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PvPscene Tweaks

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Tweaks - 2010-11-22

Please do not mirror or hotlink the files. Thank you.


Our sincere thanks to all the following individuals in helping us to make these releases possible. Thank you!

  • andersson
  • Celery
  • Cole
  • defunkt
  • Duke 49th
  • HeinBloed
  • McHide
  • nikita320106
  • Noceur
  • NouberNou
  • Rg
  • Rommel
  • thebarricade
  • zGuba


You are welcome to modify any addon or use it in your project. Take note of the license details:

Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 License

The main author(s) is (are) listed in the readme inside the pbo.

If the main author is not kju, you need to contact the other author(s) for permission requests.


Please report issues and suggestions in the our issue tracker or in our forum, if you want to get heard.


You find the public PvPsceneCO.bikey, the all-in-one pack, a pack with bisign files for all addons and the single downlod in our files section.

All tweaks require CO - a few CBA as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I run the PvPscene Tweaks with OA only?

Most should work just fine yes. You will get a warning on game launch once; for some maybe also a few on screen errors while playing, yet overall the game will remain fully playable.

Should I use all PvPscene Tweaks?

This would be no good idea at all - a couple of tweaks conflict with each other.

You are recommended to download them one by one from the following list. The description mentions conflicts with other tweaks. Each description has a direct download link just below the tweak name.

Where are the BISIGN files for my client?

You find them all inside the AllBISignOfPvPsceneCOTweaks_DATETAG.7z in the files section at the top. Just put them all in the same folder as the pbo. You can safely extract all of them, as it does not matter, if it has no pbo pair. Only a pbo needs the bisign pair for MP play.

What tweaks are needed on a dedicated server?

In general none. The only exception are the AI and MP types.

Are all PROPER addons obsolete now?

Yes. At least for CO/OA. Delete all PROPER addons and replace them with the latest PvPscene Tweaks. The only exception is if you are still play a1 or a2 - the PvPscene Tweaks are CO only.

The 'reduced model complexity tweaks' will be updated and released for CO once possible.


You can read more about each tweak in the PvPscene wiki.

There will be several news posts with extensive presentation for most tweaks in the following days.

Tweaks - 2010-11-22

  • ActualModelsOfWeaponMagazinesVisibleOnTheGround by andersson (Visuals)
  • AddedTankMovementOrderDirectionMarkers (Visuals)
  • AdditionalGameTypes (MP)
  • AIPistolUseFix (Gameplay)
  • BlackBackgroundForGearDialog (Visuals)
  • BlackBackgroundForMenus (Visuals)
  • CarsFasterOffroads (Gameplay)
  • DisabledAirLockForVikhr (Gameplay)
  • DisabledAIVoices (Gameplay)
  • DisabledBallisticsComputer (Gameplay)
  • DisabledBasicConversationsForAnyUnit (Gameplay)
  • DisabledBasicConversations (Gameplay)
  • DisabledButtonAndListFlashingOnFocus (Visuals)
  • DisabledButtonClickSound (Sound)
  • DisabledCenterHandIcon (Visuals)
  • DisabledCloseUpDetailTextureChernarus (Visuals)
  • DisabledCloseUpDetailTextureUtes (Visuals)
  • DisabledDeflectingGrenades (Gameplay)
  • DisabledFatigue (Gameplay)
  • DisabledForcedOpticsForBinocular (Gameplay)
  • DisabledInfantryWeaponDispersion (Gameplay)
  • DisabledLoadingScreenImage (Visuals)
  • DisabledLockCursor (Gameplay)
  • DisabledOnDamageSoundForHelicopters (Gameplay)
  • DisabledOnDamageSoundForPlanes (Gameplay)
  • DisabledOnDamageSoundForTanks (Gameplay)
  • DisabledPeripheralVisionBloodTexture (Visuals)
  • DisabledPeripheralVisionCueTexture (Visuals)
  • DisabledPeripheralVisionEnemy (Visuals)
  • DisabledPeripheralVisionFriendly (Visuals)
  • DisabledPeripheralVisionNeutral (Visuals)
  • DisabledPPEffectsForVehicles (Performance)
  • DisabledPPEffectsForWeapons (Performance)
  • DisabledRadarTargetsMFDDisplayInPlanes (Gameplay)
  • DisabledRocketSmoke (Gameplay)
  • DisabledSavingAltogether (Dev)
  • DisabledSecondaryExplosionEffectOfVehicles (Visuals)
  • DisabledStartEngineOnTurretMovementForTanks (Gameplay)
  • DisabledStatisticsView (Gameplay)
  • DisabledStockMPMissionsA2 (Server)
  • DisabledStockMPMissionsBAF (Server)
  • DisabledStockMPMissionsOA (Server)
  • DisabledSupersonicCrack (Sound)
  • DisabledTalkTopics (Gameplay)
  • DisabledUnitPortraits (Visuals)
  • DisabledVehicleBurningEffect (Visuals)
  • DisabledWeaponLockVehicles (Gameplay)
  • DisabledWeaponSway (Gameplay)
  • DoubledGetInRadius (Gameplay)
  • DoubledInfantryArmor by Rg (Gameplay)
  • DoubledSupplyRadius (Gameplay)
  • EasyFlyPlanes by Celery (Gameplay)
  • EnabledTurnOutForM1A2Driver (Gameplay)
  • EnabledTurnOutForT72Driver (Gameplay)
  • EnabledZoomForBinocularAndLaserdesignator (Gameplay)
  • EnhancedWeaponSway (Gameplay)
  • ExtraCursorForAirUnits by Rg (Gameplay)
  • FasterHandGrenadeThrowAnimation (Gameplay)
  • FasterStepOverAnimation (Gameplay)
  • HardLandingChoppers by Celery (Gameplay)
  • HiddenActionsAvailableViaKeyShortcuts (Controls)
  • HiddenAmmoCountOfInfantry (Gameplay)
  • HiddenCommandBarBackground (Visuals)
  • HiddenEditorContinueButton (Controls)
  • HiddenUnitTags (Gameplay)
  • ImprovedButtonLook (Visuals)
  • ImprovedExtCameraPositionForTanks (Gameplay)
  • ImprovedHelicopterAttackBehavior (AI)
  • ImprovedHelicopterSurvivability by Rg (Gameplay)
  • ImprovedSizeOfCompassAndGPS by defunkt (Visuals)
  • ImprovedSpeedOnGravelRoads (Gameplay)
  • IncreasedSwimmingSpeed (Gameplay)
  • JavelinTweak by McHide (Gameplay)
  • KeepCommanderViewOnTarget (Gameplay)
  • KeyshortcutsForTheGameMenus (Controls)
  • LongMissionSelectionListInEditorLoadMission (Visuals)
  • MadeGearDialogNonMovable (Controls)
  • MadeHelicopterPilotOperateRockets (Gameplay)
  • MadeSu34PilotToControlTheWeapons (Gameplay)
  • MFDforAH1Z by defunkt (Visuals)
  • MoreHeadMovement (Gameplay)
  • MoreSluggishATV (Gameplay)
  • MovedActionIconTextPositionToActionMenu (Visuals)
  • MovedRadarToTopCenter (Visuals)
  • MovedSquadOrientationToTheCenter (Visuals)
  • NoIRSignatureForCarsAndMotorcycles (Gameplay)
  • NoLongerShowEmptyFakeWeapon (Visuals)
  • NoTransportOfWeaponsAndMagazinesInVehiclesToAvoidAmmoSpillingBug (Fix)
  • OFPCompassBar (Visuals)
  • OFPLockCursor (Visuals)
  • OFPLookForCompassBar (Visuals)
  • OFPMarkers (Visuals)
  • OFPRadarSideColors (Visuals)
  • OFPRoundCornerElement (Visuals)
  • OFPSquadOrientation (Visuals)
  • OFPStylePlayerIcon (Visuals)
  • OFPTankDirectionLook (Visuals)
  • OFPTreeHit (Sound)
  • OpaqueBlackBackgroundInInterface (Visuals)
  • PaleCommandBar by thebarricade (Visuals)
  • PaleWeaponIconsInCommandBar by thebarricade (Visuals)
  • ReducedCTWSHEImpactFX (Visuals)
  • ReducedFatigue (Gameplay)
  • ReducedMissileSmoke by zGuba (Visuals)
  • ReducedSwimmingFatigue by Rg (Gameplay)
  • ReducedVehicleHUD (Gameplay)
  • ReducedWeaponWeight (Gameplay)
  • RemovedBurstWeaponModeAndSingleWeaponModeFirst (Gameplay)
  • RemovedRadarAndCompassOfAirUnits (Gameplay)
  • RemovedRadarOfAirUnits (Gameplay)
  • RemovedRadarOfGroundUnits (Gameplay)
  • RemovedSatelliteTexturesInMapView (Visuals)
  • RemovedVehicleCursors (Gameplay)
  • RevertedTankWeaponsToShotShellSimulation (Visuals)
  • SeparatedEditorButtons (Controls)
  • ShowTextInsteadOfActionIcons (Visuals)
  • SingleWeaponModeFirstForAK (Gameplay)
  • SolidBackgroundForChatInputDialog (Visuals)
  • SolidBackgroundForChat (Visuals)
  • StaticsVisibleAtDistance (Visuals)
  • StrippedActionText (Gameplay)
  • TenTimesIncreasedBuildingDurability (Gameplay)
  • ThirdPersonVehicleWeaponDotCursorForDriver (Gameplay)
  • ToughChopperRotor (Gameplay)
  • TransparentBlackBackgroundForChat (Visuals)
  • TweakedBMP3AndT90Rocket (Gameplay)
  • TweakedDebriefing (Visuals)
  • TweakedExternalSoundVolumeInVehicles insideSoundCoef (Sound)
  • TweakedExternalSoundVolumeInVehicles obstructSounds (Sound)
  • TweakedExternalSoundVolumeInVehicles occludeSounds (Sound)
  • TweakedGearFilters (Controls)
  • TweakedInfantryCursors (Gameplay)
  • TweakedMissileControlAndStability by Rg (Gameplay)
  • TweakedTurretRotationSpeeds by Rg (Gameplay)
  • VapourTrailsForPlanes (Visuals)
  • VehiclesVisibleAtDistance (Visuals)
  • VehicleWeaponLockTimeMoreDelayed (Visuals)
  • WhiteInterfaceText (Visuals)
  • WhiteRadarSignaturesForAllCombatVehicles (Gameplay)
  • WhiteRadarSignaturesForAllNonCombatVehicles (Gameplay)
  • WhiteWeaponCursor (Visuals)
  • xboxStyleAICommanding (Controls)

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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Very nice!

Is there a detailed description for every addon? I could really use some. For instance, what Javelin tweak do? Is that Javelin needs to be locked manualy and that determines fly path or something else?

Edited by 11aTony

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Thank you! How are these different from the similar PROPER tweaks? Are these updated versions of those for Combined Ops?

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Sounds great will test it ASAP Thanks guys!!. Sinds i love PvP and Arma has to little of it this is perfect to make things more enjoyable for everyone.

Some simple questions:

-Is this compatible with all missions? (i'm guessing there could be some issue's that occur?)

-Is this compatible with ACE?

-Is it possible for a std. user like myself to change some things in the PBO's (like for instance: "Bomber planes radar ON" or is it "all or nothing"

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Congrats on the release of these fine and awesome collection of Gameplay tweaks.

@xxbbc; I believe so - updated and new alike.

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FAQ added to the wiki article and first post.

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PvPscene Tweaks: xboxStyleAICommanding (Controls)

Let me present you the xboxStyleAICommanding tweak.


Basically it changes the AI command menu to the (supposedly) OFP:Elite system very similar to the classic OFP system.

Here you can watch a simple video to give a you short introduction in motion:


Here you find a couple of screenshot to give you a better idea:

Beware of the limitations and issues and read about benefits of the system in the wiki article.

(at the very bottom or use the browser search - ctrl + f)

That's it for today. See you tomorrow with another tweak in the spotlight.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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@xxbbc; I believe so - updated and new alike.

Ah ok. In that case... wow. And many thanks for them PvPscene.

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Thank you! How are these different from the similar PROPER tweaks? Are these updated versions of those for Combined Ops?

I have the same question...are they the same Proper add-ons or a new version?

Btw, thanks for the tweaks..lots of gameplay/performance/visual increase! :D

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PvPscene Tweaks: TweakedInfantryCursors (Gameplay)

Let me present you the TweakedInfantryCursors tweak:

Here you can watch a simple video to give a you short introduction in motion:

(please excuse the poor quality from the conversion)


compared to

or to

If you look closely, the main difference is that the OFP style cursor has a fixed width and no longer expands while firing or getting tired.

In other words it more useful to help you aim at the target. The dot is more precise and hides the target less compared to the standard 'line aimpoint'.

You may have noticed the color change for the crosshair as well. Load the WhiteWeaponCursor (Visuals) tweak along to make it white.

We like the color more and find it also best visible in all circumstances (night, bright or colored background).

Finally when you watch the video about the OFP cursor, you can see that it also kept showing the cursor while moving.

That made targeting easier while moving, as well as revealing units.

In the near future you will have access to a tweak enabling the feature again!

That's it for today. See you tomorrow with another tweak in the spotlight.

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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PvPscene Tweaks: 'Hardcore mode' (Visuals) for vehicles

Let me present you a set of tweaks others call 'Hardcore mode':

ReducedVehicleHUD (Gameplay)

Removes digital heading and speed display for all vehicles, the fuel display from all ground vehicles, the armor display from all but helicopters and finally the weapon display from all airplanes and non combat helicopters.

RemovedRadarAndCompassOfAirUnits (Gameplay)

Removes the compass of most air units that have instruments inbuilt. Removes the radar from all chopper pilots and only leaves it to combat chopper gunners. A10, Su25, L39 and all non combat planes no longer have a radar either.

RemovedRadarOfGroundUnits (Gameplay)

Removes the radar from all static weapons and ground vehicles except the Shilka and the Tunguska.

RemovedVehicleCursors (Gameplay)

Removes all vehicles cursors for driver/pilot/gunner/commander. Instead one has to use optics / weapon sights or tracers to aim.

Watch the ImageShack slideshow to see the changes in a before-after comparison

for each vehicle type and position (single pictures).

Two more tweaks you can spot, if you look closely:

  • The MovedRadarToTopCenter (Visuals) puts the radar to the top center to make it easier to look at.
  • Thanks to defunkt the AH1Z offers a MFD now with the MFDforAH1Z by defunkt (Visuals) tweak.

That's it for today. See you tomorrow with another tweak in the spotlight.

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Freaking awesome work guys !!!

I thought maybe one or two of these tweaks would be enough, but phunk i need a bunch plus a dozen... ;)

Are you planing something to pretend the tabing (locking with tabkey) ???

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Is there a possible fix for OFPTankDirectionLook in ACE2, because the original TankDirectionLook still appears when i'm commander or gunner but it doesn't show up if i'm the loader in an M1A2 Tusk for example. These tweaks are a must have as is ACE2. I hope there's a way to resolve this issue. If not i suppose i'll have to lose a tweak or two.

Excellent job on the tweaks though, with out them ArmA2 looks and feels kinda weird! ;)

Edited by Law-Giver
To edit something, silly!

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PvPscene Tweaks: 'OFP' like Visuals

Let me present you a set of visual tweaks that make the game more OFP design like:

OFPLockCursor (Visuals)

Changes the look of the lock cursor to the OFP design.

OFPLookForCompassBar (Visuals)

Changes the look of the top compass bar to the OFP design.

OFPRadarSideColors (Visuals)

More vivid colors for radar targets like in OFP.

OFPRoundCornerElement (Visuals)

The map view, action menu, hints interface uses the OFP like round corners.

OFPSquadOrientation (Visuals)

Changes the look of the squad orientation indicator to the OFP design.

MovedSquadOrientationToTheCenter (Visuals)

Moves the squad orientation icon to the lower center instead of lower right to make it easy to view.

OFPStylePlayerIcon (Visuals)

Better looking player slot icon in the editor.

OFPTankDirectionLook (Visuals)

Replaces the tank direction UI dialog with the ArmA one.

Watch the ImageShack slideshow to see the changes in a before-after comparison for each vehicle type and position (single pictures).

Do note that you are best to combine them with the 'Hardcore mode' tweaks you got to know last time.

That's it for today. See you tomorrow with another tweak in the spotlight.

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Sorry i think i didn't explain it very clearly. I'm actually using OFPTankDirectionLook but in ACE2 it still shows the old TankDirectionLook. Thanks for the reply though! ;)

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getting a forbidden message when I try to view the wiki to see the description of the mods.

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Yep. Sorry it seems the webspace is moved.. hopefully it will be back up soon without any issues.

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PvPscene Tweaks: MapReplacement (Gameplay)

To open the map replacement press shift/alt/ctrl plus the "map" key action.

By default most easy to do by right alt and M.



  • Instantly visible and instantly closed
  • No forced kneel down animation



  • Remembers the zoom level and position from the last use
  • Shows direction if compass is available (top center middle)
  • Shows height if GPS is available (left center middle)
  • Shows grid cords if GPS is available (right center middle)
  • Available in vehicles at any position
  • Only available if map item in the inventory
  • Uses special .ext settings if defined (showGPS/showCompass/showMap)

The satellite texture has full coloring too and remains even when zoomed out.

Watch the ImageShack slideshow to see the changes in a before-after comparison (single pictures).

The complete map view looks good and gives good insights into the terrain (single pictures).

(PS: imageshack degrades the quality drastically - looks very sharp and colored ingame)

Suggestions and ideas welcome.


PvPscene Tweaks files section

If you are a coder, be sure to check:

Map replacement addon - Do you want to join up in the development?

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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