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Editing, Expanding and Modifying Domination

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Is there a domi ACE and for combined operations and takistan map? I looked everywhere but can't find anything.

Cheers for help!

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Is there a domi ACE and for combined operations and takistan map? I looked everywhere but can't find anything.

Cheers for help!

Short answer:

I can't see any CO version in dom_maker?

Long Answer:

There are ACE versions in dom_maker for A2 or OA but I can't see a CO version. You would have to create the OA Takistan version using make_dom.bat (drag and drop x_setup_west_ace_oa.sqf) and then edit it in the editor and change the vehicle types for mission rewards and one or two other things.

You need to install BIS tools and copy FSMCompiler.exe over to the dom_maker folder first.

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How can I make the server put HQchat on a client? XfHQChat only works from the client.

All my IED scripting is done on the server. The upside of this is that it makes scoring very simple.. I don't need to use the d_p_a_s stuff for remote execution, but the HQchat stuff is beyond me.

Basically, when a player uses my IED disruptor on an IED, a handledamage EH on the IED object passes it's location and the player who did it to a function. This function deleteVehicles the IED object (and the trigger that controls it's detonation), does an addscore and then I'd like it to tell the player who did it, and ONLY him, "You've successfully disrupted an IED. You got 5 points.!"

Perhaps there's a bog simple way of doing this and I've missed it? I looked at the MP framework stuff, but to be perfectly honest, I couldn't even get the simplest examples of it to work.

All help gratefully accepted.

Edited by Tankbuster

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How can I make the server put HQchat on a client? XfHQChat only works from the client.

All my IED scripting is done on the server. The upside of this is that it makes scoring very simple.. I don't need to use the d_p_a_s stuff for remote execution, but the HQchat stuff is beyond me.

Basically, when a player uses my IED disruptor on an IED, a handledamage EH on the IED object passes it's location and the player who did it to a function. This function deleteVehicles the IED object (and the trigger that controls it's detonation), does an addscore and then I'd like it to tell the player who did it, and ONLY him, "You've successfully disrupted an IED. You got 5 points.!"

Perhaps there's a bog simple way of doing this and I've missed it? I looked at the MP framework stuff, but to be perfectly honest, I couldn't even get the simplest examples of it to work.

All help gratefully accepted.

MP framework is the thing to use:

[nil,Miles,"loc",rSIDECHAT,"Miles is local here, and only he will see this chat"] call RE;

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I tried that, got nothing.

[left][color=#333333][nil,_operator,"loc",rSIDECHAT,"Miles is local here, and only he will see this chat"] call RE;[/color][/left]

Would this work? _operator being passed to the function from _this select 3 of handledamage? Because I've tried this too.

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I tried that, got nothing.

[left][color=#333333][nil,_operator,"loc",rSIDECHAT,"Miles is local here, and only he will see this chat"] call RE;[/color][/left]

did you place functions module in editor?

also if much code, or early on in mission, to make sure MP framework is loaded use this before using it:

waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")};


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Hi to ALL,

I`m new to editing of any mission and I`ve tried game editor for co30 domination 2.60u and I`ve added AH64 and AHZ1 heli but:

1. On map view there is no white square with 2 triangles inside for added chopper (there are only for defaults helis )

2. I would like to have: If heli is destroyed there is heli wreck on the ground and it is possible to lift it and repair it in base ( no respawn for helis, only for lift chopper )

what does: vec reload (yes, no) mean ???



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hi, I know how to add vehicles and markers but I would like to have helis without respawn at base, if destroyed. It forces players to use wreck chopper and lift, transport wrecks. Anyone help ?

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hi, I know how to add vehicles and markers but I would like to have helis without respawn at base, if destroyed. It forces players to use wreck chopper and lift, transport wrecks. Anyone help ?

In my Domination ver 2.60za i did this (and the new abandoned veh marker Xeno added works as well ,,thanks Xeno)

in the editor add the veh and name them example (axvec1,axvec2,axvec3,axvec4) ect.

in the vehicle init add null = this execFSM "fsms\Wreckmarker.fsm";

//If you want to make the extra vehicles once wrecked liftable by the wreck helo then in i_common.sqf add an extra vehicle array and then add that array to the lift array:

// in i_common.sqf

GVAR(rip_vehicle_array) = ["AH6J_EP1","HMMWV_Avenger","HMMWV_Armored","LAV25"];

// these vehicles can be lifted by the wreck lift chopper (previous chopper 4), but only, if they are completely destroyed

GVAR(heli_wreck_lift_types) = GVAR(sm_bonus_vehicle_array) + GVAR(mt_bonus_vehicle_array) + GVAR(rip_vehicle_array);

//then in i_server.sqf

//make already added vehicles in editor when they got destroyed to show up on the map as wrecked vehicle, then you will be able to pick it up with wreck helo

GVAR(d_extra_vehicles) = [axvec1,axvec2,axvec3,axvec4];

I don't know who the the author is but it works .. thanks go to him,her.

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thx for help, I`ve managed to have vehicles, wreck markers on the map, etc. I`m able to lift wreck like ah64d, a10, abrams tusk. I`m not able to lift ah-1z wreck. It looks like all vehicles belonged to marines cannot be lifted. I`ve checked changing ah64d (USA) to ah64d (marines) and was ah64d marines wreck was not liftable. Anywa thx for saving my day. best regards, pawel

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Does anyone know how to add the [R3F] Artillery and advanced logistic script to a domination mission 2.6w. I can add the script fine to other missions but when I try to add it to the domination mission most of the domination mission elements like enemy units. city markers are all gone. Even the time of day is different and the intro cut scene is missing. Any input would be great. AVIBIRD

I just placed the [R3F] Artillery and advanced logistic script into two older versions of domination and all works well. XENO must have altered some codes/files in the new versions. Can a script like this work now (I don't see why not!) and how can I get it to run with the new versions of domination. Thanks AVIBIRD.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Sorry for my English...

Put the folder R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG, for example here on the root, and just placed

// init. sqf
// after line 12

GVAR(init_started) = true;

if (isServer) then {
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

It should also initialize the client

for example at the end of x_client.sqf or other initialization file of the client.

It is now a file on the root x_clientcustomcode.sqf

There is no hurry, we initialize the client after the intro, sleep 60;

[] spawn {
sleep 60;
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

I try to add it to the domination mission most of the domination mission elements like enemy units. city markers are all gone. Even the time of day is different and the intro cut scene is missing. Any input would be great. AVIBIRD

Your error seems like something missing }; in an initialization file such as in the init. sqf

end of a block not executed, a script executed poorly...

I have already had that, I had mistakenly deleted }; during a copy / paste into a file init

Edited by BeTeP

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Hi all,

I'am modifying a 2.60w for I44 (West AI and East AI).

Is I44 wounds effects or blood effect module can create trouble with revive?

Sometimes no respawn text available, no respawn markers anywhere, wash ashore can happen too.

Problems appeared with other players around.

(Blood effects module put blood on ground and wound effects change animations).



Edited by Titi

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The way the camo net spawns over the MHQ annoys me. Firstly, it faces to wrong way - the open part of the net is towards the rear of the MHQ - no problem, I've rotated it 180 degress.

But the way the camo net is dead level even when the MHQ looks odd.


I've seen setVectorDirAndUp, which might be the way to get the net more sympathetically created on the ground, but how can I get the vectordirand up of the mhq that the net is going to cover?

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I've seen setVectorDirAndUp, which might be the way to get the net more sympathetically created on the ground, but how can I get the vectordirand up of the mhq that the net is going to cover?

just a guess, using vectorUp and vectorDir

_camonet setVectorDirAndUp [(vectorDir _mhq),(vectorUp _mhq)];

if the results are not good, try switching the vectorUp _mhq and vectorDir _mhq around.

Edit: you probably need to set the direction again after the code.

Edited by Demonized

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Gday Guys

I am wanting to change the A10 and AH64 in the prototype side missions on an east Domi.

Is it as simple as just swapping unit name?


Where and what sqf do I look into to change?

I have looked for it but for the life of me can not find it.

Sorry if this has been asked b4 but i got 35 pages into this thread and as I am an old man, I thought I would ask b4 I die :P

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Yeah. OK, this is how it is in my older version.

The 3 side missions that are prototype steals are M2, M3 and M44. Look in the x_missions/moa directory for the files that control these missions. Look inside those files and you'll see the lines that control what vehicle is spawned. Then, it's is as simple, as you say, as swapping classnames.

One thing to be aware of, swapping a helo for a fixed wing might be a bit tricky as you might not be able to extract a fixed wing from a place where a rotorcraft used to be.

Hope this helps, :)


---------- Post added at 12:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ----------

Oh, and another thing... you might run into problems spawning vehicles that are enemy to your faction, you might not be allowed to get into it. Also, the enemy AI might shoot and destroy it. Your mileage may vary. :) Try it and see.

You should test by looking in the x_missionsetup file in x_missions and change the sm_array so that the ones you are testing spawn first. Then, in the same file change d_random_sm_array = true; to false so that the side mission order is no longer randomised. When you've tested them and happy they work, put it back to true again.

What I've done is use the PMC KA-60 and a civvy MI8 in mine.

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just a guess, using vectorUp and vectorDir

_camonet setVectorDirAndUp [(vectorDir _mhq),(vectorUp _mhq)];

if the results are not good, try switching the vectorUp _mhq and vectorDir _mhq around.

Edit: you probably need to set the direction again after the code.

Ah OK. I was expecting a 'set' command to have a 'get' twin. :) But neither of these commands can get the mhq pitch?

Edited by Tankbuster

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Can someone break this Dom_maker for me down so I actually get it!

from what I understand the idea is that you only have to change the template and then run the dom maker so it creates different versions depending on which one you want!

For instance I want to add the Paladin Artillery and the ACE EASA module into domination where do I apply the the changes, and then how do I create it into an mission??

guessing in co30 Domination.takistan

1: do I have to put the FSMcompiler in the dom maker folder????

2: I tried to run dom_maker.bat but it gives me this message: No sqm or config detected pbo????

now what

Edited by BelgarionNL

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Sorry for my English...

Put the folder R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG, for example here on the root, and just placed

// init. sqf
// after line 12

GVAR(init_started) = true;

if (isServer) then {
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

It should also initialize the client

for example at the end of x_client.sqf or other initialization file of the client.

It is now a file on the root x_clientcustomcode.sqf

There is no hurry, we initialize the client after the intro, sleep 60;

[] spawn {
sleep 60;
execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf";

Your error seems like something missing }; in an initialization file such as in the init. sqf

end of a block not executed, a script executed poorly...

I have already had that, I had mistakenly deleted }; during a copy / paste into a file init

Thanks BeTep got it to work with your help! Yes Xeon did change some of the code in the new version and if you follow the direction that came with the script it will not run.

This is how his new code looks now at line 12:

GVAR(init_started) = true;

if (!isDedicated) then {

onPreloadFinished {GVAR(preloaddone) = true; onPreloadFinished {}};

And this is what it should look like to work now:

GVAR(init_started) = true;

if (!isDedicated) then {

onPreloadFinished {GVAR(preloaddone) = true; execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; onPreloadFinished {}};


Thanks for the help just want to pass down the infor for others.

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just a guess, using vectorUp and vectorDir

_camonet setVectorDirAndUp [(vectorDir _mhq),(vectorUp _mhq)];

if the results are not good, try switching the vectorUp _mhq and vectorDir _mhq around.

Edit: you probably need to set the direction again after the code.

OK, ignore my previous post. You were right, setVectorDirAndUp does work, the camo net spawns level with the terrain which is excellent, but if I do a setDir after it, the camonet goes dead flat again. :( I also tried doing the setDir first, but it was ignored, presumably overwritten by the setVectorDirAndUp.

So I can have the camonet facing the right way (open end toward the front of the mhq) or same lean as the ground underneath it, but not both!

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you shouldnt need to do setDir, it is already intrinsic of:

_camonet setVectorDirAndUp [[b](vectorDir _mhq)[/b],(vectorUp _mhq)];

(vectorDir _mhq) for example can be -1*(vectorDir _mhq) which would make it point the other way.

if you need it to be turned some other way, just plug it into that part.

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you shouldnt need to do setDir, it is already intrinsic of:

_camonet setVectorDirAndUp [[b](vectorDir _mhq)[/b],(vectorUp _mhq)];

(vectorDir _mhq) for example can be -1*(vectorDir _mhq) which would make it point the other way.

if you need it to be turned some other way, just plug it into that part.

VectorDir is an array, so you can't just multiply it by -1 to turn it around.

---------- Post added at 00:37 ---------- Previous post was at 00:27 ----------

I know how I'm going to do this though. :)

I'm going to create an invisible helipad atthe same location and direction as the mhq, then spin the helipad 180 degrees, then use that to get the vector and dir for the camo net.

---------- Post added at 01:16 ---------- Previous post was at 00:37 ----------


_spunmarker = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", position _mhq, [], 0, "NONE"];
_spunmarker setDir ((direction _mhq) -180);
_camo = createVehicle [_camotype, position _mhq, [], 0, "NONE"];
_camo setPos position _mhq;
_camo setVectorDirAndUp [(vectorDir _spunmarker),(vectorUp _mhq)];

Yey! :D

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PLZ HELP with this: I am currently porting the last version over to duala but what do I do with those d_sm_XX sidemission markers? do I have to use them all????

also I don't have enough towns to place all those main objective markers on! can I just delete the rest?

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