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The wreck model comes after final texturing :) And i thought about it pretty much how i will realise in life , with textures uv`s and the nice crashed model.

I enjoy to ruin my creations in peaces :) No worries about wreck model , i`ll do my best to make it as real as possible :)

One word...sweet!


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No worries about wreck model , i`ll do my best to make it as real as possible :)

Top man! Now I love you too :biggrin:

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There will be a seat for the tail gunner right?

Yes , it`s already there :)

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Yes , it`s already there :)

does the tail gunner sit in the main compartment with the rest and control the gun remotely?:)

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does the tail gunner sit in the main compartment with the rest and control the gun remotely?:)

No he sits in the tail like an Oldskool tailgunner.... Look at the tail...

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well I would suppose texturing that thing would take quite a bit.., I'd give it a few more days.

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Omg , i had no time this week to texture the model was working hard the whole week at internship , and to make you happy i`m setting up a small present for you guys , just started to work on it today , and will post some screens over few hours :)

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Omg , i had no time this week to texture the model was working hard the whole week at internship , and to make you happy i`m setting up a small present for you guys , just started to work on it today , and will post some screens over few hours :)

good wating for it ;)

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Omg , i had no time this week to texture the model was working hard the whole week at internship , and to make you happy i`m setting up a small present for you guys , just started to work on it today , and will post some screens over few hours

Damn I cant wait man :biggrin: Gonna go make Pelmeni so I dont have to wait :tongue:

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cause it's very serious.. lol

anywho, take your time, oleg

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Daily Report "DAY 15"

Hi all,

Ok, it`s been a week since I`ve posted for the last time , i had a very bussy week and couldn`t work on Tu-95MS , but after the post :
So hows it going? Any new screenshots?

P.S. Thx Martin

I realised i have to make something quick , so below you`ll find what i made today =)

Just like i promised =) HTere might come some minor adjustment , it`s a concept due to script if we will be able to get this working in game you`ll see this pice of TU-95MS ingame =)

Hope you`ll like it =)

Here are the first images:

(Download HQ): http://www.filefront.com/17396452/Tu_95MS_wreck.rar





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I can't look at these pictures, from all the aircraft bear? no WAY! US would be nuked before that could ever happen!!! :)

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Blin, we waited so long and he broooooooke it! cray.gif

Just kidding, excellent wreck model man! This is easily he best addon of this year and certainly one of the best in this game!

Just want to say thank you Oleg for making this great model available to us to play with for free and the hard work that you've put in to this :smile: I thought you will make the wreck after the plane is textured, you work very fast.

EDIT: Don't worry this will work in game 100%, even some addons in OFP had extra wreck models.

Edited by -Martin-

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By the way, will you make a wing model, like if you shoot it down, the wing breaks apart?

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By the way, will you make a wing model, like if you shoot it down, the wing breaks apart?

I`m not sure if arma 2 is capable of handling it (sound more like flight simulator feature) , i`ll make everything what`s needed as long as arma 2 will be able to handle it

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The impacted model is amazing, as always my congratulations 3DArtist.


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thats some serious model you've got going on there, looks great :)

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