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What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?

    • The weapon sounds!
    • The vehicle sounds!
    • Environmental sounds!
    • Explosions, Soniccracks, Bullethits, the sound of danger!
    • The script features like the "distance sounds"!
    • Everything combined! The whole Mod itself is important.

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Wasn't there supposed to be a public beta for 1.5?

I decided to make a public beta with JSRS 1.5. Its about time to let JSRS show you guys whats in it and you are able to show me, what I missed, what needs to be fixed and what else we shall work on. As soon as I can get a chance to get JSRS to run mostly without errors (CBA requirement/script is not working here and there) I will upload the whole stuff and provide it for download.

Maybe i missed something, but since i have played A2CO with JSRS for years now, I'd appreciate such a step.

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Wasn't there supposed to be a public beta for 1.5?

Maybe i missed something...

Yes, seems like you did! "As soon as I can get a chance to get JSRS to run mostly without errors I will upload the whole stuff and provide it for download."

So? That is what did not happened so far.

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Thanks to Tonci I finally could sign the mod. Will do some small things and we will start the closed beta. I'm not sure how long it will take to go public but the beta tests will show how good the actually version is. Maybe we can skip the public beta part and go right to the final ;)


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Can't wait :D Out of curiosity, have you changed the sound of the Russian UAV? I reminded myself of how annoying it sounds when I made an addon out of it :p

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Can't wait :D Out of curiosity, have you changed the sound of the Russian UAV? I reminded myself of how annoying it sounds when I made an addon out of it :p

What russian UAV do you mean? Does it have a specific technical name? Would be cool if I can catch this up before uploading ;)


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Closed Beta has started

never heard any distance fight (luckely) but this click clacks, do sound weird. Don't like em.

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never heard any distance fight (luckely) but this click clacks, do sound weird. Don't like em.

Script is tested for functionality, not for quality. Those far away sounds were just placeholders...


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Script is tested for functionality, not for quality. Those far away sounds were just placeholders...


i see, thx for explaining. :)

btw. just curious, will we be able to hear, someone is shooting inside the building, when we are outside? Or does it work, if your'e inside the building? Actually it could change multiplayer experience quite a bit, since now ull able to hear, where's the enemy shhoting from.

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i see, thx for explaining. :)

btw. just curious, will we be able to hear, someone is shooting inside the building, when we are outside? Or does it work, if your'e inside the building? Actually it could change multiplayer experience quite a bit, since now ull able to hear, where's the enemy shhoting from.

Yes we can hear it within 120 meters around shooter positions.

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Please also remember, this is why we are having a private beta right now and that this is LJ's mod and his personal take on sounds. This thread is not about pleasing every single person here, so please refrain from splatheing (did i make up a word? :p ) with endless videos of samples to keep LJ constantly changing the same sounds. Especially since most of the videos posted are already located on a rather loooooooong list of reference videos already. If you do not like a particular sound or sounds, then:

1. State a polite and legitimate reason why you do not like something (i.e. have heard such sounds in real life combat and can actually help LJ improve them further). Complaints due to personal tastes will promptly be directed where they belong--in the nearest trash bin. We've stated constantly over and over that it is virtually impossible to successfully suit every single personal preference every single person playing ArmA may or may not have. Thus--Deal with it. Only legitimate complaints/bug reports/etc will be heard and addressed by the JSRS Team. Remember: LJ is doing JSRS primarily for him, and not for the community. The community just gets it to enjoy for free when LJ think's its ready. Begging, bitching, moaning (unless of the female variety), and everything in-between is none of our concern unless legitimate reasons and not due to conflicts of personal tastes, or simply due to the the poster suffering from "that time of the month" and just wants to be annoying for the sake of being annoying as if LJ's sole purpose in life is to break himself pleasing us all. No likey? Then see #2:

2. Use another sound modification. There are plenty out and you can mix/match them and still work with the core SFX scripts...or at least they should. Or even better....

3. Head over to Afghanistan with an expensive sound recording system, jump into the closest firefight you can locate (or start one...just insult someone's donkey. I'm sure that'll get them shooting) and record the whole firefight at various distances and send all samples to LJ for an update to the JSRS sound suite. This is probably the most helpful and most preferred method out of all 3, we believe.

NOTE: This is not aimed at any particular individual(s), but a general guide as we are now in a private beta phase where videos will be released to show the community what to expect once public beta is ready for launch. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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i will show you another new feature of the upcoming JSRS 1.5 soundmod.

Now some rockets self will play an 3D Sound if they get fired from a source and fly near to your or above your head.

You can hear these sounds only if the bullet/rocket passed close enough to you. The sound is played in three dimensions, so you become a great "wooooshhh" effect if a rocket is fly over your head at the battlefield.



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Script is tested for functionality, not for quality. Those far away sounds were just placeholders...


it's intriguing :p

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Some of the reworked distance sounds. Also its always the same battle but in different distances...

Actually listen to the bradley in it (marked) which will come constituently closer to the player..



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the rolling thunder effect from the far tank battle sounds like the good old dynamic range soundmod from satchel........yessssssss!!!

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Here's a rather intense video showing an infantry firefight in COOP against AI opponents. The various distant gun sounds can be heard all over the place, as well as FPS gun sounds and new rocket trail sounds from the many RPGs.

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