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Lennard's WIP thread

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I am working on a small headgear pack atm.

Will include several types of protective goggles among some other small stuff.

Something for the Brits:


And some Oakley inspired glasses for the Yanks:


Hope people feel the need for such an addon.

Edited by Lennard

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Hope people feel the need for such an addon.

I know I sure do! :)

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Hope people feel the need for such an addon.

That's brilliant, I always find the small details is what makes the addons more authentic and unique. Would be nice to see some other helmet accessories like a Contour HD or GoPro camera or even the Petzl light. :)

Keep it up mate!

- J

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Thanks guys, will keep it up then.

OLOL GASCAN'S. Anyway, nice marines ;).

Glad you recognize them as GASCANs, was too lazy to really make them really accurate lol.

And cool Marines huh, I think it's creator should make more addons.

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Glad you recognize them as GASCANs, was too lazy to really make them really accurate lol.

And cool Marines huh, I think it's creator should make more addons.

Yeah good work on them, even though I hate them. And I think anyone who wears them is a "bro"; but regardless of my personal preference. Good work. AND I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.

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nice, and especially nice to see other factions being paid attention to.

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Yeah good work on them, even though I hate them. And I think anyone who wears them is a "bro"; but regardless of my personal preference. Good work. AND I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.

Nice to meet you, bro. My dog ate mine when I left them on the floor a couple of weeks back, so I wear Straight Jackets now. :p


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Nice to meet you, bro. My dog ate mine when I left them on the floor a couple of weeks back, so I wear Straight Jackets now. :p

Hey bro, I used to wear these.


But then I realized I wasn't bro enough, so I now wear these.


But occasionally I find myself still wearing the M-Frames...

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That's brilliant, I always find the small details is what makes the addons more authentic and unique. Would be nice to see some other helmet accessories like a Contour HD or GoPro camera or even the Petzl light. :)

Keep it up mate!

- J

Good suggestions. Though it might be hard to implement because of clipping due to various helmet shapes etc.

But if I decide to model a Petzl headlight, would the TacTikka Plus be right?


WIP Updates:

ESS V12:


Pretzl TacTikka Plus:


Edited by Lennard

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full of brosomness there lennard!

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Good work on the Petzl. Most of my unit are issued the Surefire Helmet light



I know there is a model around of that one, but I'm not sure who made it. Would be nice to have it in too.

Anyone can lighten that up?

Quick ingame shot of the ContourHD camera:


Edited by Lennard

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I know there is a model around of that one, but I'm not sure who made it. Would be nice to have it in too.

Anyone can lighten that up?

DaSquade made it awhile back for arma1, I've got it sitting on my HDD somewhere.

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Hey Lennard, haven't put in a word recently but: Great job on the L110A1, really shit hot

Was just having a peek at your headgear pack and had a few ideas:

-A few battlefield dressing/bandaged eye/whatever models? It could be v. cool to have that available either as a scripting option for wounding/whatever scripts or for making more believable POW's/etc. on missions

-A 'stuffed helmet' option that's just a bunch of twigs/bushy material shaped over the general helmet shape (perhaps in a few different shades of green to try and suit different climates) that could be used with any/whatever unit to look extra warry

Since I can't just offer those up empty handed, here's some ref:







Edited by DaveP

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Thanks DaveP! I'm very happy how it turned out with the various optics etc.

Good suggestions, I added them to my to do list.

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Wow I'm really digging that Contour HD!! Would you also consider doing a GoPro model that snaps directly on the standard MICH NVG? :)

Also I can't help but notice the Mk18 Mod1 on your Avatar, is that WIP for ArmaII or just a photo?

- J

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Wow I'm really digging that Contour HD!! Would you also consider doing a GoPro model that snaps directly on the standard MICH NVG? :)

Also I can't help but notice the Mk18 Mod1 on your Avatar, is that WIP for ArmaII or just a photo?

- J

Thanks and about that GoPro, maybe in the future. For now I got my stuff sorted out for a first release, but who knows what happens when I'm bored lol.

It's a M4a1 Sopmod Block II in my avatar actually and it was planned for Arma II, but it will probably be for Arma III if ever.

At the moment it is on hold since I was trying to make these using the Armed Assault sample models, but to be honost these models are a bit outdated. So I asked around a bit whether I could borrow some models from other great addonmakers, but never got any replies and BIS denied my request for weapon attachments models. I respect them for their choices, but it means I am on my own on this one which wasn't really my aim for this project. My aim was to get some great M4s in-game rather quick.

This is what it looks atm:


Credit to Vilas for his great Elcan Spectre model.

Edited by Lennard

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Oh man, that is sweet Lennard. Really hope it makes its way into ArmAII.

Edited by SuicideCommando

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WIP of today:

Finished the Insight M3X Tactical Illuminator:


And a TASC Headset:


Edited by Lennard

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