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Patch 1.56 Bug reports

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When instaling the patch 1.56 i get a series of errors

1.error found in file expansion/addons/air_e.pbo (0000000!=0000001)

2.error found in file expansion/addons/anims_e.pbo (0000000!=0000001)

3.error found in file expansion/addons/ca_e.pbo(0000000!=0000001)

and alot more im not going to bother typing them i tried doing it again re downloading. can some one please help!

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i report catastrophical frame rate drop as well, before 1.56 patch (had 1.55 version) i got 30-50 fps, now i get 15-25 fps in same missions with same hardware and video settings. This makes me a sad panda ((

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I want to add something. I have Arma2 non steam, and OA+BAF on Steam, I downloaded the patch 3.5GB for PMC Lite + 200MB for BAF, and I dont see ARMEX anywhere in MP, neither the PMC campaign. Why?

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Even though Dwarden has worked his ass off to try and give you the ability to combine them from all different retailers, I don't understand why you guys keep buying them from different services like Steam which have their own systems, and constantly trying to use Dwarden's workarounds, rather than just buying and downloading from Sprocket which is guaranteed to work with non-Steam versions...

In terms of your problem SpetS15, are you sure you're actually running the DLC? As in the PMC entry is in your -mod= line?

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Even though Dwarden has worked his ass off to try and give you the ability to combine them from all different retailers, I don't understand why you guys keep buying them from different services like Steam which have their own systems, and constantly trying to use Dwarden's workarounds, rather than just buying and downloading from Sprocket which is guaranteed to work with non-Steam versions...

In terms of your problem SpetS15, are you sure you're actually running the DLC? As in the PMC entry is in your -mod= line?

I solve that problem donwloading the patch witch is not made for steam version. Anyway, I bought it from Steam now, also because I cant do it from sprocket because I dont have an international credit card.

If you tell me how to buy on sprocket as a gift, next time I will tell my friend to buy there. Maybe theres an option like that but I didnt find it :s

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I'm also having problems with frame rate. It seems to come and go in spurts of slowness that starts at the menu screen. I never had these problems before.


2GB Ram

GTX 465

Win 7

Any word on what the deal could be? Seems to be a common issue for 1.56

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Frame rate suffers huge drop(25fps down to 3-6FPS) when using any form of magnification on Proving Ground map with PMC lite. have tested with vehicles, scopes and binoculars and all produce the same results. I believe the problem to be related to the new tree models as it only seems to occur when several trees are on screen and magnified at once. I am able to look at and move through the trees without zooming at normal FPS. Zooming on single trees and non treed areas produces little or no FPS drop as well. None of the other included maps I've tried cause this problem. Changing video setting does not seem to affect this problem.

AMD Ph2 X4 965

4GB ddr3


win 7 pro 64

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i am getting this error message in my .rpt file when trying to start ARMA2OA

Addon 'CAMisc_fix_Str' requires addon 'CAStructuresHouse_A_Office01'

anyone know why?

I just updated to 1.56 and pmc everything updated correctly from what i see.

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After installing PMC and the 1.56 patch, when I tried to connect to the (also updated to 1.56) server it kicked me out, showing the error message:

"You were kicked from the game. Battleye: corrupted memory #0"

I'm geting the same after patch 1.56(PMC-lite) on WindowsXP Home SP3, a GTX470, 4GB RAM,Phenom x4 3Ghz.Message occurs after few seconds in the mission.No mods loaded.

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Here you go, it is not signed atm, probably mostly required on dedicated server so not a problem in that case;

---SNIP--- Signed hotfix available at; http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1800649&postcount=29

I am guessing this is only needed for PMC LITE. I cannot test PMC FULL.

Final solution hopefully by BIS, we'll see next days.

Perhaps it also solves your latest mentioned problem Myke, let me know.


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No, it doesn't come bundled, you need to apply the 1.56 patch seperately.

I'm geting the same after patch 1.56(PMC-lite) on WindowsXP Home SP3, a GTX470, 4GB RAM,Phenom x4 3Ghz.Message occurs after few seconds in the mission.No mods loaded.

Good to know I'm not the only one.

Is there anyone else who has the same? Or perhaps more importantly, is there anyone with a fix? :p

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Cheers i have a list of issues so far with this! that being the least of my problems! lol but i hope that the 1.56 will cure the rest and why the hell didnt the dlc contain the patch? still will crack on cheers again

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I'm geting the same after patch 1.56(PMC-lite) on WindowsXP Home SP3, a GTX470, 4GB RAM,Phenom x4 3Ghz.Message occurs after few seconds in the mission.No mods loaded.

Make sure you and the server have updated Battleye

Might have to download latest files manually from HERE

Edited by EDcase

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After Steam auto-updated to 1.56 (before I bought the PMC) I am getting a weird graphic error.

Any think black objects specifically tree limbs, power lines, and antenna are surrounded by a smokey/black bloom. Almost like a light bloom from light sources at night.

I changed no settings after the patch. There's another thread where someone else had the same problem. Any thoughts? Screenshot below.


§15) Do not hotlink images over 100kb (102400 bytes) in size

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[This problem was solved in another thread, it was caused by having "ambient occlusion" enabled in the Nvidia control panel.]

Edited by Alex72
The <100kb rule

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I'm geting the same after patch 1.56(PMC-lite) on WindowsXP Home SP3, a GTX470, 4GB RAM,Phenom x4 3Ghz.Message occurs after few seconds in the mission.No mods loaded.

Neopas, I have an important question for you: what server(s) do you (and your group, if applicable) play on? A team member of mine tried several servers and some work and others don't. Do you know what server hosting company hosts the server(s) you get this bug on?

EDIT: To anyone experiencing this problem, please contact the server administrators of those servers you encounter the problem on. Manually updating BEserver.dll (the battleye server program) does the trick. Or at least it ddi for us. For us, the problem appears to have disappeared after doing that. :) *crosses fingers*

Edited by Von_Lipwig

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Problem solved indeed with serverside manual update of BE .Thx

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The AA-12 HE shells eject as 556 brass. BAF medic has no pistol slot yet has 4 pistol magazine slots. And by the way why does the medic class have limited magazine slots?

Edited by Ghost

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When instaling the patch 1.56 i get a series of errors

1.error found in file expansion/addons/air_e.pbo (0000000!=0000001)

2.error found in file expansion/addons/anims_e.pbo (0000000!=0000001)

3.error found in file expansion/addons/ca_e.pbo(0000000!=0000001)

and alot more im not going to bother typing them i tried doing it again re downloading. can some one please help!

+1 - exact same errors.

And all versions are boxed (with BAF on Sprocket).

Any ideas ?

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Hi All...I have a server with AOWC running combined ops. I can't apply the update myself, so the team there did it. But now that the update's been applied, when I connect to the server, I just get "Wait for Host".

I know that isn't very descriptive, and the team at Art of War Central is working on the problem now. But I wanted to know if these few details are enough to point to any particular problem.

I tried removing the addons from the command line, but I got the same issue. But I haven't changed anything about the server since before the update, so I'm not sure where the problem could be. I tried to look at the log file, but I really can't understand it.

Any pointers at all would be greatly appreciated.


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I get the exact same Error

1.error found in file expansion/addons/air_e.pbo (0000000!=0000001)

except mines is addon structure something statue, dont remember.

Also the most annoying this is that I cant load or revert to a saved game in editor, it says something like "Depends on downloadable contend which was deleted Structures.statue

Can some one please help?

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Iv got an bug when going in prone position and moving up or back while in that position. The gun the player haves moves out to far and then comes back realy fast. Its like its glitching back to the player when moving, it looks like the gun is not even in the players hands at all when in the prone position and moving back or forward. This is seen in the 3rd persion view.

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seems like corrrupt data and most likely need reinstall

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Bug PMC: In the defense of airfield mission, if both players get in the enemy APC the game will count that as both players getting in the SUV and will end the mission.

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