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ArmA2 Persistent Database Scripts - WIP

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This week I've sorted out a lot of connection issues, the KH team have been faithful bug testers and the scripts are now ACE compatible so for example the ACE backpack system and weapon on back data is now saved to the database. Overall the project is progressing well and I'm fitting in as much development time as I can at the moment between real life.

Check the devheaven project for roadmap and progress.


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Quick update. I've optimised the init player connection functions in client/server and ironed out all the bugs. We've tested these connection and database I/O functions extensively now with plenty of players connected at the same time with no lag or drop in client/server fps.

I've also now separated the persistentDB scripts from the mission specific scripts making integration into any mission a breeze.

I'll be off on holiday in the next week or so, so development will stop for a few weeks but when I get back work on the save/load functions for the mission related data such as air, man, ship, building and landVehicle will continue in earnest.

First post updated with a new db screenshot: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1810032&postcount=1 click the image to see a full image 6409 x 1000 px!

Edited by [KH]Jman

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Very impressive Jman. Looking forward to release. This will open up a whole host of possibilities.

Have a great holiday.

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Ok here's a video I just made demonstrating the player persistence scripts.

As you can see the player is teleported to his last saved position and all saved player attributes are restored from the DB. The DB save happens automatically on player disconnect.

I started the video with data already present in the database for the player. Obviously a west player would start at the west_respawn marker if no player data was initially found in the database.

(no sound) Edited by [KH]Jman

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Cool Jman. So does this output information to another DB? Or what else has to be running ?

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At the moment it outputs the data to a sqlite 3 database but I will add mysql support before release. The server may need to run an additional service in the future to add additional DB support. We are working on that atm.

Currently the server needs to run CBA and JayArmA2Lib.

Clients do not need to run any addons other than those that the normal mission scripts require.

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Excellent piece of work. I would like to add a request for the future development of compatilbity with MS SQL Server.

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Does the server admin need any basic experience in SQL/languages other than SQF to use this on the server?

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This is very promising tool !!!

I would imagine it will become possible to have a webpage where players add the weapons and objects in the inventory, and when they enter the game, the "player" is ready to start the mission :confused:

Good oportuniy for the coop mission to skip the long payload moments at the beginning of the mission when everyone tries to find his weapon and ammo in the boxes ;)

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I hear you....

"Get out the damn boxes, before I make Lee-Enfields compulsory !"

That really would make life easier for us to. We have individual models a present, but its a boat load of work changing the loadout configs or init lines, and then they still stick there heads in the boxes for ages.

Jmam... this has real promise, nice work

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Yes webpage based loadouts by player uid is something we have discussed internally. It does pose a few hurdles such as monitoring loadout capacity and weight but can be done. We have discussed using drop down menus to select individual items and amounts whilst monitoring weight. Quick loadouts might also be selected via menus. Custom loadouts could be saved and retrieved. Loadouts could be set per mission or globally.

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Quick update.

Now Completed:

Convert scripts from sqlite to mysql:


Save/load mission's LandVehicle data:


Save/load player's in vehicle status


Save/load mission's time of day


I've started work on the frontend:


username: demo

password: demo

If you select me from the list, thats probably the one with the most data.

It uses a privilages system. It can be skinned using css. It's all subject to change atm. The demo user can see all users but not edit just so you get the idea. Normal users can only see and edit their data. Administrators can see all users and edit all data. The mission data will be located next to the Player Data column and will consist of landvehicles, man, air, ship and building. Mission Date & Time will also be editable, as I say it's all just wip atm.

Edited by [KH]Jman

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Nice job JMan!

Would it be possible to use these functions to have ammo and supplies listed in a database?

Say for example number of weapons in a crate?

And when for example you fill out a form in a webbased form it get re-supplied?

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Crates could be populated via the database and that data could be modified via a webbased form but the resupplying would not be possible via a webbased form post only an ingame trigger or sleep command.

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Okej, but if you can modify the amount in a crate via a form that would be enough for my idea.. i think.

Would that be the same as with vehicles for example?

If there is list of vehicles in the database, and some are listed with "amount: 0" they wont spawn? but when the amount is changed they will spawn?

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Moved frontend to new subdomain:


username: demo

password: demo

Work in progress screenshot of a section of the view player loadout screen:


Work in progress screenshot of a section of the edit player loadout screen:


Edited by [KH]Jman

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Very nice Jman! Great progress and kudos to you for keeping at it - after all the SQL extension issues etc ;)

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Thanks Sickboy that means a lot. I'm working on the loadout slot limitations and ACE weight amount today so it's still coming on slowly but surely. Trying to make sure I don't miss anything out and make it as easy to use a possible.

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