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Yeah I played the demo. I was not impressed at all. I don't mind changing some things from game to game but... no...

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Silent Storm' gameplay is very similar to JA2, although the game is linear. Set in WW2 but with some sci fi stuff (which I didn't like but it happens in the end of the game so no biggie).

Has a standalone expansion - Silent Storm Sentinels which is better (that doesn't mean you should skip the original).

You can google for it. There is a lot of info and videos.

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There is also a game called Hammer and Sickle that was made by the guys who did SS. Only problem is that its so flippin' hard.

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Hammer & Sickle is made by an unaffiliated mod team that Nival decided to sell as a separate game later. It wasn't as good as originals.

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Tried the demo.... hmmm not really what it used to be, diffinitely not buying.

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Just browsed few JA communities... Generally people are thrashing the game because it's inferior to the original JA game. Right now I don't feel like spending 28 Euro's for this game really :///

Instead I brought two good titles from my local media store and it cost me less than 10 euro!!! On the other hand, we have cheap computer games in Poland.

- 7,62 High Calibre

- Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge

These two titles are good JA2 clones with modern graphics. I'm eager to try. Be sure to check them out if you find JA:BiA weak.

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Let me know how 7.62 plays out. I've been interested in that one but very skeptical.

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It's no JA2 1.13 but I like it.Going 3D is pretty nice and plan&go works(most of the time).Basically it's a decent version but stripped of JA2 details.Ah,I miss Deidranna bitch slapping Elliot.

What bothers me:

-it's micro management hell with armor and militia

-militia AI is broken(will be fixed in a patch)

-aiming delay even when the guy is in front of you WTF

-sector inventory gone(devs will look into it)

-no chopppah

Btw,any tips for storming buildings??

Im getting my ass kicked even when my storming squad is armed with smgs and shotguns.

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Playing the demo, the decision to go to real-time was not really a bad choice imho. But the battle mechanics was not meant for real-time style play. The player's AI should have an AI and made them go prone/crouch/take cover automatically, instead of waiting for the player's input for example. A WEGO system would be much more appropriate. Though I know we can press spacebar to go to the Plan/Go mode, but I just cant get a grip of it.

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Btw,any tips for storming buildings??

Im getting my ass kicked even when my storming squad is armed with smgs and shotguns.

I have the same problem. What also bothers me is that you can't have a military style stacking waiting for somebody to open the door to rush in, because the plan and go doesn't realise the door is open after it's opened :/

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Been playing this a little and ... JA2 with 1.13 still 10 times better.

I dont even botter with storming buildings, just send some one to open the door, make him/her come back fast, trow a nade and wait for the swarm to come your way and kill em all easy .After that just loot and profit!

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Maaan I've just managed to blast Deidranna.Taking the palace was hard,don't even try without at least a squad full of P90s, frag nades and guardian or spectra vests.

Clearing the palace room by room,those fuckers digged in real nice and most of them were lvl5.I had 5 teams assaulting that place.

When I reached the last room I saw the queen bitch had about 10-11 dudes in there and even with plan&go the last battle was bloody,from those 5 teams only about 6 mercs survived but enough to kill her.

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About a year have passed and I retried the demo, after playing JA2(classic) v113 mod. I must say the combat system is quite solid, despite being real-time. The plan & go system works as expected. The early problem with FOW I heard have been resolved in the patches. I'm planning to get JA:Crossfire, since I've done Deidranna arc already. Might as well go to a new place.

Are there any second thoughts about the new Jagged Alliance?

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The dev track record is really bad. They will not manage to get anywhere near JA2.

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Wow, so many Jagged Alliance...by different developer. is the name "Jagged Alliance" open-source?

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yeah, you're not a fully fledged hack these days until you've done your part to ruin everyone's fond memories of Jagged Alliance.

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On the other hand, it's now stated that all $5-or-more Kickstarter backers will also get JA, Deadly Games, JA2, and Unfinished Business in English, complete with Windows 7 support, as a Jagged Alliance Classics Pack... so even if you think that Flashback will suck (the $50 Kickstarter tier has been changed accordingly to early access to Flashback), it's still JA1+DG+JA2+UB for $5. ;)

Apparently one of the JA brand owners admitted that the license agreement is only for one game -- but "If this game kicks ass and chews bubblegum, Full Control might also do JA3."

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Just got the JA Crossfire... the game not really that bad on it's own, but it's bad on JA's name. The combat is great. But there are too many omission on the strategic level that is an insult to JA.

First of all, I cant make a strategic withdrawal. In JA2 I can go to map edge in tactical map edge, and go to the next sector. Effectively withdraw my squad if I encounter an unwinnable battle. In this new JA, you have to fight to the death if you accidently encounter any enemy

I think there are too many of them that it's obvious that they flop up this game.

The only good thing is the combat which I tremendously enjoy it... At least I still have my JA classics. But I really need to gripe, but the official forum seems dead. <sigh>

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"Focuses entirely on the tactical battle and flubs the strategic aspect"? This... seems almost hilariously common in what remains of big-name "turn-based strategy" game development these days.

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It seems more of an inability to see "the big picture", rather like a myopic focus on "the action" rather than what sets up the action.

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