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About EO

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    Second Lieutenant

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  1.  EO

    HDR 2020

    Beautiful. 📸
  2.  EO

    [SP] S I R E N S

    UPDATE: Added a black and white version of SIRENS as this was my original vision of the scenario. Happy Halloween! Steam Workshop.
  3.  EO

    [SP] German Paratrooper

    I get it, but if you go as far as publishing a mission and only one person subscribes and gets a kick out of it then that's the bonus right there, It's a shame bro' your missions are fun to play and are always immersive. Personally I make all my content, first and foremost, for myself and if I share then it's in the lap of the gods, take the good with the bad and move on with life but leave your legacy behind you.
  4.  EO


    @Vald77r Again, I thought Vehicle Damages just handled the visual appearance of hand placed vehicles and in this regard still works as intended, ON for rusty textures, OFF for vanilla textures. It's my understanding the Vehicles Intact Ratio percentage handled the mechanical integrity of both hand placed and spawned vehicles.
  5.  EO


    Vehicle Damages ON/OFF works fine and as intended for me, from my understanding this feature is for existing vehicles, meaning hand placed vehicles and doesn't cover vehicles/wrecks spawned by the module. No?
  6. Super cool stuff JB, nice to see you wrangling with A3's crazy AI again.
  7.  EO


    Maybe a small adjustment to your playstyle would help, ease off on the dumpster diving and maybe scavenge from roaming AI instead, the rewards after the battle taste much sweeter. Joking aside, I think it's important to understand what's going on behind the scenes in any Ravage scenario, there are limitations, especially with performance, which is why I gently suggested a tweak to your playstyle, it might help in the long run.
  8.  EO


    Great concise and sensible advice from @Gunter Severloh, as usual, what a legend this guy is. I think the problem may be that your playing a series of missions (Outbreak) that were last updated nearly five years ago, and more importantly, all of which are running versions of Ravage that are outdated by quite a significant margin. I'd imagine that a lot of the non Ravage scripts (and mods) required for these missions could be running outdated code too, superseded by all the major platform updates Arma 3 has received.
  9. Maybe I should have been clearer, I meant is there a particular building you need the coordinates for, or is it any/all Arma 3 structures. If it's for structures used on Altis/Stratis, this might help.... These are the door handle positions (or as near as possible) taken from the Automated Doors scripts by Heeeere's Johnny!
  10. Missions (my own) are loading and playing just fine on latest Dev Branch.
  11.  EO


    Without knowing anything other than a vague description it's hard to give advice, a little more context would help..... What are your main module settings?....Have you enabled ambient furniture? (I heard of some folks experiencing issues with this settings over prolonged game sessions in the past).....Are you using any external scripting over and above Ravage/CBA? Have you tried using haleks excellent M3MORY mod?