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North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

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North Korea fired artillery toward its tense western sea border with South Korea on Tuesday, killing at least one South Korean soldier, the Yonhap news agency reported.


At least 200 rounds of artillery hit an inhabited South Korean island in the Yellow Sea after the North started firing about 2:30 p.m. local time, Yonhap said.

South Korea's military responded with 80 rounds of artillery and deployed fighter jets to counter the fire, the report said.


Holy Mother of God, this doesn't sound good. I hope it doesn't escalate any further.

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This may be another provocation and demonstration of power in order to draw attention on them and request worlds aid. Their new leader is starting to make moves and warns the rest. Hope It's only a single incident :/

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And here we go again, if only china wouldn't protect those idiots in the North.....

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From what I hear there is still sporadic shelling going on. Also, the south returned fire with their K-9 (155mm) batteries and scrambled F-16s. I expect more will happen shortly.

This comes during South Korean military exercises, and within days of a South Korean official mentioning that their government was considering asking the U.S. to bring back its nukes, to counteract the Norths nukes.

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While the N.Korea jumps like an angry kid, the most powerful and influential guys (S.Korea,Russia,China,Japan,Australia and US&A) in this region are already discussing via conference what to do next. That's what they said on cnn tv not long ago.

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Time to take bets on when World War 3 starts.

Nope cause obviously China won't promote such things. The economic war is more than enough for them.

But i'd like to be Kim Jong Il or whatever son who will inherit from him, you can do whatever you like and nobody can do anything against you.

That's by far the best job in the world (well, if you're a kind of psychopathic guy :D).

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Even China has said that the shelling by the north is unacceptable and that both countries need to push for peace.

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Wow, this is very surprising to me! Why did they do that? Anyway, they should have bombed the NK leaders long ago...

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The sad thing is the world cant do much . North Korea has all those artillery pieces targeted at Seoul .

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The sad thing is the world cant do much . North Korea has all those artillery pieces targeted at Seoul .

Isn't that more of a myth? Very few artillery pieces can get shells 40 km away and beyond, and North Korea's equipment is for the most part ancient and/or of poor quality.

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The sad thing is the world cant do much . North Korea has all those artillery pieces targeted at Seoul .

The 'World' won't do much till NK gets an Uranium Nuclear bomb at the very least.

Refer to Hitler in regards to the 'World' and it's further actions.

P.S. To the sheeple quoting China on their condemnation of the shelling: NK is China's proxy and don't be surprised when you're bent over the negotiating table with the Chinese.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Holy Mother of God, this doesn't sound good. I hope it doesn't escalate any further.
This is nothing compared to what the used to do in the 60s. Back then they sent platoon size unit across the DMZ to raise a little hell in the night.. Read this

I wouldn't say the South retaliated. It more or less reacted to the attack. I doubt it will escalate anymore than it already has. In a few months maybe they'll sent a flight a MiGs south on a bombing mission.

Edited by Big Mac

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They have arty within rage of Seoul guys. SCUDs, MLRS, other rocket systems, and enough howitzers to pave a road of melted glass straight to the capital.

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The north koreans are drunk. 200 shells, only two guys dead.

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They have arty within rage of Seoul guys. SCUDs, MLRS, other rocket systems, and enough howitzers to pave a road of melted glass straight to the capital.

6000 + of those if I remember correctly :( plus the ones that are hidden and no one knows about .

Plus they have that 1.000.000 + army of brainwashed soliders on standby :(

I doubt the South Korean gov could evacuate Seoul in time if something big happens ...

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Neither of the Koreas take a shit without first phoning their masters: be it the US or China.

So don't you worry, Seoul will be the least of your worries if it happens.

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China would collapse if it went into world war, look at them now.

World War 3 highly unlikely.

North Korea's accidently the trigger.

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Neither of the Koreas take a shit without first phoning their masters: be it the US or China.

So don't you worry, Seoul will be the least of your worries if it happens.

That's only because Obama has no back bone..

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At least he has the ability to think about things for more than 5 minutes before acting which is a real improvement over his predecessor :bounce3:

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At least he has the ability to think about things for more than 5 minutes before acting which is a real improvement over his predecessor :bounce3:
This is true, but I much rather Obama have a pair as well. NK didn't pull this kinda crap when Bush was in because Kim Jung Ill saw what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq and he wanted to keep his little kingdom.

There were only 2 border clashes during the Bush administration and since Obama has taken office there's already been two major border clashes with Obama doing nothing except using the standard harsh language that has been proven time again by every president since the 1953 to not to do anything except prove we won't do squat. Obama needs to send a message to Kim pretty much saying that just because America has had a change in government we won't tolerate acts of aggression against South Korea anymore than the previous president would.

I think the only way Obama will get off his ass and do something is if an American was killed and thats still not 100%. I'm not one of these people who hates Obama hell I voted for him, but ever since he's been in he's proven to be all talk and no walk. At least with Bush we knew we were going to get screwed over.

Edited by Big Mac

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They have arty within rage of Seoul guys. SCUDs, MLRS, other rocket systems, and enough howitzers to pave a road of melted glass straight to the capital.

Here is something to alleviate those beliefs:


The antiquated air force, AA and artillery are easy prey for air assaults and satellites, and carrying out the Seoul bombardment with the few artillery pieces that can do it after the bluff is called will only further worsen North Korea's military (using assets on non-military targets) and political (deliberately killing civilians) situation. Don't doubt for a second that the known artillery hardpoints within any kind of range will be the first targets of South Korea's military.

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Here is something to alleviate those beliefs:


The antiquated air force, AA and artillery are easy prey for air assaults and satellites, and carrying out the Seoul bombardment with the few artillery pieces that can do it after the bluff is called will only further worsen North Korea's military (using assets on non-military targets) and political (deliberately killing civilians) situation. Don't doubt for a second that the known artillery hardpoints within any kind of range will be the first targets of South Korea's military.

I'm not sure what you're point is. The war would be costly in lives.

US and South Korean civilian and military casualty estimates run into the millions if a general war breaks out. The AAA assets and artillery are not easy targets either. The author of that thread you linked also details AAA positions, of which there are a hell of a lot, and these would need to be suppressed or destroyed before taking action against other fortified positions which are not very easy to destroy.

Since the 1980s, North Korea has built up its forces within 60 miles of the DMZ to roughly 65 percent of its total units and 80 percent of its total estimated firepower, a 1998 assessment judged. This compares to 45 percent of its total units in 1984.

U.S. military estimates in 1994 were that those artillery pieces could bombard Seoul with 5,000 rounds in the first 24 hours of any attack.

South Korea’s hesitancy to engage in warfare with the North can justifiably partly be attributed to concern about casualties and damage to itself. Casualties in such a conflict would be in the hundreds of thousands, and damage to the infrastructure of the Peninsula in the billions of dollars. The political and economic effects of such a war would reverberate around the region for decades. When the United States was making serious preparations to go to war with the DPRK in May 1994, senior military leaders gave estimates to President Bill Clinton that predicted 52,000 U.S. military personnel killed and wounded, along with 490,000 South Korean military casualties, in the first 90 days, as well as ‘enormous’ DPRK and civilian casualties. A month later, in June 1994, the then U.S. commander-in-chief on the Peninsula, Gen. Gary Luck, estimated in the process of preparing war plans that as many as a million people might be killed if war broke out, including 80,000-100,000 Americans; the war would cost the United States more than $100 billion; and the destruction and interruption of business would cost a trillion dollars to the countries involved and their immediate neighbours.

All from a report by the Center for Defense Information on what could happen in another Korean war.


Edited by Snafu

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