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Arma 2 oa still broken!!!

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Hi all.

When will BIS hire someone who knows how to make games?

I mean I've just reached the "sandstorm", or large scale tank battle mission in Operation Arrowhead and realised just how broken this game really is. Even after the 1.54 patch.

I've always supported BIS and the ARMA series, since loving the original OFP back in the day, but reached a point where I can't support them any more.

1. Why is the tank ai and path-finding so ridiculously bad? So bad I just end up abandoning any ai support as they invariably mess things up by moving into your line of fire, getting stuck on walls, driving repeatedly into each other, and so on and so on...

2. It seems that giving your ai the order to "hold fire" is more a gentle request than an order, as they sometimes obey, and mostly don't, giving you away miles before you reach your flanking position, for example.

3. Why on earth have BIS decided to punish players by not letting their user saves last throughout the mission? By this I mean, if I reach half way through a really tough mission I sometimes want to save in case I get cheated by the game's flaws later on. When eventually I do get my M1 Abrams taken out by a T34 (WW2 tank btw!!!!) from 3+ km away in a single shot, whilst charging along at full speed, the game decides to overwrite my original save point!

4. Why do real world constraints like LINE OF SIGHT and OBSCURED VISION not apply to the AI? For example, two tanks in front of you, a mile away, one behind the other, and you take out the first causing a huge explosion and smoke etc... Then moments later, the guy behind manages to fire a perfect shot, BLIND, through all this smoke and fire at you, a moving target, and destroy you. By the way, it seems there's no difference between a modern world class battle tank and an antique WW2 bucket of rust, according to the game's structure and AI.

Seriously all the pretensions about "simulation" and "quality" are just a plain lie. They're nothing more than aspirations of the development team at BIS, rather than actual aspects of the game.

BIS pull your finger out and learn that quality matters.

You come across as a bunch of amateurs who's efforts are repeatedly bested by casual modders; see the quality of maps and missions created by said fans compared to BIS's own.

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Let's get this out of the way first:

Do you want help? Feel free to stay, we'll help you as much as we can.

Do you just want to rant and bash the game? You won't be here much longer. ;)

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Hi I agree totally to every thing you have just said.....oh wait no I don't.

Maybe your a troll or a Noob who is frustrated and yes there is bugs but this game is trying to do what no other has.

Any who I am off before it gets nasty laters.

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Or perhaps he isn't a troll and is just upset thus his words come off with more anger as would we all.

What level of diffculty were you playing at? One time I went through I was able to save wherever I wanted with 4 slots and could save over them any time I wanted.

I agree that there doesnt seem to be much difference between a modern MBT and older types, even turn rates are a bit mixed about, T-72 for example takes no time whirl around while the bradley and abrams take longer..technicly all tanks should turn slower period..this zippy turn makes them feel less bulky and like tanks..turrets should also have turning speeds rather than as fast as you can turn your mouse..abrams can turn it's turrent 360 in 5 seconds irl while the T-72 not quite so much but ingame theres no change.

As it stands the only improvement of modern tank vs older tanks is thermal vision, range finder (I don't think that is on the T72?) and maybe better armor, how they work is exactly the same.

Edited by NodUnit

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OMG!!! It's broken?!?!?!?

I shouldn't have bought it and enjoyed it for the past 2 months ... What was I thinking?! I've played almost every day and never had a bug or a crash, but little did I know I was playing a broken game!!!!! Somebody help me!!!!!

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NoUnit "Or perhaps he isn't a troll"

did not say he was a troll said IF he was

Or he was a noob frustrated other wise.

I get peed off with this game to some times eg

playing MP and did real well had like 20 kills no deaths (sniper as I all ways am)

Thought I would get some high ground go on ladder got stuck at top fell to death.

That then leaded to me hitting esc quit ffs.

We all have our tales of anger I do since the OFP days but meh like I said no other game offers this and for what it does offer does it well could be a lot more bugs tbh.

And the fact that BIS do look after us and there game so we are very lucky.

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Gorilla glue and a good talent at puzzle placement is all you need if it's broken.

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To me it sounds like more trouble commanding your ai. if you simply leave them with no more guidance than "follow" they will start to hiccup. especially if you are going all rambo on them and they are in danger mode. i find that pairing them and giving them a "move there" command (to a tactically sound over watch position) lets them focus more on targeting the enemy, supporting you, and not on staying in formation (which is the cause of alot of troubles). as a vic commander, and leader of a group of vics, its also a very good idea to call out targets to let the AIs know where threats are. it really helps

if something threatens an AI it will fire

if you want unlimited saves be sure to use regular difficulty or lower.

however, yes we all have gripes about how armor is simulated in game allowing t34s to be threatening to an abrams...

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You come across as a bunch of amateurs who's efforts are repeatedly bested by casual modders; see the quality of maps and missions created by said fans compared to BIS's own.

The man's mad...run!

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:) ... :confused: ... :mad: ... :eek: ... :cool:

Relax, you have just entered Phase 3 in The Evolution of an ArmA2 Player.

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The game never overwrites your saves by itself, it only overwrites the autosaves

Unless you have some weird mods.

I had Arma2 on several computers, never had this problem.

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Let's get this out of the way first:

Do you want help? Feel free to stay, we'll help you as much as we can.

Do you just want to rant and bash the game? You won't be here much longer. ;)

Well, given the fact he still hasn't replied, I'll go with reason number 2.

Goodbye. :rolleyes:

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I curse at the AI all the time. Once you understand their limitations you can begin to use them to help you. It isn't trolling to point out the horrid AI pathing, it's just that most of us have been so used to it we expect it and aren't bothered by it anymore. If I was playing an BIS game for the frist time I would sound the same as TC :)

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3. Why on earth have BIS decided to punish players by not letting their user saves last throughout the mission? By this I mean, if I reach half way through a really tough mission I sometimes want to save in case I get cheated by the game's flaws later on. When eventually I do get my M1 Abrams taken out by a T34 (WW2 tank btw!!!!) from 3+ km away in a single shot, whilst charging along at full speed, the game decides to overwrite my original save point!

I agree that the armor AI is a pain in the ass most of the time, but this statement is just bullshit. In my game, a T-34 can fire at my tank at least 5 times before it even scratches it. More bullshit: No tanks engage you at 3KM away in that mission, and certainly not a T-34. If you'd actually taken the time to try the mission more, you'd know that at the main objective there are at least 6 T-55s, 6 T-34s and several ATGM BRDM2s. If it was as you say, no one would ever be able to accomplish this mission.

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Well, with the fanboyism put aside the guys has a point. The game is riddled with bugs. But with a complex game like this it's somewhat accepted in the ArmA community mainly because we know that BIS works hard to squash them out. But i must admit. The state ArmA 2 was released in was nothing more than horrible compared to alot of other complex games.

This is a game that demands patience in all aspects both in community and gameplay. Give it time and you will love it... unless COD is your'e favourite wargame ;)

For me ArmA 2 is the ultimate wargame and the only true wargame out here :)

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Well, with the fanboyism put aside the guys has a point. The game is riddled with bugs. But with a complex game like this it's somewhat accepted in the ArmA community mainly because we know that BIS works hard to squash them out. But i must admit. The state ArmA 2 was released in was nothing more than horrible compared to alot of other complex games.

This is a game that demands patience in all aspects both in community and gameplay. Give it time and you will love it... unless COD is your'e favourite wargame ;)

For me ArmA 2 is the ultimate wargame and the only true wargame out here :)


Thanks to your good self, and all the other reasonable, mature responses to my, I thought, perfectly reasonable complaints.

To those that have all started to name-call, try and offend, insult blah blah... Grow up, and learn that if you don't agree, that's ok. You don't have to. Lol, I mean, I think someone even tried to make something of the fact I didn't respond immediately to the various childish attacks. As though I haven't got a life and just sit here waiting for the world to respond to my relatively trivial comments. I had no idea it would cause some people to get so emotional and offensive.

Right, I'm playing in veteran mode and I stand firmly by every point I made. Maybe I haven't taken hours to analyse every moment that seems amiss and categorically nail said cause, but I don't think I need to. This game is, as always, half-baked. It doesn't need detailed analysis to prove it.

Sure, I like it as it's the only game of its kind, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get all emotional about it and ignore its failings. It's got a long way to go before it can claim to be a polished, or some might say "finished" game.

Furthermore, if the AI needs so much micro management, and that level of control is not made abundantly clear in some form or tutorial or other mechanism to inform the player, and all that's left is trial and error to find out, then how can you blame someone for jumping to a conclusion based on their own frame of reference; ie/ other games that have ai involved, that aren't nearly as flawed.

Thanks to those that have advised on how to manage the AI, I'll give it a go in future. As for that particular level, it's done now, even though all my ai were slaughtered. I sent them charging in after the artillery, as cannon fodder, while I snuck in from the south and picked off all the anti-tank armour.

Still, I scored full marks!! The game's so realistic it doesn't penalise for losing your entire squad/platoon/whateveryoucallthem... ;)

*that last comment is for all the fanboys who will invariably rant back after they recover from reeling at such a heinous suggestion that the game's not absolutely perfect.

btw, CoD is definitely not my favourite wargame! In fact I can't think of any other game (at least in MP) that causes so much stress while managing to be boring at the same time.

I appreciate that BIS are working hard to fix things, but maybe they could take the quality a bit more seriously, which must end up having a positive impact on the end product. I mean time and resources are allocated to any project according to its goals right, and they decide them, so the logical conclusion to the massive content over the obvious flaws must be that they either haven't got the talent required to polish the game, or they just don't regard it as highly?

Anyway, I hope that BIS focus a bit more on quality and sacrifice a little content, for example? I mean, once the quality is laid down, can't they just add more content easily enough later on?

As for my comment about save-games seemingly being overwritten, I found out the problem...

... If you make a save-point, it doesn't appear as an option to "resume" to unless you completely fail said mission. If you fail it, then it does appear as a point to revert to. If you get hit hard and are about to fail, but hit escape with the intention of saving the few minutes it'd take to fail proper, the option to resume from a save-point doesn't appear. Again, another flaw that requires trial and error to find out.

Edited by bbshammo

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Still, I scored full marks!! The game's so realistic it doesn't penalise for losing your entire squad/platoon.

That's mission design, not the game itself.

Arma 2 and OA are by no means perfect and I don't think anyone sane could claim they are but signing up on the forums and using your first post to rant about it isn't going to win friends and influence people.

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Funny how my first post (first reply of the thread too) asked if you wanted help and we'll be willing to help you, but you instead chose to respond to all of those making fun of you. Nice one. :rolleyes:

Edited by Zipper5
Don't post when tired

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That's mission design, not the game itself.

Arma 2 and OA are by no means perfect and I don't think anyone sane could claim they are but signing up on the forums and using your first post to rant about it isn't going to win friends and influence people.

With respect, I'm not that interested in the negative responses; not implying anything against you here btw.

Every forum has it's fair share of zealous fanboys who behave like little more than a petty gang against anyone who doesn't tow-the-line, as it were, and a more focused on treating forums like popularity contests than a "forum" where people come to voice their issues.

I didn't try to achieve anything other than to air my point of view.

If some people don't like it, what can I say?

---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

Funny how my first post (first reply of the thread too) asked if you wanted help and we'll be willing to help you, but you instead chose to respond to all of those making fun of you. Nice one. :rolleyes:


... I think I already extended my gratitude.

"Thanks to your good self, and all the other reasonable, mature responses to my, I thought, perfectly reasonable complaints."

Edited by bbshammo

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