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September 1939 Mod

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i have just some credible Numbers of the "Heeresgruppe Süd":


505 Officers

6049 NCOs and men


759 Officers

19719 NCOs and men


42 Officers

4022 NCOs and men

Source: Erich v. Manstein "Verlorene Siege"

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From what I have found in the few books I have access to right now the numbers are very consistent with the Wikipedia ones. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any English books about the Polish campaign, only Swedish, so I can't give any recommendations about reliable authors or books. Sources mentioned as being used for my Swedish books are the archives of the Polish General Sikorsky Institute, the German Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv and the National Archives in Washington where captured German documents were taken after the war. So I think these figures are very reliable.

Now, maybe we should get back to discussing the mod. Sorry for taking the thread off topic, just wanted to correct the not quite correct statement that the German and Polish losses were about equal.

Still, the numbers make it clear that the Polish forces put up a good fight despite the impossible odds. The campaign was certainly not a quick and painless victory for the Germans, despite it often being described that way.

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Thx for spotting Kraetzer, fixed. :icon14:

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Edited by topas

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Gratulacje Reaktywacji modu Pozdrawiam Åysy

Congratulations Reloaded module Yours

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Thx Max, judging by your nick you seem to be interrested in Police, am I right?

If you are, you should be happy with our plans to include this blue fellas in our mod too. :)

So far it's an early WIP; we still need to remodel the lower body part (trousers, boots) to match the the original

Edited by topas

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thanks for your answer,topas, i wish you more lucky and enjoy at work :)

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Not historically accurate at all, rather an artistic impression of the 1939 events in a contemporary music clip.
Unfortunately, the myth lives on - Polish cavalry on one side, the images of a heavy german tank on the other.

Well, the visual style may be somewhat controversial, but it's something original and unconventional for sure. Edited by topas

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Why is that unfortunate? If I had been a cavalryman during that period, that's the way I would have liked to go out. Then again I'm a Texan and a little bit on the crazy side, so maybe it is a bad thing... :p still, that's the way to go out.

Not to mention when you hear that myth (well, part myth) you start to think that you wouldn't want to mess with a Pole... :D

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There's no tank, that's only a symbol of Nazis power. And Poles faced it, with their heads up.

Please don't write such stuff about this, it's really cool and true art which isn't very popular in these shitty-autotune-loving times.

Just an erratta, as I am a big fan of LUC and Platige-Image creations, one of the most talented people in Poland.

Edited by JonPL

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Jon, Yes, the symbolics is obvious.

Maybe it's just me who's a bit tired of symbols, paraphrases, allegories and such alone - wanting someone to present a different, historically proper perspective on what the army really was like back then..

...but yes, it's arts, having different rules and I cannot expect a metaphorically constructed clip to do so.

For historical correctness - guess the Mod will handle this well

Ok, it's not much; but a little progress report now:

German tanks enter a village and the leading Panzer is being taken down by a polish squad member armed with a Wz.35 AT rifle.

ur3h.th.jpg ur2b.th.jpg 49802111.th.jpg

-Panzer by courtesy of ACSR38-45, thank you Petrtlach

-Village objects by Sejtan

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Keep the great looking screenshots coming, Topas! Can't wait to play with this!

I thought that clip was rather cool. A nice creative way to tell a story that took lots of imagination. Thanks for sharing. :)


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holy shit good stuff man love the new houses and objects ...great man :notworthy:

oh is that a anti tank rifle (PTRD) on the last pic ?

Edited by stephsen

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Thx stephsen. All objects are in fact early wips and subject to future changes (especially thatched roofs). Be assured that plenty of additional objects will be added too. We're just warming up now before the serious work begins ;] We aim for achieving something like this when we're finished.

And no, it's not a PTRD - it was a Soviet 1941 design. The weapon used is a polish Wz.35 "Ur" - in fact Degtyaryov copied some technical features of this when designing the PTRD. See my previous post for more information linked under the rifle's name.

a curiosity; one of these 1939 AT rifles has been even sighted in Iraq lately.

Edited by topas
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that sounds great love good custom objects :)...is a polish terrain in plan? how many members worked on the 39Mod ?

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Yes, in the end we'd like to present the already shown and yet planned objects on a custom polish terrain.

So far I have only shown the traditional cottages; please note, this shall not be representative to the whole and does not give the impression of the overal look planned. In fact in the cities we want to use a lot of objects that'll show that architecture-wise there was nothing to be ashamed of back in '39 (for example):


etc., etc.

But (answering your second question) with currently 3 team-members being active it'll be a long time before we see this ingame.

(although, as stated in the opening post - we do plan a recruitment, just need to discuss and confirm)

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We aim for achieving something like this when we're finished.

Heh, I've been there.

I'm very pleased with what you present. I must say I've been thinking about creating some custom Polish buildings and terrains from the wwii period myself for a long time (with some already made attempts and gathering some reference photos). I think you could (if you haven't already) make a use of the reference materials of Open Air Village Museum in Lublin. They're attemping to recreate a typical small town from the 1930's. You can find a pdf with a map here.

One another nice project from the area where I live is a 3d model of part of Lublin city from around 1936 which could also be used as a reference.

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Thank you for the reference lecholas. In fact, so far I was using this site to gather info.

As for the typical village layouts; one needs to go back to school sometimes as it seems :)

Thanks once again; the more info the better

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I've been living under a rock and did not see this mod until just now. I cruised through the thread and was blown out of my chair. Interesting designs, great models, incredible textures... the screenshots consistently depict some of the finest work I've seen on the forum. Great work!

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Thanks to an unexpected and generous model donation by Pioneer of Flashpoint.ru we can give a sneak-peek of what's being worked on atm.

This marks the introduction of the RKKA; the third faction (so far) planned to appear. For now a quick look at a Ba-10 armoured car patrolling the western osutskirts of the Soviet Union. Farther to the east columns of





and T-28

tanks are preparing to attack...

Once they start to warm up their engines and roll towards the Polish border we'll let you know.

In the meantime, these guys unaware of the strike from the east still strugle against the western aggressor


(decided to show a close-up on an early infantry-WIP, on of the models from a greater variety planned)

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You have some pretty awesome vehicles for this mod. And they look brilliant so far from outside.

One thing, how are the interiors? Will you be changing the default A2 drivers view as well as the gunners/commanders view?

Now the drivers view is usually too narrow with periscope to see anything, and gunner and commander can usually zoom their view which doesn't fit to most ww2 era vehicles at all...

How about some video clips in the future?

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