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Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

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Good News

I know how much effort is needed, so thank you mate ;)


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Great Job. This is exactly what we have been looking for. THANK YOU!!!

Comment: Need a way to be able to delete and/or relocate Base Defense Items.

Edited by inf25th

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Great Job. This is exactly what we have been looking for. THANK YOU!!!

Comment: Need a way to be able to delete and/or relocate Base Defense Items.


I'll make a ticket on my bugtracker for that feature, but I'm not exactly sure when I'll be able to actually do it.

I'll keep it in mind though!

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Thank you Gossamer. Enjoyed it already yesterday on the TV2 and Sauna Club 69 server. Great changes and additions. Outstanding work as always :)

Things that went during my mind for this version:

- settings for Artillery to cheap? (delay, spread, amount of shots fired, ...)

- paratroops of Team Leader bugged? Buttons are greyed out (also on maximum Team Leader rank, was of course in com tower range)

General things:

- AA statics to cheap? People spam them to much everywhere

- AA TOR Rapier cant be locked when engine turned off, new Mando Missiles version is enabling lock on vehicles which have used fuel already, maybe a good thing to integrate

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Thank you Gossamer. Enjoyed it already yesterday on the TV2 and Sauna Club 69 server. Great changes and additions. Outstanding work as always :)

Things that went during my mind for this version:

- settings for Artillery to cheap? (delay, spread, amount of shots fired, ...)

- paratroops of Team Leader bugged? Buttons are greyed out (also on maximum Team Leader rank, was of course in com tower range)

General things:

- AA statics to cheap? People spam them to much everywhere

- AA TOR Rapier cant be locked when engine turned off, new Mando Missiles version is enabling lock on vehicles which have used fuel already, maybe a good thing to integrate

I was told by a couple of people that the off map artillery was expensive. We'll have to wait it out a week or so to get more feedback about pricing.

As for the paratroops being bugged, I'll release a quick hotfix (will still be called version 3.02). I accidentally deleted these lines:

//Grab the player's rank
_playerRank = Call GetPlayerRank;
//Grab max squad size
_maxGroupSize = Call GetSquadSize;

When I was implementing the new artillery system by accident. Give me about 5 minutes and I'll have the updated version on the official mirror and the updater tool (I'll contact armaholic for them to update their link too).

AA Statics can have their prices raised in 3.03.b1, I'll ask around and see what a good price point would be.

As for updating the mando version, I was waiting for mando to release his latest because it takes a fair amount of work to integrate his new versions with what we've changed ourselves for warfare. It'll probably be updated in 3.03.b1 depending on when mando's new version comes out.

Edited by GossamerSolid

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General things:

- AA statics to cheap? People spam them to much everywhere

- AA TOR Rapier cant be locked when engine turned off, new Mando Missiles version is enabling lock on vehicles which have used fuel already, maybe a good thing to integrate

Not only vehicles, ArmaDan used the Hind misiles yesterday to snipe me and my mate away from miles... we were on foot hiding in Stary Sobor.

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The fixed paratroopers are in the 3.02 that can be downloaded via the Official Mirror or the Updater tool.

PLEASE re-download the mission.

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Not only vehicles, ArmaDan used the Hind misiles yesterday to snipe me and my mate away from miles... we were on foot hiding in Stary Sobor.

This can be accomplished using the "Missile Camera" - ArmaDan must have some considerable skill. ;)

Next time don't assume you're safe so long as there's aircraft overhead. Make sure that a teammate is assigned to anti-aircraft duties, since, to be frank, the balance between aircraft and air-defense is solidly on the side of air-defense.

As far as Ginger's comments re the AA pods, I don't think most people would like to see the prevalence of AA systems decreased. Yes, it's frustrating when your jet you saved up for gets shot down quickly, but you must remember what it was like when a single Ka-52 could control the entire map.

Maybe instead of making AA pods unaffordable we could look into increasing the number of "Mando flares" each aircraft carries?

Edited by BigMorgan

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Just a small note,

If anybody wants to see their native language appear in Gossamer's Warfare (for localizations), please do not hesitate to PM me.

Keep in mind that the language you want to translate to must be supported in stringtables (not sure which languages are actually allowed or not, probably the languages that you can buy the game in) and that you must be fluent in english as well so you can provide an accurate translation.

So if you are interested, please PM me and we'll talk!

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Im still alienated by the fact that Gossamer's warfare economy spills out so much money. In later stages players start to throw aircraft at each other at a rate i've nevevr seen in ZGM or even BE. Is this intended to have more Airquake instead of groudn combat or is the economy system still a bit unbalanced?

Concerning rejoin...ZGM safes your rank and money after rejoin. The Amount of cash or the rank is not bound to the Player slot but to the player ID there.

Maybe this could work for Gossamer's also, so we see less New born joiners going airborne in minutes joining the Airquake over Starygrad.

Im my opinion the loss of a Combat craft should really hurt even those players in the top ten list with more than 500 Points.

As it is right now Aircraft are used in a one way fashion...fly, crash, get new one, fly, crash, get new one, wait 10 minutes, fly, crash etc.

When I see four red dots loitering in the air this usually means no movement anymore exept on foot.

The last days this state was established in less than two hours.

Edited by Beagle

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Im still alienated by the fact that Gossamer's warfare economy spills out so much money. In later stages players start to throw aircraft at each other at a rate i've nevevr seen in ZGM or even BE. Is this intended to have more Airquake instead of groudn combat or is the economy system still a bit unbalanced?

Concerning rejoin...ZGM safes your rank and money after rejoin. The Amount of cash or the rank is not bound to the Player slot but to the player ID there.

Maybe this could work for Gossamer's also, so we see less New born joiners going airborne in minutes joining the Airquake over Starygrad.

I really don't find so much money coming out in my version. From a majority of players, I've been getting complaints of too little money. I think it's pretty good right now.

As for Cash/Rank being bound to PID, I can look into that, but I'm not going to promise anything :)

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I really don't find so much money coming out in my version. From a majority of players, I've been getting complaints of too little money. I think it's pretty good right now.

As for Cash/Rank being bound to PID, I can look into that, but I'm not going to promise anything :)

People always complain over too little money. In my case I end the mission quite often with more then 50.000 left, and thats after sending 50.000 to other players. I simply try to not spawn too often and loose vehicles...and I often simply wait for the right moment instead of running against a wall of defenders. My tactic is to kill Players outside of towns so I dont have them spawning in my back since the spawn camp fights simply take too long in Gossamer's. I call it the "reality check" method...would you really try to attack a position held by a MBT platoon and two mechanized squads with just 10 soldiers and two HMMWVs?

And last but not least a little request:

Some Weapons, or better said variants are missing...I miss the green camo painted M4A1 CCO and HOLO M203 for example. Whenever I take them from A.I. (and I do often) it dissappears in the gear menu.

Edited by Beagle

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In my honest opinion, $50,000+ isn't really that much. Most of the real attack aircraft cost that or even more. $50,000+ also leaves enough for people to continue the attacking effort while being able to provide their class specific skills to the team.

If you can find the classnames of which weapons are missing, I'll be more than happy to add them.

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In my honest opinion, $50,000+ isn't really that much. Most of the real attack aircraft cost that or even more. $50,000+ also leaves enough for people to continue the attacking effort while being able to provide their class specific skills to the team.

If you can find the classnames of which weapons are missing, I'll be more than happy to add them.

Well you don't earn that much as a Infantry Section leader and maintenance of vehicles and men cost money.

But I practically always have a 50.000 Spare to buy someone an Aircraft to support me. But its sometimes hard to find a player making it to the target area.

classnames of the force recon M4s missing:



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I'll add those classnames in for 3.03.b1
Thanks a lot...you know, its all about the look. And remember, it was just because of the look you made me buy BAFfinaly. I did not regret yet ;) Edited by Beagle

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Good stuff, I'm glad you enjoy BAF as well as I do. I think it's been a pretty solid DLC (amount of new weapons, desert, woodland and multicam skins).

Definetly worth the $10

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Im still alienated by the fact that Gossamer's warfare economy spills out so much money. In later stages players start to throw aircraft at each other at a rate i've nevevr seen in ZGM or even BE.

I second that opinion. In fact, airquake in later stages often gets so ridiculous that it completely ruins any sense of realism.

In my opinion the fighting is most immersive when there is real sense for value for your assets which is typically more the case in the early stages of a game. Later on in a game the only real limiting factors are your group size and the distance your units have to travel. Money is usually not an issue at all. Of course it depends how you play the game. If your strategy relies on wrecking a million units to make any progress then you might need the cash to replace your costly losses. But that's definitely not how I (and hopefully many others) intend to play this otherwise great mission.

I don't know if this is already possible, but I think it should be left to the mission hoster's discretion to customize either the rate of money/supply flow or (specific) unit costs in order to influence the type of gameplay. Alternatively, there could be a global mission setting to select the type of overall economy (e.g. normal or expensive).

just my .2$

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I will add a parameter that changes the cashflow of things then. You will have either "Low", "Default" or "High".

I don't like changing things like this too much because I find it breaks overall balance and then I get people complaining about that.

Bottom line is that people will always be unhappy with changes, but I'll attempt to cater the best I can to all

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I'm going to re-post this because I'm still getting people reporting this bug to me,

Please re-download 3.02 if you got it on the day of or day after release.

A hotfix was made to fix teamleaders not being able to call in paratroopers.

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Im still alienated by the fact that Gossamer's warfare economy spills out so much money.

In later stages, thats correct. And i really can't remember to earn tons of $$$ to afford a lot of planes/helos. And seriously, i also wanna fly in this game, because flying is awesome. And i don't wanna play 5 hours to get in the air. Thats just ridiculous. And airfights make it very interesting.

Only thing i'd like to have is ppl should have 400 points before they can fly. So they have to do something first.

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In later stages, thats correct. And i really can't remember to earn tons of $$$ to afford a lot of planes/helos. And seriously, i also wanna fly in this game, because flying is awesome. And i don't wanna play 5 hours to get in the air. Thats just ridiculous. And airfights make it very interesting.

Only thing i'd like to have is ppl should have 400 points before they can fly. So they have to do something first.

Airfight in ArmA are a bad joke while on the groudn you have to deal with life like troubles...thats why airquake is no fun and ruins the gameplay for serious players. Just right now they have airquake on TV2 again...the sky is full with Aircraft for like an hour now...no ground operations including vehicles possible anymore. If youre a bit familiar with real life or just Study sim Aircraft procedures you would know that doing what ArmA Pilots do all day wont bring you far. The main problem is the absence of a damage model to airplanes and the ridiculous high hitpoints level and countermeasure effectivnes.

Currently a player ggettign shot down wil be up againover the arean whe he got shot down in 5 minutes...I usually quit at that point because I dont see a point in playing on if the loss of high value assets mean nothing because money spills out at rates like 1800$ a minutes with just the half map in possesion and early joines player have stocks of like 500.000 already.

I say 100.000 for a AV8B or Su-25 is not to much, or simply reduce income to prevent the spamming in later stages.

I cal it out loud since most player simply log off at this point and you can often see a 50% player drop out in this later phase.

Some of us simpky want to play a Inftanry warfare game but cant in later stages due to the unfair and unrealisziv kind aircraft and especialy airplanes and the way they work are modeled.

Against Helicopteer you stabnd a chance at least, they have a dammage model and can be forced down without eating up all its hitpoints...but airplanes are like UFOS with shield technology...you will never see engines cease or systems fail like with helicopters simply because all of this is not modelled.

In LockOn MP for example you will be lucky to return with your nose and whole avionics missing after you took that MAPADS while flying in enemy territory or your right engine ceases due to fragment and you loose hydraulics making every manouver very very slow and hard to perform. I don't see such behaviour in ArmA II

Tanks can loose turret, gun, track, engine, hull

Cars can loose wheels, fuel, engine , windshields, hull

Helicopter can loose Engine, tail rotor, Avionics, fuel, hull

Planes can only loose hull hitpoints and wil run on perfects with only 1 point left.

Since this can't be changed and is harcoded this should at least be reflected in the price.

Edited by Beagle

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