[xdf]kanga 0 Posted August 14, 2010 (edited) Australians At War - Combined ops Version: 011 Change Log ========================================================= ========================================================= =========== AUSTRALIANS AT WAR - COMBINED OPS =============== ========================================================= ========================================================= Changes V011 Modline changes to fix ace errors with weapons -If using ACE change to use mod folders @aaw_core;@aaw_ace -If using vanilla change to use mod folders @aaw_core;@aaw_vanilla Additions -Added ASLAV varients Changes -Updated materials for some weapons -Added seperate configs for certain things with ace and vanilla config mod folders. -Fixed helicopter unload bug (fingers crossed) -Added variable scopes on launchers and GLs (To switch off, New global var: AAW_noAdjScope) and backblast to launchers -Flashlight option on weapons (To switch off, new global var: AAW_noFL) - f88 models updated - "Y" key laser/flashlight toggle _ "L" key toggle flash light on/off -Added correct weapon icons for onscreen display for infantry AAW vehicles Known Issues - V011 -Bushmaster IMV with the exception of the PWS have issues with AI using the gun positions -Mag 58 and f89 barrels have issue with fuzzyness when firing -Shadow errors with the bushmasters -When inside the bushmaster if it moves off the unit will be left behind. -Same name may reappear for bushmaster decals -Weapons & vehicles dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes V010 -Change appearance function not appearing for infantry units Known Issues - V010 -Bushmaster IMV with the exception of the PWS have issues with AI using the gun positions -Mag 58 and f89 barrels have issue with fuzzyness when firing -Shadow errors with the bushmasters -When inside the bushmaster if it moves off the unit will be left behind. -Same name may reappear for bushmaster decals -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Additions - V009 -Added Interpreter Unit -Added POW unit -Added Engineer unit Changes - V009 -Fixed infantry script issue -Fixed blackhawk debussing issue -Fixed Bushmaster geo lod issue -Changed magazine from 100 to 200 rounds for Bushmaster Mag58s -Changed rvmat for 9mm SLP Known Issues - V009 -Bushmaster IMV with the exception of the PWS have issues with AI using the gun positions -Mag 58 and f89 barrels have issue with fuzzyness when firing -Shadow errors with the bushmasters -When inside the bushmaster if it moves off the unit will be left behind. -Same name may reappear for bushmaster decals -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Additions - V008 Added flags Changes - V008 -Fixed infantry script issue Known Issues - V007 -Bushmaster IMV with the exception of the PWS have issues with AI using the gun positions -Mag 58 and f89 barrels have issue with fuzzyness when firing -Shadow errors with the bushmasters -When inside the bushmaster if it moves off the unit will be left behind. -Same name may reappear for bushmaster decals -When changing hand grips when standing or crouched the unit will crouch down first and take half a second to then change hand grips afterwards. -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Additions - V007 Bushmaster IMV varients S70 Blackhawk Varients CH47 retexture BIS pilot unit retexture Changes - V007 -Updated Rvmats for weapons for better material representation Known Issues - V007 -Bushmaster IMV with the exception of the PWS have issues with AI using the gun positions -Mag 58 and f89 barrels have issue with fuzzyness when firing -Shadow errors with the bushmasters -When inside the bushmaster if it moves off the unit will be left behind. -Same name may reappear for bushmaster decals -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes - V006 -Fixed Menu system to be compatible with latest CBA -Changes made to materials for AT weapons. Known Issues - V006 -When changing hand grips when standing or crouched the unit will crouch down first and take half a second to then change hand grips afterwards. -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes - V005 -Fixed Weapon sound config entries -Alice packs now able to carry a weapon Known Issues - V005 -When changing hand grips when standing or crouched the unit will crouch down first and take half a second to then change hand grips afterwards. -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes - V004 -New f89 Sound -New Mag58 Sound -Altered Recoils for F88 and Mag58 to adjust for new recoils system. -Updated configs for Inkos disposable (inkos disposable included) Known Issues - V004 -When changing hand grips when standing or crouched the unit will crouch down first and take half a second to then change hand grips afterwards. -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes - V003 -Added Auscam Alice Pack -Fixed Unit calling out ammo low when changing hand grips Known Issues - V003 -When changing hand grips when standing or crouched the unit will crouch down first and take half a second to then change hand grips afterwards. -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes - V002 -Fixed goggle interpenetration issues with helmets -Fixed F88 sound and cfgs -Fixed GLA red dot on F88Sa2 - Aimpoint -Fixed issue with Ammunition replenshing when changing hand grips on weapons. Known Issues - V002 -When changing hand grips when standing or crouched the unit will crouch down first and take half a second to then change hand grips afterwards. -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. ========================================================= Changes - V001 Known Issues - V001 -Weapons dont have flir texture maps -few issues with weighting on the sleeve wrist strips on the shirts in the pilot lod. First of all for those who arnt aware AAW is now releasing as a mod not individual addon packs. First release is the AAW infantry and weapons updated with OA functionality. From here we will start updating the mod with vehicles and aircraft. We have completley restructed the mod to make it more update friendly to coincide with our method of distrbution. To download @aaw_oa now you need yoma addon sync. http://www.yomatools.be/ For instructions on how to use yoma and the AAW repository go to help/clientside usage/adding a new server The @aaw_oa auto config url is http://mirror.aef-hq.com.au/~aaw/aaw_oa.7z Big thanks to AEF and Platform Networks for providing us with hosting for the mod. Requirements Inkos disposable launchers (included) - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6973 Community Based Addons - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6231 Edited April 25, 2012 by [XDF]Kanga Version Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabre 244 Posted August 14, 2010 Hopefully it's all good to go and you guys enjoy, make lots of missions :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gnarly_rider 0 Posted August 14, 2010 Awesome work guys, will get onto pronto! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted August 14, 2010 Awesome! Downloading as soon as I get YAS up to date again (not used it in months) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted August 14, 2010 Thanks guys! Good choice with Yomas! Congrats on the newest release! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 14, 2010 (edited) Will this be an ongoing project like ACE2 where you will release stable versions? Or can we as a community site host the version you announce today? Or, do you not want us to host this at all but link to the yoma rep? I ask cause I see files are already changing, or at least I keep getting new files when checking so I guess updates are being executed? [edit] It are only 2 files which want me to download them each time I check: aawweprifle_t.pbo aawweprifle_t.pbo.AAW.bisign Anyone else getting this? I already deleted them completely, checked with yoma, redownloaded and again it keeps telling me they changed. Edited August 14, 2010 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted August 14, 2010 Anyone else getting this? Yea, I'm getting that too. Small bug report: With the F89s, the magnification levels of the 1.5X optics and the ACOG changes depending on whether the bipod is up or down. If you go in optics mode (NUM-0) and press 'H' repeatedly you'll see what I mean. ELCAN and Aimpoint versions are fine --- Otherwise, great work lads; like the new F88SA2s, love the Browning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 14, 2010 I was just starting to get to grips with the @CBA stuff , is this Yuma thing easier to understand? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted August 14, 2010 (edited) I was just starting to get to grips with the @CBA stuff , is this Yuma thing easier to understand? Yes. It took me about 30 seconds to figure out Yoma's. It took me a lot longer to figure out the Six Updater but that was the first public version of that system and it's much easier now. This was still much easier. I didn't even need instructions. The CBA thing? You mean the Six Updater? Either way, it's well worth it to take the time. This Mod alone was worth it. This stuff is pretty sweet! Congrats again and thanks guys! Edited August 14, 2010 by Manzilla Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 14, 2010 I've tried downloading this through YOMA but the application keeps crashing every time ... using the Kelly's heroes server...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[xdf]kanga 0 Posted August 15, 2010 Hey guys apolgies about the aawweprifle_t.pbo aawweprifle_t.pbo.AAW.bisign not updating properly it should be working now. @da12thMonkey: Cheers mate will get on that @Foxhound: we ended up deciding to release like this so we could easily update with out people having to go through massive downloads. While I welcome more mirrors i think the distrubtion will be best through updaters. It will probably be best if you could link the yoma autoconfig url. Cheers mate, and of course thanks for hosting our past files on Armaholic, you're a great asset to this community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox '09 14 Posted August 15, 2010 great thanks for the quick 'fix' :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atin 10 Posted August 15, 2010 I really like your mod, it looks amazing. Only thing I'm curious about is, if it's possible somehow to lower the front grip on the rifles which have them folded up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 15, 2010 (edited) hmmmmm Yoma snyc keeps crashing on me with this through Kelly's heroes server anyone know what the exact steps I need to take to download addons using YOMA as this is all new to me and I must be doing something wrong!! I tried another download the application crashes every time I try .....deleted will just forget AAW for now Edited August 15, 2010 by Road Runner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted August 15, 2010 Hello AAW team, I have 2 questions: 1. Do you guys plan to add groups? 2. I have a problem with AAW Inf guys not showing helmet in Takistan if I play as a civilian. In utes the helmet showed up just fine... havent tested in Chernarus though. But if I played as one of the AAW guys, the helmet will show up, just when I play as a civilian in Takistan that their helmet wont show up. Thanks. Bugs aside, I really like the infantry model Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackpulpit 10 Posted August 15, 2010 Looks nice, but, I have no clue how to add this by using YOMA, it is confusing for me. When I go to YOMA/settings/advanced I only have 1 of the boxes green, the other 2 are orange and I cant for the life of me figure out how to get those green which I suppose it is supposed to be? what and were is DSSign file? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leogecko27 10 Posted August 15, 2010 how does that yoma thing work? normal updates would be better. can someone tell me? i downloaded a version of it clicked in exe nothing happens.... Complicated!!!:-( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 15, 2010 how does that yoma thing work? normal updates would be better. can someone tell me? i downloaded a version of it clicked in exe nothing happens.... Complicated!!!:-( RTFM, cant be that hard to read right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PTV-Jobo 821 Posted August 15, 2010 Ok here let me try to explain it the best that I can. Trust me, it's really not complicated at all. It just takes a bit of fiddling/getting use to and once it's sorted you'll go, "huh....it was easy!". ;) Anyways, assuming you've downloaded, installed and started Yoma up: 1) You should see a button "New Server". Press it. It'll open a new tab of sorts. 2) Look for the box that says: "Auto config URL" 3) Inside of that, copy and paste this url into that box: http://mirror.aef-hq.com.au/~aaw/aaw_oa.7z 4) After pasting the above address inside of that space, click the button that says "Import Server" and give it a few seconds....it basically looks it up and sets everything all up for you (fills out all the server info, etc. so you don't have too--helpful to us lazy folk :p ) 5) Once successful, click the "Save" button at the bottom. 6) Now look up. You should see some tabs: Server, Download Addons, and Launch Game. 7) Click on the tab that says Download Addons. 8) Now that you are in the Download Addons tab, you'll see 3 buttons on the left, 2 of which are grayed out: Check for Addons, Download Addons, Cancel. Click on Check for Addons and wait for Yoma to check the server for whatever downloads the server may ave available and compare it to your directory (it checks to see if you have it already and if you need updating or not....super helpful and handy!). 9) Now you'll notice on the left some mod folders with check boxes next to them, depending on the server you are checking. In this case there should be one: @aaw_oa. Make sure the box is checked and then click "Download Addons". 10) Now just sit and wait as the download process begins. It'll let you know when it's done. 11) Upon completion, launch ArmA with said addons and proceed to have fun. :D Voila! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackpulpit 10 Posted August 15, 2010 I copied the link and pasted it in the Auto config URL and then hit Import, this is what I get: Failed importing server updates! please check the url cannot import table server???? ---------- Post added at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ---------- I downloaded the YOMA to my desktop and open it from there, is this ok or does it need to be in my Arma 2 folder? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PTV-Jobo 821 Posted August 15, 2010 No, it doesn't need to be in your ArmA 2 folder. It can be anywhere really, I think? I usually put it in my Programs folder just to keep things neat and tidy for me (I tend to be very messy and disorganized, hehheh). As far as the auto config url--that's a bit weird. I'm wondering if maybe the server is down or something. You pasted the whole url exactly? : http://mirror.aef-hq.com.au/~aaw/aaw_oa.7z I think I had that message when I was trying to get my server setup. I just can't think offhand what the cause of it is. I'll try looking around for it, or if maybe someone else here knows right away what the cause is to chime in. I'm sure it's something easy and staring at me right in the face the whole time.....just can't figure out what the heck it is at the minute. Grrr. Worse comes to worst, I'll delete Yoma and reload and duplicate what you're doing if need be to figure it out and see if I get the same..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leogecko27 10 Posted August 15, 2010 thank you betsalel. now i can play. awesome work btw AAW team! do you make vehicles to? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackpulpit 10 Posted August 15, 2010 "You pasted the whole url exactly?" yes, thanks for your help I appreciate it, I have never been able to get YOMA working for whatever reason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites