should be like to be in a helicopter in general terms. Hopefully, that'll feed back through to the game!



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We'd be crazy not to capture the sounds when they're right there, but, no, they're not currently planned to be used in game.

Why would you want to not use them? Excellent source! or do you just dont have this model ingame?

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The R44 was simply an amazing opportunity to get up in the air. We'd be crazy not to capture the sounds when they're right there, but, no, they're not currently planned to be used in game.

We'll try to get something written up about the day, but right now, I'll just say it was a really useful experience generally for introducing the team to helicopters.

Five of our devs got to actually pilot the thing, being taught by our instructor how to hover in an open field about a mile away. other team members got to sit worrying in the back ;)

While not specific to the R44, it gives the testers, config guys, programmers and designers a real sense of what it should be like to be in a helicopter in general terms. Hopefully, that'll feed back through to the game!



Ah ok, thanks for youre answer RiE!

Could you pls give some insides on how you develop the flight model of the 3 variants? Do you have performance data as a base and to compare with the in-game behavior? Are there consultants (pilots) available to youre team who you can ask?

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First, an apology of sorts. I'd kinda given up on BI ever releasing a better flight model after ArmA 2 hit the scene, and now I get told to go look on the forums...

Not only is a realistic dedicated helo sim coming soon (YAY!), but now the announcement was made that the flight model from TOH will be available in Arma 3? (YAY x1000000!)

BIS have just made my every dream (wet and dry) come true.

I should apologise for giving up so easily now.

I noticed much great input from RL pilots in the forums, hope they are heeded (especially on the weedy tail-rotor authority which always bugged me too ;)

Also several members of hovercontrol posting (haven't flown there for ages, but still got FS2k4 with scenery installed for Hood River and surrounding area) RL and not RL pilot representatives from these guys are well worth listening to.

I want to add my voice to the flight model availability, where Arma3 is concerned, please please please make it selectable separately from general difficulty level, even in campaign mode for us masochistic sim-ers, and allow server admins to force expert/veteran flight mode for their specific server if desired (it's their server after all).

I'm glad that the preview and Take On Helicopters itself will run on XP, but looks like I'll have to upgrade everything to run Arma3 - and first impressions look like this will be well worth the investment. The acid test for realism will be using NoE terrain masking in that Comanche to inflitrate under the AA radar a'la the old Comanche games, will TOH have low-level terrain training maps? (Fly through canyons below height at speed (AA optional)


Ok, just here to say HI again after a long break, and to shout words of encouragement from every rooftop to the good folks at BI for the new direction they are heading with heavier sim focus on vehicles.

Now I just need to get a working install of OA to run the preview... back soon.

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Hi everyone and congratulations to Bohemia Interactive Taking on Helicopters Team for such a great game, it sure will be a winner. I like the game concept, how it looks, sound and maybe even feel like, I just have some requests:

1. ) Can you make the MD 520 tail look like this:


In a T tail please.

2.) Make the civilian pilots and crew wear headsets, in the case of military choppers pilots and crew wearing helmets, flight suites and survival vests when mounted.

3.) Night lighting, cockpit red glow and nothing bright. Instrument backlighting with adjustable light intensity.

4.) Working wipers when flying in the rain.

5.) Make a UH-1H huey, HH-60J Jayhwak, UH-60 Blackhawk

6.) Law enforcement Expansion i.e. DHS Customs and Border Patrol, US Coast Guard, LAPD ASTRO Division.

7.) Military Expansion; Afghanistan, Iraq, Fort Rucker Alabama training. Ressupply missions or Casevac, SAR, to combat insertions day or night and in bad weather over harsh Afghan terrain (usually high ragged snow capped mountains)

Thats about it. All the best to everyone at Bohemia Interactive and looking forward to more of your bold flight sim inovations.

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I just hope the the city feels like a living breathing thing. Nothing more monotonous than flying through cities and there are 2 cars and 3 pedestrians at any one time.

There must be a feeling of small involvement in a larger, bigger organism that is the city. Cars driving, people walking/cycling, planes/helicopters flying, birds flying, etc. Otherwise I fear it will become stale very quickly, no matter how nice the flight model is or how accurate a rope's dangling characteristics are :)

After all, if people want a pure helicopter sim then there are a few which I'm sure will be much more accurate than TOH. No, I think people want this game for the story and adventure as much as the flying. And you can't have adventure if you don't feel part of the story.

Does anyone else feel the same?

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Kind of. But doing "crowd simulation" with the level of artificial intelligence that is offered, combined with number of objects placed in the world, will make even super computers come to a crawl. Similarly, it's pretty bad doing a car chase if there is only one car.

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