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Another thing about that BIS might want to consider is the release of the second operation failpoint from CM. USMC in the deserts of Tajikstan or whatever.

BIS are surely wanting to create something that is better, and why not do the same but better. Revamp the the ARMA 2 USMC with OA features for Takistan.

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oh yess,

what we really need in arma is more l33t USMC stuff, and please, also, VERY Important, the very best and the most Secret Special Forces of the worlds best military power - USA..and some more guns that look different but behaves the same...yes please...

semper fi

/sarcasm off

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I think you missed the "Oscar Mike it to those footmobiles over there by the Burger Town, Ramirez!" part, PuFu. :p

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PUfu: Ive read your posts in a number of different forems, and Ive come to one conclusion:

You got an attitude problem, son ! Now suck it up and get with the program ! <grin>

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PUfu: Ive read your posts in a number of different forems, and Ive come to one conclusion:

I wonder what forums you are talking about here, since besides BIF, i am pretty sure you haven't got access to any of the other forums i post about in.

You got an attitude problem, son ! Now suck it up and get with the program ! <grin>

i got an attitude problem just because i don't get a boner when thinking about yet more USMC toys and gear? Or just because i find those sort of idiotic threads spread all over the forums, CIT, and so forth? I suggest you grow up laddie..

Do you think it is only me who cares a lot more about features, or content creation outside the US? After all, the vast majority of A2 players aren't even US based...

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Old hat is old. :don 16:

Isn't it better if smaller factions would get more attention instead of adding content to the already superior faction ingame?

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Hehehe and theres the proof. Cmon Pufu ! have a laugh would ya ? Did you see I was grinning when I made that comment ?

Oh - and im 51 years old. Growing up is overrated -- and im not the one who sounds like a bitter, whining little child all the time.

Sorry man - I wont tickle your 'funny bone' again :)

I guess

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I dunno if I'm wrong but I have USMC in desert camo with several vehicles and planes and Apaches etc. to use in my OA and it don't look bad works OK and it can all be found in Armaholic, where I find so many good things...:bounce3:

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Do you think it is only me who cares a lot more about features, or content creation outside the US? After all, the vast majority of A2 players aren't even US based...

You've got Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, UK, what else do you want? Judging by this thread, there are many people who still want to play as the USMC without having to

A) play on ArmA 2's dying multiplayer

B) use dated models that are incompatible with many of the features of OA (such as backpacks, flares, etc.)

---------- Post added at 00:28 ---------- Previous post was at 00:27 ----------

I dunno if I'm wrong but I have USMC in desert camo with several vehicles and planes and Apaches etc. to use in my OA and it don't look bad works OK and it can all be found in Armaholic, where I find so many good things...:bounce3:
Well if you point me in the direction of a good, populated domi server that uses those things in addition to the other factions, and isn't locked to members only, that would be nice.:bounce3:

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Surelly upgraded USMC would be nice, but I think its time for BIS to look somewhere else. I'm getting tired of seeing all these M16 and M4 variants, all these retextured units BIS is making and so forth. A brand new expansion with a brand new enemy, or some old idea re-made. Like ArmA1's Sahrani and SLA and RACS, or OFP story with something new happening at islands of Nogova and Everon.

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You've got Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, UK, what else do you want? Judging by this thread, there are many people who still want to play as the USMC without having to

A) play on ArmA 2's dying multiplayer

B) use dated models that are incompatible with many of the features of OA (such as backpacks, flares, etc.)

Did i ever say i am against BIS updating A2 content to OA? Even in DLC form?No i haven't

Will it ever happen? I really doubt

BUT, is that really what this thread is about? I seen it rather that give us moar USMC l33t stuff (most of what i can read from the lists from pervious posts are not even in A2). Why would BIS bother creating more USMC content when 80% of the 3rd party content released on those boards alone are USMC and US army related (from units to gear to vehicles)?

Well if you point me in the direction of a good, populated domi server that uses those things in addition to the other factions, and isn't locked to members only, that would be nice.:bounce3:

....domi...i feel sorry i actually replied to you now

Edited by PuFu

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Would like to see something from the countries neighbouring Takistan, or even more of Takistan itself.

I would agree there is a lot of Yank kit at the minute. BIS would be better off expanding the CDF or Russians, in my opinion. Even the ACR as well (DLC rumours again?)

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Did i ever say i am against BIS updating A2 content to OA? Even in DLC form?No i haven't

Will it ever happen? I really doubt

BUT, is that really what this thread is about? I seen it rather that give us moar USMC l33t stuff (most of what i can read from the lists from pervious posts are not even in A2). Why would BIS bother creating more USMC content when 80% of the 3rd party content released on those boards alone are USMC and US army related (from units to gear to vehicles)?

....domi...i feel sorry i actually replied to you now

Well if you read the original post, my intent was for BI to do just that and release upgraded marines and marine equipment for OA. And hopefully you're kidding about domi, because compared to the camping sniperfests that is the PvP in this game, and every other co op mission unless you're in a clan or gaming group, domi is a pretty solid multiplayer game mode.

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