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ACE 1.7 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO

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Anybody knows if you can use ace rucksacks the same way as the BIS in the description.ext ? With the BIS ones you define them at description.ext and then at the briefing screen of the mission you can choose your own ruck and its contents. Is that possible with the ACE ones or you have to define the ruck and its entire loadout in the unit's init field ?

I already searched about this but didn't come up with something concrete.

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You can load the rucks the same way you do BIS ones do at the begining of the mission. As long as you set it up so that you can choose weapons at that screen it's the same. The only difference is how the rucks work. But as long as the unit has the backpack empty it will do what you want.

My question is I am having a problem where ACE items cause either Jaynusarma2lib or RTE not to work. It crashes the connection to RTE Capture. I believe the Jaynus thing is what might be crashing.

So far i have found it with the ACE m203. Called m406 HE in game i think. If i take that off of my unit it works fine, but with the unit, crash.

Also I think it is happening to earplugs too, but not sure.

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Maybe it's through the ACE menu (one of the windows keys)?

HK417s use these magazines (from this link):




Not sure about the default boxes because I only place custom ones in my missions if I even place any.

Those magazines are missing from the Ace boxes/crates.The 417 rifles are completely useless.

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EDIT:I just realised Im having that issue with all inventory items such as HuntIR, Gasmask, Kestrel 4500. Please help! non will show on the action menu!

In your pack or on your person? If it's in the pack you gotta equip it first.(i.e. add to player inventory slot.)

here's a screen of my inventory:b0nkM.jpg (the kestrel is next to the NV Goggles)

Edited by hilllbilllyjoe

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Did you try the self-interaction menu?

(Check the ACE settings dialogue if you don't know which button it is)

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Great Release ACE DEVS, as allways. Good work.

I love the new MFD's for the Aircrafts. Looking forward to the new features they make possible :).

What is the benefit of the laser codes? I didnt see a switchable Laser code on the SOFLAM's? Would you be so kind to shed some light on this?

Thanks :)

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Hi ACE..

I was never before playing much in Arma2, mostly setting up scenario's and make screenshots.. Then i found your mod and in the holidays i thought i try it out, now i have played more actuel gaming than since i bought Arma back when it came out... So thank you very much for this mod, it has giving me a whole new use for my Arma2...

A few questions:

* I am only playing sniping and CQB scenarios, is there any sound-mods other than ACE-SM you can recommend, because after checking them out on Armaholic most of them seem to be focusing on vehicle sounds not small-arms..

* The TAC-50 Surpressed version, is the sound really this low in RL, because for a 50. BMG its very low...

* Finally i have set up some target ranges for training my sniper-skills, but i can't find a target where afterwards i can see where my shot hit precisely... Any suggestions, i have been using a lot UNA-targets but its not possible to see where the bullet hit..

Thanks in advance..

A new happy ACE-Fan.!

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I don't know about other sound mods, most/all seem to not really be fully ACE compatible?

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Any soundmod overriding BIS sounds (like ACEX_SM) are compatible with ACE.

Broken configs of course not accounted for.

Obviously if you want to replace custom ACE sounds for custom assets included in our modfolders, you'll need an ACE-specific soundmod.

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Yeah that's what I meant, they will just replace the BIS sounds and 1/2 the sounds will not be changed, which can cause some weird results (2 different M4s with totally different sound for example).

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Yeah that's what I meant, they will just replace the BIS sounds and 1/2 the sounds will not be changed, which can cause some weird results (2 different M4s with totally different sound for example).

Your example should not be the case, all M4's inherit from the same BIS classes, and should not define custom sounds, therefore the sounds of soundmod should simply be active even for those. I cannot imagine any real reason to setup sounds in custom m4's, but perhaps by accident.

If you know some specific classes, let us know and we shall take a look.

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I used to use CSM2 in the past, but while I did like the sounds, the occassional glitch was too annoying. Of course this could have just been a CSM2 issue that had nothing to do with ACE compatibility. For OA CSM2 doesn't seem to even be officially released so I haven't tried it yet.

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Great Release ACE DEVS, as allways. Good work.

I love the new MFD's for the Aircrafts. Looking forward to the new features they make possible :).

What is the benefit of the laser codes? I didnt see a switchable Laser code on the SOFLAM's? Would you be so kind to shed some light on this?

Thanks :)

The laser code switching isn't fully implemented yet.

When it's finished, the FAC/FO can set his designator to a specific code, and the pilot can set his systems to the same codes.

In essence, bombs etc. will only home in on a laser with the same code as the pilot set in the plane, so you can have several FAC/CAS pairs active in the area at the same time.

Eventually also stuff like launching mulple-round copperhead salvos at a column of vehicles, f.ex.

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Hi ACE..

* I am only playing sniping and CQB scenarios, is there any sound-mods other than ACE-SM you can recommend, because after checking them out on Armaholic most of them seem to be focusing on vehicle sounds not small-arms..

Try JarHead's Sound mod, also known as JSRS

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Got this error (only ACE2XSM running) :

Error in expression <ce_sys_recognize_fnc_recognize_accuracy + " (" + (name _ef_com) + ")";

} else {


Error position: <+ " (" + (name _ef_com) + ")";

} else {


Error +: Type code, expected Number,Array,String

File x\ace\addons\sys_recognize\fnc_recognize_name.sqf, line 36

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any issues using ace with gl4 and zeus alltogether?

Since GL4 hasn't been updated in a while there may be. Is it even completely OA compatible?

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About 3 days ago I was playing the ACE mod and went AFK during a mission, only to come back to my PC to find that it'd crashed to desktop. Fair enough thought and relaunched OA (I have the steam OA but hard copy of ArmA2) to find that I couldn't join any servers, both with and without mods. Now the only reason I'm posting on this particular forum, as I can imagine the rules about posting about addons, is because I reinstalled the game and deleted the mod "memory" thing in My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\NAME\NAME.ArmA2OAProfile and didn't touch the command line of the game. After doing that wonderful exercise I found that I still couldn't connect to any servers, and it still says that I'm using a modified version of the BAF (lite) even though it hasn't been touched.

Just to elaborate a little on the issue itself, what happens is I start the game up, click multiplayer and look for a coop server with players on it. After I click join I eventually get to the role select screen and it's at this point that it returns to the server browser when I have addons enabled, but without them I manage to get about three quarters of the way through the following loading screen before being returned to the server browser.

Any constructive responses would be greatly appreciated, even if I've heard them before. If I left any detail out, let me know and I'll gladly fill you in.

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Maybe this has been asked already but using cba as a term to search provides me with way too many threads.

I Keep getting a warning every time I preview a mission in the editor. It says:

CBA requires Extended Eventhadlers (@XEH) at 3 0 6 or higher. No valid version found.

ACE requires Extended Eventhadlers (@XEH) at 3 0 6 or higher. No valid version found.

But I update with Six updater and it says current.

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Delete the old duplicate (cba_)extended_eventhandlers.pbo you have somewhere in one of your addons or modfolders (except @CBA).

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