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Mana Island Fiji

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Thanks Bushlurker:D

That means a lot coming from you. I figured it's a small island so might as well focus on a little detail that becomes tedious with large islands. Its nice to see people appreciate peoples hard work. :bounce3:

Feel free to share that mission I wouldn't mind trying it out myself. I only wish I learned how to do missions myself apart from camera scripting, Haha.

I might just have to take a look at F2.

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Great stuff!.. Going to have fun in a full on infantry clearance op on this one.

Love the sounds.. wandering around in the undergrowth listening to the indigenous wild life and atmosphere.. just right.

And then taking a walk up to the high lookout point, you pick up the sound of the wind and waves crashing in on the beach below.. just marvellous!

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Many thanks for the hours of trials and tribulations on the islands matey looks and feels top notch.

Regards Jeza

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Hahaha these locals grow in odd places.

I mean, in the rainforest sure but in the middle of the road?

Laws are very lax here methinks.




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That has been reported already, should be fixed in next version according to prowler.

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That has been reported already, should be fixed in next version according to prowler.

Hey, I'm no nark ;)

If that's what the locals are into then that's cool with me :)

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Well the Cyber Police have already been notified, so...You're screwed. Consequences will never be the same, unfortunately.

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The oilrig is great. Thanks.

(standalone oilrig map also welcome :P)

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Oh man, how did I miss that during beta testing? *Shoots self in face.*

I made those changes after beta, so it's my own dumb fault :p

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Please make underground walk way to Oil Rig with sharks swimming above and stuff. Like Atlantis.


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Please make underground walk way to Oil Rig with sharks swimming above and stuff. Like Atlantis.


Your punishment for such an an outburst shall be:


Lol, just kidding.

Great Island, wish I had some more time to play it.

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I made those changes after beta, so it's my own dumb fault :p

Hanging with the locals hey? :D

Please make underground walk way to Oil Rig with sharks swimming above and stuff. Like Atlantis.

Yeah, because that's not a big ask at all. :butbut:

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This map is an instant classic. Thanks so much for taking the time to make it prowler.wolf.

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A friend of mine wanted to load it, but he has Operation Arrowhead only, and he had an error "Addon Utes required" (or similar).

Is this map for Combined Operations only? Or is this a left-over and can be fixed?

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ArmA 2 is a requirement so yes, you do need to be running Combined Operations.

What components had been used from A2, if I may ask? Would it be complicated to remove those components, to make it an OA-only addon?

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This has to be one of the best maps out there, fantastic eye for details, not too heavy on objects but enough to make it believalbe (unlike some).

I think fact that I was playing about for almost 8 hours on it says a lot to me.

Well done.

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What components had been used from A2, if I may ask? Would it be complicated to remove those components, to make it an OA-only addon?

All of the major buildings are from OA but %50 of the actual objects used are from A2. This can include fences, castle ruins, light poles, all of the oil rig components, the control tower, ground clutter, etc. All of the nice details come from A2.

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Excellent island Prowler! Enjoying it quite a bit.

Working on a infiltration/assassination mission that I think works well with the small island concept. I intend to have two versions, a nighttime sneaky-sneaky one, and a daynight 10-man raiding team one.

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Great little island :cool:

I love that it's not "overcluttered" which means that prone is an option, i'm also very happy it's not using any the awful OA vegitation(atleast their completely off LOD).

It really reminds me of the first Far Cry game which is a good thing :cool:

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+1 to JW Custom. Thank god its not using OA Vegetation. I can't stand those blob trees and bushes!

Cant wait to see what you come up with next prowler. :)

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