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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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Nope, because PR isnt mainstream, most bf2/cod/moh/DR/RR players will never touch pr longer than for a try...

I saw that over years of playing PR (10th comm).

There are only 2 options you like it or hate it, and the most casual fps players will hate it...

How long you play pr? 2-3 days? startet with 091?

Dont talk bullshit. I play pr since 0.3, and i know that pr is only for real fans of the genre. You will never become the crowd playing such games because they are to complex. Its like the Arma "problem" to become new players...

They planed to release pr2 as indie game over a platform with period costs. But pr2 is years ahead.

This week 095 is comming and in some time Arma pr will follow.

You saying if they didn't release their own game they wouldn't make money? Of course they would, just nowhere near as much as you though I implied. But, for a mod team. They could do quite well.

( im talking as if PR2 doesn't exist, altough, it really doesn't. Since all we so far know is that its got a webpage with a info box and the name "PR2" )

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But, for a mod team. They could do quite well.

Hell I think they could sell PR2 more than Arma2, as the game would most likely be a more solid design, less-bugged, more mainstream and more accessible.

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... more mainstream and more accessible.

Kill it with fire!

Those words mean nothing but bad in the gaming industry. I don't know if you're using them in the same context as, say, for the sake or remaining on-topic, Codemasters, but they still bring a lot of bad things with them every time they are mentioned...

I could see PR2 selling more than Arma 2 because PR started off as a mod for BF2, which is a trillion times more popular than Arma 2 is. Therefore many more people know about it than they know about Arma 2.

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Kill it with fire!

Those words mean nothing but bad in the gaming industry....

Amen to that.

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Kill it with fire!

Those words mean nothing but bad in the gaming industry. I don't know if you're using them in the same context as, say, for the sake or remaining on-topic, Codemasters, but they still bring a lot of bad things with them every time they are mentioned...

I could see PR2 selling more than Arma 2 because PR started off as a mod for BF2, which is a trillion times more popular than Arma 2 is. Therefore many more people know about it than they know about Arma 2.

Actually I was thinking more about The Great Satan of Gaming Industry itself: :butbut:

Valve Software!


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if a PR standalone game could do every thing that arma 2 could do and more with out the bugs, then that would be amazing. like the second coming of jesus :p

...wait... isnt the the FPDR thread?

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I guess its not much to say or discuss about RR (or DR). Had a look at CM forum and even their discussions derail quite often to PR and arma2.

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Yep 9/10 of the discussions end up talking about ArmA, PR or how theres this or that missing from RR like the ME.

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You saying if they didn't release their own game they wouldn't make money? Of course they would, just nowhere near as much as you though I implied. But, for a mod team. They could do quite well.

( im talking as if PR2 doesn't exist, altough, it really doesn't. Since all we so far know is that its got a webpage with a info box and the name "PR2" )

You missed the point.

They are on pr2 and it will take some time...

They had a big payment thread and there they said they will release this game as indie game with an indie engine. And it will have a low amount cost periodly, because the game gets developed after release. (no fact but mentioned in their forum a while ago)

And I said that the whole mainstream mass wouldnt play that game because its too boring for them. So its a niche game with near same problems as arma to reach the customers.

They have no public relations capabilities there so there will not sooo much info going around like in other games (see dr, absolut shitty game but big PR part), so only the current BF2 PR players will maybe buy it, AND maybe some Arma guys after arma pr release.

Thats all they have to promote their game, the mods they make...

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So, A well known guy @ CM forums who works hard to keep missions going. (niknked) made a petition, and got banned.

22 signitures on his petition already.

Its just stupid how CM have done this. Well, I guess they will see how bad they're handling it by release.

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I don't get why you bother with those people, Ben. It's such a waste of your time.

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People like Nikned and the actual community are great guys, Im talking with Nikned right now via Xfire.

Its the game and the way CM handle the community that is shocking. I stay there, because everyone there is freindly, nice and I've got to know them.

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I stay there, because everyone there is freindly, nice and I've got to know them.

Apart from the people in power, i.e. the moderators.

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I'm not sure why people are so fond of petitions. I mean, has any petition about a desired addition/change to any of BIS's games actually worked?

I can't remember any petition ever has gotten the desired effect (good arguments for feasible features will always win over pseudo group-pressure), and BIS actually cares about their customers. Now try that with a company that couldn't care less. A pure waste of time.

This petitions is not going to work, because it is signed by a tiny amount of the total number of sales that CM is aiming for. If they don't implement a mission editor, what is going to be the consequence for CM? None of those people buying the game? (we all know at least 3/4 will buy it anyway)

CM isn't aiming for that/your small group, they aim for the people that casually pick up a game for the weekend (expiration date: next weekend), based on the BS that is on the box, or a bought-for review on some "game review"-website (an advertisement pyramid game in which everyone but CM loses that is). Unless he/they can find a way to cut their sales by 1/3 unless they comply, he/they are just wasting time that could be spent on a developer, game and community that actually is worth putting time into, ArmA2.

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Indeed, I rarely sign online petitions as they mostly end up doing nothing. I won't sign this one for the same reason, but also because I can't think of any good coming out of Red River being successful due to the direction they're taking it while keeping the OFP name.

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Online petitions almost never work. Out of the thousands that get posted, and the hundreds of thousands of signitures. Only 1 or 2 get their wish.

But, I still signed it. Even if its just for support for nikned, who has worked hard to improve DR's community. Though, Im sure it wont work.

The only game im remotly intrested in for the future is DCS: A-10c

Which will keep me occupied for some time... learning how to turn the damn thing on. :D

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Who cares if it goes nowhere. At least Nikned went down swinging.

lol, its only a 3 day ban. But he's pretty ***** about it.

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lol, its only a 3 day ban. But he's pretty ***** about it.

Codies really respect their community don't they heheh

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Pfff...what community ?

Good point, my bad.

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It's a community in the same sense that YouTube Call of Duty commentators are a community.

Reading over there for the first time in a while, there are some interesting posts I've come across. Namely this and this.

The first lulz-worthy, with CM claiming these things to be engine limitations whereas they're actually just console limitations, further indicating how little they care about their PC community given the same limitations were present in DR's port. The second is just... interesting. ;)

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I was talking about the disapearing bodies and tether and stuff like that. Alot of things are engine limitations, but in the ME you can disable the tether by making the players invincible and go walking about the island. So, Thats not really a "limitation" for a PC is it?

As for the templar comments, I think he's too optimistic about what this game is going to become / what it will be.

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