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Saint Warrior

Fix the RPK please!

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Could you make the RPK-74 use 45 round plastic mags instead of present 75-round drums in the next patch? Or make the drums be 90-100 round at least?

Cause there where never any 5.45 x 39 mm 75-round drums for RPK-74 in reality. That is absolute nonsense. Don't you know that 75-round drums were used only for original 7.62 x 39 mm RPK light machine guns and were compatible with AKM/AKMS assault rifles?

Thanks for understanding, I just want to say that a simulator like ArmA 2 should be technically accurate.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this shouldn't be too hard to mod. No models to create or scripts to write, just copy the 30-rd AK-74 mag, change it to store 45 rounds and add it to the RPK. It might not look photorealistic but it's a decent interim solution.

I'll give it a shot when I get home.

Edited by RangerPL

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Mods are no solution anymore. The vanilla game is what is played most online.

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Download Vilas's weapon packs.

He has very accurate Russian weapons in there, including a RPK with 45 round plastic magazine.

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Just been said, mods not the solution anymore. Everyone plays vanilla online.

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Sheesh calm down... This is going over the top I think. :j:

I mean... C'mon! Give BIS a break :D

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Could you make the RPK-74 use 45 round plastic mags instead of present 75-round drums in the next patch? Or make the drums be 90-100 round at least?

Cause there where never any 5.45 x 39 mm 75-round drums for RPK-74 in reality. That is absolute nonsense. Don't you know that 75-round drums were used only for original 7.62 x 39 mm RPK light machine guns and were compatible with AKM/AKMS assault rifles?

Thanks for understanding, I just want to say that a simulator like ArmA 2 should be technically accurate.

Do you think the best way to get someone to do work at your request is to call their previous work 'absolute nonsense'? Way to suck.

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In reality RPK-74 and RPKS-74 use a 100-round plastic drum magazine too.

Ultimate would be have the 45 round mag and 100 round plastic drum mag.

75 round fits nicely in between and doesn't really bother me

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I say just because all other weapons are accurate but RPK is left to somewhat COD weapon style, without any difference what model it is, what cartridge it uses and what is it's magazine capacity.

If we stay using 75 round drum magazines as it is now it should be 7.62 x 39 instead of 5.45 x 39. With appropriately more stopping power and heavier weapon ballistics.

RPK is a great weapon and by far my favorite one, it's more accurate than regular AK, you can carry an RPG along.

Is that difficult for BIS to either change magazine capacity (magazine model) or chambering?

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Maybe best to just change value to 100 rounds with the model ingame

Just log a CIT ticket

Edited by vasmkd

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Maybe you're guy got bored of linking the bullets together after 75 :P

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Maybe you're guy got bored of linking the bullets together after 75 :P

That actually makes sense.

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While they are at it they should give the RPK regular instead of NVG-only tracers.


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Why the heck wouldn't the Russians use a drum magazine with the 5.45? It would be a whole lot lighter and more compact that the 7.62 version, and higher capacity seems an obvious benefit.

But this is a real life question.

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Why the heck wouldn't the Russians use a drum magazine with the 5.45? It would be a whole lot lighter and more compact that the 7.62 version, and higher capacity seems an obvious benefit.

But this is a real life question.

I guess same reason why C-Beta mag haven't been adopted by US military. Reliability and ergonomics. Drum mags are usually less reliable, get damaged more easily, and normal mags are much easier to carry around than bulky box of ammunition. If you've ever carried spare ammo for squad MG you know what I mean.

Russians in game use AK-107 as standard issue firearm and shoulder-fired, fire-and-forget Metis missiles, don't use scopes on their RPGs and put 7.62mm silencers on 5.45mm weapons. So somehow I can overlook incorrect RPK-74 magazine ;)

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Maybe you're guy got bored of linking the bullets together after 75 :P

RPK doesnt use linked ammo, you can put a normal ak74 mag into that light machinegun.

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I guess same reason why C-Beta mag haven't been adopted by US military. Reliability and ergonomics. Drum mags are usually less reliable, get damaged more easily, and normal mags are much easier to carry around than bulky box of ammunition. If you've ever carried spare ammo for squad MG you know what I mean.

Is that why we got the 100 round "belts" for the SAW in OA rather than the old 200 round "boxes"? The Molle SAW gunners outfit can have pouches for 2 x 200 round boxes and 2 100 rnd belts - 600 rounds on body and 200 in weapon, slightly less than the massive 1200 we get in the game. But in movies I tend to recognize them favoring belts (old Rambo legacy maybe? :p). So I started to think maybe the 200 round boxes were "unpopular".

The C-Beta should have been restricted to the SAW version only, since it doesn't have any drawbacks. Currently I can't allow myself to use the SAW version in missions due to this exploit. Reading and setting magazine contents would also be very welcome. Oh well, side tracking...

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Well in America's Army you have 200 round boxes and then I think the 100-round softbag as an unlock, so I would guess the 200 round boxes have been standard for a long time but are being replaced (or possibly replaced in the future) with the 100 round softbags?

In IDF we use 150 round softbags for our 5.56 Negev LMGs, right in the middle ;) carrying 4 of those plus 2 X 80round linked thrown down in the vest and another 30 round tracer belt. No ammo bearers - LMG gunner carries everything by himself.

I don't understand the purpose of an "LMG" with a 45 round magazine, but if that's what the Russians choose to use, that should be standard in-game too (and of course if you want to also include non-standard weapons/ammunitions that's cool as long as they're not also in the standard loadouts). ACE fixes this, by the way.

Edited by galzohar

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