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PvP Animation replacement/enhancement pack

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nice nice sorry don't read the thing about the userconfig , i didn't see what you wrote just the videos ...

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Lol! Please say the middle finger will be included in the final relase.:p

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The bug comes from the fact my laptop wants to die when recording :) Once i will be able to sit by PC and not use laptop for gaming/recording/animating the things may be niceer and smoother.

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oh oki np ;) anyway you beta test your version with your comunity but you release the beta version for your comunity and BIForum ? or just your comunity ?

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The animation pack will be released to whole community, however, I would like to restricit the right of using the animation pack only to ECL tournaments (meaning all other tournaments should ask permission to use them). Apart from that, you can use it in single player or for your own needs as long as you don't sign up under these with your own name/modname.

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oki so it's a private mod just for the pvp ? because i want to use it on lot of coop mission with a french community not for pvp so if we use it for coop is it oki ?

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I'm assuming you mean just restricting other tournaments from using it, but not general (no-money-involved) play both online and offline? It would be awesome to see this (also) as a part of ACE and/or PR.

By the way, did you adjust the overall movement speed? Default vanilla 20km/h jog and 25km/h sprint is just way too much even for an athlete, not to mention a soldier in combat gear.

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That's exactly what I mean :) Unless you do the organised PvP gaming, you may use the animations both online and offline.

About the overall movement speed - this will not be adjusted and rather left as is.

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Thanks for the latest updates, I too would like to see these anims become standard in the community and/or in PR or Ace.

Just had to LOL at the suppressed guy with his hand on his head, when he's alone on the road, he looks like a great ape thinking.... :p

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today it's the day ! ahah waiting some great news like a kid waiting santa claus !

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Looking good. The middle finger is not my fav but i guess it's harmless fun. Also i wish you would lower jog and sprint movement speed or add functionality to lower them by server choice.

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Yeah I think lowering the speed is important as currently it is unrealistically way too fast.

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Works like a charm.

From my Mouse button #4 to you: "You complete me"

I was watching the blind fire left from 3rd person and noticed that althought my gun barrel appeared to be angled clear of the wall, the bullets were still hitting the building model.

Edited by froggyluv

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I believe it is engine bug... However, i can determine that when you supply me with a screenshot

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Nice! Seems great so far!

There's only two issues I've found:

  1. It doesn't work with beta patches.
  2. When in urban prone positions, or blindfire ones, your scope does not adjust to the angle of your gun, and you cannot use secondary sights. Probably an engine issue, here.

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In blindfire, by definition, you shouldnt be able to use the sights :)

In urban prone - yes, engine issue. This can be overcome by adjusting the head position, which however will look unnatural. I will try to find the golden middle.

Edited by Smookie

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Didn't have to test this out, thanks Smookie this is going to be a real treat.

Is this mod client-side? Or does it need to be run on the server, as well?


Weapon recoil when jogging should be increased a bit, in our opinion at SR5 Tactical. Just our point of view, of course. Thanks again, we'll keep testing :)

Edited by Reezo

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Thanks froggy! I believe this is an engine limitation (the invisible wall bug). I may try to extend the weapon more to the left to avoid this, but it will look even less realistic :)

The mod is client side only (unfortunately). Please use it wisely and in a community that will accept it.

@Weapon recoil - if I only knew how to increase the recoil, haha :)

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Yeah I dont think you should as it would look a little too unreal. Its easy enough to make small adjustments anyways to get the fire where you want to.

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If it's client side only, what happens in multiplayer where some have it and some don't?

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Hi smookie, glad to see you release this fantastic mod :D

As a part of SR5 tactical i used to play and test the mod and find it amazing! :D

Just got a pair of feature/questions about the urban proning aiming and about the animation transition

About the first thing i wanna ask if possible to better implement the aiming in urban proning because as you can see in the screenshot:


when you aim you shoot trough the iron sight instead the holographic, didn't try with the aimpoint and saw that it works with optics ;)

(we use to play without aim icon)

The other thing is a simple visual effect about the transition between the battle stance and the jog stance that seems a little bit "woodly" :D

Hope this could be useful



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